~E-pox~ ~Chaper One: Awakening~ Black, the only thing i see. Am I... Have i died? It seems right... I can't seem to feel my toes... or my fingers.... or my breathing.... or anything else at all, for that matter. I can't remember anything... at all... My name, age, who i look like. I must have really kicked the bucket.... a noise has started from the maddening silence, a distinct high pitched ringing.... It's annoying, but hearing something after that silence assures me that I might not actually be dead.... The ringing grows louder, until its deafening, unbearable. My entire body feels like its spinning and then falls asleep. Wait, Body? That confirms further that I must not be dead! Yet, anyway.... A lone memory floats through my sub-consciousness. I remember... a loud rumble, like an explosion, and then nothing.... as if my memory was the blackness. A soft light begins peering through the shadow of spots and static that had formed while I was inspecting the memory. The light intensifies, more and more as the world finally comes into my view as a conscious vision. It's incredibly bright, and more of a blur than anything, but i'm just overwhelmed with the joy that came with the information that I'm not dead! Blinking a few times and the world comes clearer and clearer and my body begins to wake up more and more. When my sight clears i finally come to the wonderful sight of...... a bookcase, only inches away from my face, toppled over, being held up by a cracked wall. A trip to death and the first thing i see is books, just great. Although, I'm happy just being able to see. The ringing that i seem to have ignored for a few seconds, has dropped in its intensity and i regain a little bit of feeling in my body. It feels like my entire body feels swollen, a few more seconds and a pain in my left hip calls my attention. A couple more, my right shin sends its pain up, uh ohh... I might have been better off dead... I fear what my body really has in store for me as the last of the pins-and-needles feeling fades away, followed by the ringing. Now i hear almost silence, aside from soft rumbling elsewhere, very similar to the one in my memory, but less defined, like its much farther away. Making a decision to figure out where exactly i am other than under a bookcase. Pressing my palms against the bookcase, i give a heave, braced by the floor. The wood gives way, and a ray of sunshine hits my face... Wait, I'm not outside.... i think... i'm under a book case getting carpet burn, nothing about that seems like i should be getting sunlight. This thought boggles my as my eyes adjust to the sunlight. Pushing my head through the splintered wood, i catch sight of a sight i would have never expected in my life. Everything in the room is slammed up against the wall, bloody remains litter the floor, and many things are charred. Maybe that's why i was so easily able to push through the wood, with its girth and books. but how did i survive, and everyone else did not? maybe they're in the same place i was, but longer, because the bookcase wasn't there... My stomach knots as i contemplate their fate, and a tear drips down my face. Pulling myself out through the little hole i made, i was able to see everything much clearer. However, there really wasn't much to see that i had not saw already. Pulling my injured leg through the hole i was able to see what was hurting so badly, a shard of glass pierced through the side of my shin, nearly caught on the splinters and tore my leg more than what it already was. That moment i felt real pain set in, it felt like a thousand bee stings getting into my cut at once, which made me shout out in agony. I realized there was not much to do soon after. It was going to have to come out, or it would take me out. Hesitantly i reached for it, hand shaking, grabbing a firm hold of it, i let out a stark whimper as the pain had shot through my leg again. My wrist yanked it out, causing blood to flow out and air to touch it, only causing more pain. I threw the shard at the ground and reached for a mostly uncharred body, ripped a strip of cloth off of it and wrapped it around my slice, hoping to stop the blood. F-F-fuck.... that made the pain about six times worse, but it will be worth it, when i don't share the same fate as these corpses. I need pain pills, and probably some antibiotics, do it does not get infected. Standing up completely, with all my weight on my left leg, I feel something shift in my pocket, reaching in, i pull out a light-tan leather wallet. containing a few dollars and a drivers licence, which had a photograph of a small, girlishly built fox with greyish hair covering one eye. Wait. hair over one eye... I blinked and realized that i share the hair styling with the little fox. slowly connecting two and two, i figured out the fox was me, looking down to the text, the name section read: * LN: UNSUR * * FN: TAMEL * * MI: L Well... At least i have my identity figured out.... that's probably the best thing to happen today. Looking around the room i pick up a few pieces of the wood that was the least charred, to use as a crutch, so i don't have to stand on my wound at all, leaning on it, it seems to work, and i make my way out of the building, if you can even call it that at this point. I made my way down a darkened hall that seemed mostly in tact. I found a door with a sign above it, "EXIT" it read in bold red lettering. Putting my paws on the handles i gave a soft push, and the door swung open with my push. Revealing a landscape resembling that little room with the bodies: everything thrown in the same direction, and burn marks everywhere, some fires burned, giving off dark smoke that filled the sky above, how the sun was shining at all was a mystery, but it was, and still fairly bright. Taking a few more hobbles, i see just how alone i might be.... then a sharp pain through my side, but not like the one in my shin. Opening my eyes, i realized just what had injured me this time, three stairs that i had missed, glared at me, mocking at me for being so absent minded.... good thing i'm not going to ever see them again. Footsteps echo across wherever i am, they sound healthier than i am, more nimble, more fit, and not crippled. Looking up i see the dirty face of a wolf, with an athletic form, and a tight hoodie that highlighted his form, "Just learning how to walk?" he chuckled, in a slightly raspy voice that made my face flush in frustration.... ~Chapter Close~