Ryan's Adventures Chapter 3- Moonlight the Umbreon Ryan walked to the castle's library and searched around from the books untill he saw one entitled "legendary treasures" Ryan thought to himself that if Ginger wont be there with him for a while he might as well get something to do. The brown riolu put the book down on a table and started flipping through pages boredly, as he did however he saw a trasure that had gotten him interested, a strange but powerful katana that could channel flames through its blade. Ryan was interested in this one for some reason, he read more about the treasure and found out it was being guarded by a moltres, Ryan shrugged "makes sense i guess" he said as he put away the book back in its place and went back to his room to pack up some supplies for the journey. Carrying a small backpack he headed for the east where the treasure Ryan was seeking was being guarded, taking one of the forest paths around the castle. Ryan walked for hours until the sun started to set, breaking off some small branches from trees and putting stones around the branches Ryan light up the branches with a flamethrower attack he held the bone he had used to fight with before tightly ready to defend himself for any attackers. He yawned and eventually drifted off to sleep. When he awoke he put out the flames with a weak blizzard attack, if Ryan had been a normal riolu, flamethrower and blizzard would be imposible for him to learn but being part cubone and the fact that his master a marowak named Victor had taught him these moves to better protect himself. Grabbing his backpack he headed off once again, after a few minutes of walking he found a little cottage in some large fields, but nearby he saw someone collapsed near the small wooden building, immediately rushing to the injured pokemon upon closer inspection he identified the pokemon to be an umbreon, Ryan grunted and carried the injured umbreon inside the home and layed it down on the bed and then one of his paws glowed with a bright yellow aura and he hovered said paw over the umbreon's injuries and the wounds dissapear afterward, after some time all the injuries from the umbreon are gone and eventually the umbreon wakes up and quickly backs into the corner at the sight of Ryan surprising her "w-what are you doing in my house i already gave the others all my stuff" Ryan looked at her "I am Ryan and i mean you no harm, but for who took your stuff is a different story who were the ones who took them" the umbreon nodded "a bunch of bullying machop, t-they forced me to give them all my food and when i was starving too so i couldnt defend myself very well so they beat me up and stole my food and they said they'd be back to do it again if i dont give them more" Ryan frowned at this and gave her half of all the food he had packed for his trip and ave it to her "here you can have my food, eat up and i'll handle those machop for you, by the way what is your name" "Moonlight" Ryan nodded as she began to eat the food. Surely enough 4 machop arrived a couple of hours after. One of them banged on the door "come on girly give us the food and we wont hurt you" "its a shame to see fighting types acting like thugs" Ryan said as he stood behind them with his arms crossed and an angered look on his face as the group of machop turned around to face him they started shaking in fear as they saw Ryan "y-your the team rocket pokemon that went rouge" "come on guys lets get outta here only the boss will be able to beat this guy" and with that the machop fled. Moonlight came out of her house and looked at Ryan " so it is true, one of the pokemon team rocket made turned against them and that pokemon is you" Ryan nodded "yes but its not safe for you if i left now, i think i'll stay here and wait for their so called "boss" to get here and teach him a lesson for him and his gang not to pick on pokemon that dont stand a chance against them" Moonlight smiled at this "thank you so much Ryan, maybe they'll finally stop harrasing me for my food if you do" Ryan nodded" i'll make sure of that" Moonlight gulped at this but tried to make sure he didnt see it "they'll be back soon though so better get ready" Moonlight said worriedly "dont worry i wont let them get past me" Ryan said as he jumped onto the roof and looked around carefully. Soon the sun was near setting as the 4 machop return with a large and powerful looking machamp, seeing this Ryan jumped down from the roof of Moonlight's house "so this is the pipsqueak that had you guys running scared" the machamp smirked as he looked down at Ryan who was plainly stannding there "alright boss we'll take him on" as one of the machop said they all rushed Ryan but found themselves easily beaten. Ryan knocked out one of them with a blow to the head with his bone, the second was sent flying with a force palm the third one getting hit at a close range with a powerful fire blast and the last one getting hit in the face with an aura sphere slammed into his face from Ryan's paw. "come on you coward grow a pair and stop using your lackeys to fight me and fight me yourself if you think your so tough" machamp was enraged by Ryan's comment and charged at him attacking him with his 4 arms but to his disadvantage Ryan was faster and any attack he didnt dodge he blocked with his bone which easily whithstanded the hits eventually tiring out the machamp, taking this opportunity Ryan jumped up and slammed an aura sphere right in his face causing the machamp to stumble back but making him more angry and grabbed Ryan by the neck, squeezing his throat hard "heh not so tough now are ya? you lousy brat!" using the rest of hit arms he started pummeling Ryan's belly with hard punches but in a flash of yellow light that hits him in the face the machamp stumbles back and let go of the riolu who was trying to catch his breath as he got up, as he looked behind him he saw that it was Moonlight who had just saved him and Ryan gave a smile and nodded at her then turned back to the machamp "i will not let you pick on others just cause you want to and i'll show you why" Ryan said growling in anger as he glowed with a dark aura. Machamp tried to land another punch on him but Ryan grabbed his hand stopping the punch comepletely and then gripping tightly he swung machamp around and threw him into the forest launching an aura sphere at him hitting him and knocking him out at last, but this cause Ryan to pass out from pushing himself too far. Moonlight gasped as she saw the one who stopped her tormentors collapse and worried about him she carried him into her house and layed him into bed nursing Ryan's wounds. To be continued....