It’s quite funny the way people ignore the paranormal. They seem to shake it off with their rational mind as an animal or something. However, some paranormal existences see this as a challenge. Paranormal entities feed off attention from living people, sometimes even energy from living beings. The automatic response of those affected by paranormal activity is to try deal with it themselves. This can sometimes have an adverse effect on those involved, sometimes even making their “problems” worse. It is observed that some of the better ways to deal with such entities is to research clues that may be found in the place of the haunting. It is then that any action may be taken. Actions to rid a place of an entity usually incorporate an exorcism or an attempt at communicating with the entity. Both methods can be quite dangerous if done incorrectly. For example, if an exorcism goes wrong there’s a risk of possession, if not already, or even as bad as death. It has been noted that there are usually communication problems with ‘negative’ entities. Only real psychics should attempt to communicate with the entity, just as priests are the best for a proper exorcism. As with exorcisms, communication – especially if done with a Ouija Board – is risky. If done incorrectly there is a risk angering of the entity or even opening the door to more or worse entities. Many people deny the existence of negative entities such as poltergeist. Denial of such entities can be damaging to both humans and animals alike. Although many exorcisms and communications have resulted in a decrease in paranormal activity, is it possible that many entities can be psychologically installed? Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’ is an example of this. As opposed to many plays in Elizabethan times, especially in states under a church, this play was very supernaturally inclined. There were witches, ghosts and prophecies. One of the more famous scenes in ‘Macbeth’ was after the murder of Banquo. Macbeth was making a speech at one of his feasts when he suddenly saw the ghost of Banquo. However, Macbeth was the only one able to see this apparition. This may show that Macbeth was overridden with guilt and not experiencing a ghost, thus disproving the supernatural is much more than psychologically installed. Shakespeare would seem to have taken the rational side to the paranormal argument – believing paranoia and guilt causes hullocinations of what seems to be a paranormal entity. Does this mean psychics and religious spirituality is heinous? Psychics, especially those claiming to communicate with the spirit world, have been hated for many centuries. The existence of the paranormal is something that someone should experience before denying or embraseing its existence. This is not to say that people should go to the local “haunted house” and spend the night with a flashlight and video camera. People should walk around this world with a mind open to paranoramal and rational instinaces, not falling to one side or the other.