-3/15/2013- Jordan got out of the car and walked up the sidewalk. She shouted back to her dad an "I love you, too" as he left, more out of practice than affection, but her sincerity was still there. The cheetah hybrid gave a yawn as the sun lazily started making it's way over the horizon. It was about 6:20 she guessed, and the school was practically deserted. She used to have her sister to keep her company, before she ran off to high school, but now Ross could drive her there closer to 7:00, which allowed her to sleep later. This was fine by Jordan, as she always liked to wake up early and her sister liked to sleep in. Still, she was tempted to ask Ross to drop her off on her way to Chimera for the extra company. However, she did have some ulterior motives for coming in early. Jordan sat down at her usual seat right outside the dark halls of the school. She marveled at the unusual darkness of the corridors. In a few minutes the rest of the school's lights would come on automatically, but in the meantime the eerieness of it gave a unique sense of displacement. Utterly alone, the she passed the time by finishing last night's homework, or rather as much as she felt like doing. It's not like Jordan was busy last night; she had spent her time humming on the harmonica and watching videos on YouTube with her sister. She just didn't feel like doing more than however much her parents thought she had. And only now she realized that her Science teacher had given her some really long definitions to fill out. “Ugh... Man, I hate Vocab." She muttered to herself as she fished out her Science book. She had already read the chapter, she knew the terms, she just hated how the teacher still made everyone fill them out after they were done with the chapter. The rest of the school's lights came on shortly after she finished. “6:45,” she thought to herself. After filling out two pages word for word, she really didn't want to start on her English. She checked her agenda; that's the last assignment. Only one late homework assignment? That was pretty good for this week. With what she needed done done, she flipped open her her notebook to a page with notes drawn on handmade music scale. Various short tunes were scribbled along the sides, along with some notes on the musical scale. She hummed along as she filled new notes in on the scale in pencil, replaying the entire song in her head for every note, then erasing it if she wasn't satisfied. The song was nothing more then a quick tune for the Recorder, but she still she became absorbed in her work like it was a ten page essay. She didn't notice the person who rested his arm on the bench until he gave a soft exhale through his muzzle. She looked up suddenly so see his green sport coat, the buttons replaced with darker ones that had a slight reddish hue to make them stand out a little more. "Lucas!" Jordan grinned at her friend. Lucas smiled back, walked around her and sat on the bench beside her. "Mornin'. Do anything last night?" The white canine said. His ears, his hair, the top of his muzzle, and some of the fur on his back and tail were a dirty grey from his dad, but the rest of him looked like a blinding white Samoyed, with a more wolf-like snout. "Not really." Jordan replied. "How about you? Did you and Taybra do anything? "Yeah. We went to the park for a while after school." "Oooh?" Jordan teased. "Did Smiley get anywhere last night?" "No, nothing like that." Lucas chuckled. "Her sister came and picked her up before the sun even started going down. Plus, all of her friends were there and she is kinda shy about Public Displays. But..." Lucas trailed. "...I might of gotten some tongue behind the shack." "You naughty dog!" Jordan smiled back, giving him a playful push as he laughed. "It was over pretty quick though. I think she's still worried what her friends think of us." "Weird. Like, who does that, you know?" "Yeah..." Lucas sighed, resting his head on his hands against the wall. "But not everyone can be as laid back as you, Jordan. Some people get worried about stuff like that." "But, why even care? It's not like they control who you are. If you want to kiss someone in public that should be something you shouldn't regret. It doesn't matter what people think." "Yeah, but some people don't always keep their thoughts to themselves, you know? " "Yeah... that's a bummer." Jordan said towards her music. "So what else did you do last night?" Jordan asked. Lucas thought for a bit. "Nothing special really. Just my homework and some T.V. with my Brother. Oh! Do you have notes for Math?" He asked. "Got you covered, Smiley," Jordan joked. She pulled out her math binder and was rewarded with one of Lucas's big warm smiles she was hoping for. "Thanks, Bro!" He spoke more into his own binder then to her as he quickly scribbled the formulas. "No problem, man. Hey, you know what would be awesome? Did you finish the English homework? " Lucas stopped and Grimmised. "Yeah... but you know how he is about copying right?" "Yeah, but I got English before you. It's obviously your work, and if he gives back the homework like he normally does then I'll throw mine away after and he'll have no way to compare the two." She responded. "Alright, Jordan. It's in my bag." They sat quietly for a while, and the common area started getting louder as more kids filed in. They finished and Jordan sat back and stared off into space as Lucas unscrewed the back of an old pocket watch. Lucas was like that; he loved digging through his grandpa's old stuff and pawn shops for old or broken trinkets, making them work like new. His whole wardrobe was all hand-me-downs and thrift shop finds. It's not like he couldn't afford new stuff, he just liked the look of aged merchandise. He had ruined his perfectly good uniform with small improvements. His zipper was different on his pants; easier to zip but off-color, as well as the teeth being smaller. The pocket inside his sports coat had Velcro instead of a button. Jordan was shocked that he hadn't been caught and reprimanded for uniform, but the changes were so small and tedious that no faculty member had cared yet. Jordan though he was really clever for making his uniform unique, and kinda wanted to do something to hers, but decided her blouse really didn't warrant any change. Lucas caught her staring. "What's up?" "I still like how you changed up your jacket. Remember when Thompson tried to pass off your jacket as his cause he burnt his?" Smiley frowned. "Gawd do I. He was smoking in the boys locker room! He dropped it on his jacket when coach came in." Jordan giggled. "And then he switched his with yours." Lucas threw up his hands "And then he switched it with mine! Hung it up and everything. I saw the cigarette burn on the sleeve and said, 'this is not my jacket'. Came out, showed the teacher, lined everyone up and asked who had mine-" "And everyone said that was yours." Jordan finished. She had heard this story a couple times, Lucas had told it just as many. She still liked hearing it. "So I walk down the line, look him straight in the eyes, and asked him, 'what color is the button in your jacket?' He says 'it's black, get off my case!' And to which I replied:" "Cause it looks like you have velcro in there!" Jordan laughed out loud, not being able to contain herself. "Oh Coach was livid! He got him for smoking, he got him for theft, and most of all he got him for being out of uniform. Man, does he light people up for that. Not me though, he just asked me if I had a 'normal' uniform and to go get it out of my locker. I miss that jacket, it was one of the good hand stitched ones." "Yeah..." Jordan said simply. They sat there for a couple more moments enjoying the good joke between them. Before Jordan could speak again, someone shouted behind her: "Lucas!!!" They turned, but it was clear who it was; Taybra Lorington. Taybra ran up to where they were sitting, standing uncomfortably close. Lucas greeted her, "Hey Tay, sleep well last night?" Taybra replied sweetly. "Very well, since I was thinking about you, Lucas!" Jordan hoped she didn't catch her wince at that remark. Taybra was a nice girl, but Jordan never really like how sickeningly sweet she could be, so superficial. Lucas put on a smile. "That's good. I'm glad." Jordan didn’t really have a problem with Taybra, she wasn’t a bad girl she was just more socially deceitful. That wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, but Jordan wished she would come out and say what she wanted to say sometimes. “Lucas! Let’s go get some breakfast, ok?” Taybra continued. Lucas made a glance at Jordan. “Want to come with?” Jordan sighed, “Nah, that’s alright. I already ate. See you in third period, Lucas! Bye, Tay.” “Alright! Bye, Jorn’! Come on, Lucas, I heard they got strawberry muffins!” Jordan waved back at Lucas as he was dragged by his arm with Taybra. Jordan knew Lucas didn’t like strawberries, but she was sure that he’d like to spend time with his girlfriend nonetheless. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jordan lazily made her way to first period. The halls were empty at 7:55, except for somewhere Jordan heard a locker slam and the scuffle of quickened feet. Still, Jordan stopped by her locker and methodically opened the lock. After fiddling with it, it popped open and Jordan placed inside all the books she wouldn’t need till after lunch, as well as her harmonica and cellphone. She quickly adjusted her bow in her locker mirror, made one last check to make sure she had all her supplies, and carefully shut her locker to reduce noise. After clicking her locker shut, she walked the remaining 15 feet to her classroom, first period English. Everyone in the room was seated and quiet, staring at the front of the classroom for class to begin. Only a few people turned to look at Jordan, who sat down in her seat at the front and carefully arranged all her books on her desk and looked up just in time for the 8 o'clock bell to see Mr. Quintin’s harsh glare. Mr. Quintin was probably the sternest and equally most hated teachers in the Manticore. He was a slender and young Irish Hare, though his attitude made him seem like a crotchety old man, and the way he kept his fiery hair slicked back didn’t help much either. He had zero tolerance of talking during his lectures, accepted no late work, and gave no extra credit. He even went as far as to make everyone sign blank detention slips ahead of time and lock them in his desk. He couldn’t force students to sign them, but since he assigned extra homework known as “personal study work” to those who didn’t mostly everyone fell in line - except Jordan. Jordan was the bane of Quintin’s iron rule - barely ever turning in homework, almost arriving late every time, and daydreaming through every test using the max amount of time. Also, she was one of his best students. In truth, Jordan loved Mr. Quintin’s lectures; the man ran through Shakespeare with a passion unlike Jordan had ever seen. Mr. Quintin never called Jordan out either - during class he would only call on her for the most elaborate questions and not trouble her with the simple reading comprehension. He never voiced his disapproval of her choices to bring in homework or not and would patiently wait for her to finish her tests despite knowing she should of been done ages ago. Despite their differences, Jordan and Mr. Quintin had a mutual understanding. What that was, Jordan was unclear - but the bond was there and that was good enough. Not one to skip a beat, Mr. Quintin dove straight into his lesson. Homework was quickly passed up and checked, which earned Jordan a quick glance as he looked hers over. Jordan must of flinched, cause when homework was passed back her’s was not among it. Jordan sighed - she would need to warn Lucas not to have his homework during lunch. Definitely owe Lucas one, she thought to herself. The rest of the class resumed as usual and was over before Jordan got bored. As the bell rang and kids filed out, Jordan heard her name called. She looked around at her peers. “Ms. Rikkers!” She heard reinforced. “Awwhuu-” Jordan cringed- Mr. Quintin was staring dead at her, presumably that was ‘her’ homework in his hand. She turned and guiltily walked up to him. She was readying her apology when, to her surprise, he handed her the paper back. “You forgot this.” He huffed. Jordan blinked. She was NOT prepared for that response. Her face must of told him of her confusion, because he raised an eyebrow. He looked behind her- checking to make sure the last student had left - before continuing. “Lucas has a signed detention slip for every week till the end of this year. On an unrelated note: Next week we start research assignments. I want every single homework for that done - 100% - understand? Fuck the spelling assignment; I know you already know those words, just get that done.” Jordan was speechless. Mr. Quintin had never said anything to Jordan about anything she did - ever. It didn’t help that he had openly cussed at her, and Jordan felt herself feeling flush. Suddenly her brain rationalized a thought “Why do you care?” Jordan heard someone say. Oh wait, that was her. Mr. Quintin leaned back in his chair, carelessly tossing the homework into the trash. “Jordan, every day you come in here at exactly 7:59, you take exactly sixty seconds to walk to your seat, sit down, pull out all your things neatly and look at me staring at you in disapproval. I am UTTERLY curious as to how your brain thinks. This is a choose your own research project and worth - mhh - a little over a third of your credit. If I see any part of this project - yes that means the citation notecards - half assed, I’m going to fail you. Do you understand?” Jordan felt 3 feet tall. she squeaked out a meager “yes” past the lump in her throat. “Alright, scamper to your next class. Lord forbid you be on time for once.” With that, Mr. Quintin turned and worked on his desk, disregarding Jordan standing completely petrified in his class. Jordan didn’t remember getting to her next classroom, but she did notice her science teacher smiling at her. “Jordan! On time for once! You look like you’ve seen a ghost, dear; are you feeling well?” Jordan blushed furiously and shook her head. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rest of the day was numb in Jordan’s head till lunch. She found Taybra and passively greeted her as they went through the lunch line. Jordan nodded and mumbled a “yeah” occasionally as they grabbed their food. They found Lucas, who had already gone through and saved their table. A few of Taybra and Lucas’s friends came around. Jordan supposed that made them her friends, too, but she had almost nothing in common with these people. She smiled, laughed, and responded on cue, but as soon as she was done she waved at Lucas and Tay and walked out into the yard. Despite not really caring for organized sports, Jordan couldn’t help but love to run. As hard and as frowned upon as it was to play tag in Middle School and in uniform, there was still a group of kids who did just that. Jordan found them in one of the unused courtyards past the normal playground area and joined in. She didn’t even know most of their names - she had Music Theory with Parker, but that was about it. It didn’t matter though; 7 kids ran through the grassy enclosed area and zipped around - and sometimes through - the stone fixtures of the school, laughing as they went. All too soon it ended, which Jordan felt was an apt comparison to childhood in general, and they soon parted ways with fond memories. She met back up with Lucas on the way to her locker for her afternoon books. She told him about what happened with Mr. Quintin. The poor puppy went from washed white to “dead”. “Dang it, Jordan; he caught on to us! I knew we had done this too many times...” Lucas whimpered. “I don’t think we ever fooled him, personally; he was just letting us get away with it.” “Why?” Lucas remarked, “He’s the biggest homework Nazi there is; why wait till now?” “I think,” Jordan pondered, “that he was planning this from the very beginning.” “Scary,” Lucas said as Jordan sorted through her locker. “I guess. Meet you in Math?” Jordan said pulling out her saxaphone. Thankfully, Lucas found a nice looking case that was thin enough for her locker. She really hated leaving this particular saxophone in the Band room - she and Lucas had refurbished it themselves. She smiled fondly every time she pulled it out, which made Lucas crack open a big grin - that is, until he looked up and frowned. Jordan turned to see who or what had stolen her favorite facial expression, only to see Vanessa Zaritzky coming down the hall with her entourage. Vanessa was, for lack of a better word, a total bitch. The Dalmatian was preppy, and popular, and the class representative. Despite that, she was a complete ice queen. "Hey Jordan." She said through her teeth. "Nice instrument case." The fact that her group of followers giggled afterwards like it was an inside joke did nothing for Jordan's trust. Vanessa's latest second leader was the new Doberman girl that transferred this year. Jordan pondered where the Labrador when too... "T-Thanks?" Jordan asked. Lucas made a face - it took him a lot of searching to find a Saxophone case that could fit in the tiny Manticore lockers, and even longer to restore, treat, prime and paint the old wood the same black and gleam as the plastic cases the school issued. He didn't care so much for criticism of his work. "Of course Jordy!" Vanessa remarked. "Such a - 'retro' - looking wood. It would be a shame if it rot... catch you later Jordan!" And with that her group left, continuing on like that never happened and leaving the two friends grasping for words. Lucas was the first to speak. "Man, what is her problem?" "Dunno man. Maybe she's got... home problems?" “I don’t think so-” Lucas Stated. “I’ve been to her home. Her sister was throwing a party and Tay was invited, so we went. She just kinda sat there, off to the side, just... watching.” Jordan pouted “Where was I?” “You were away, visiting your Aunt.” Lucas thought “Not last summer... over the fall?” “Oh.” Jordan signed. "Maybe... maybe some people are just mean, you know?" "Maybe she just needs to get laid." Lucas huffed. "Lucas!!!" Jordan blushed. Vanessa must of pushed his buttons more then she realized; Lucas wasn't usually so crude. "Sorry, Jordan... Anyway, I've got to catch up with Taybra. See you around!" "Okay.. b-bye.. I guess." Jordan said, turning her back as the Samoyed disappeared around the corner. It still shocked her that he had said that. She really didn't know much about sex other then the function of the reproductive system. Did Lucas know more...? No, as far as Jordan knew Taybra was his only girlfriend he'd ever had. Still , it felt like she was missing out on something the rest of the school knew about. Jordan really liked the boys at her school, mostly everyone at the preppy private school was thin and pretty; even the nerdy kids had a cute charming side. It's not like Jordan would know what to say to a boy through... would he be interested in her, or would he really only be thinking about her naked? Jordan was turning a bright orange under her light yellow fur thinking about being naked in front of all the boys at her school. It made her really warm and uncomfortable, but not exactly in a bad way... and before she knew it she was in front of her next class. She tried to clear her head as she joined the other people who came in early from lunch. It was a good 15 minutes before the lunch break was over; most students reluctantly showed up around 5 till. Jordan rushed into her Music Theory class and placed her case in the back. She had music already earlier that day, but her Music Theory teacher was something special. Mr. Thai was a white feline with black paws, ears, and a patch on his eye that looked like a heart. He was well spoken, athletic, and handsome. Jordan liked him because he was easy to talk to, and always helpful with any problem. Today she was going to show him her refurbished saxophone as he said he would really like to see it last week and hear her play a little during the end of class. Jordan put her instrument in the back of the class and took her seat near the middle row. She pulled out her notebook from earlier and started writing more music till someone walked through the door. She looked up to see Kaitlyn Ashbacher walk in, making the total occupants of the room five. Kaitlyn was a cute ferret girl with tan and brown fur, with wavy brown hair tied with a ribbon. She was the sweetest girl Jordan had ever met, a bit shy and insecure, but polite. She had been teased about wearing a ribbon into middle school by some other girls, and Jordan had stood up for her; they had been fast friends ever since. Kaitlyn waved as she approached, Jordan greeting her with a small smile. Jordan closed her notebook as Kaitlyn took her seat next to her. They chatted for a while, though Kaitlyn was still a little awkward to talk to. A few minutes later, Kaitlyn stopped looking at Jordan and glanced at door. Jordan turned expecting to see Mr. Thai, only to see one of the prettiest boys in the entire school. Mastrantonio Prichard was a handsome golden cat from Italy. Why his family had moved to New Hampshire she had no idea, but he sat directly in front of Kaitlyn and would occasionally glance back if the two girls were making too much noise. He caught her gaze a few times and Jordan always turned away quickly, and he would always be turned back before she faced forward again. Kaitlyn giggled a little as Jordan buried herself in her notebook. Mastrantonio took his seat in front of them, except he was sitting backwards, putting his arms on the backrest as he faced them. “Hey,” he said plainly. The two girls looked at each other before responding each with a hesitant ‘hello.’ “Jordan,” he said with some determination, “can I get your Science notes?” “I-uh-uhh-” Jordan felt herself misfire. “Sure! H-here-” she said, a bit too quickly. Kaitlyn shieded away a bit as Jordan fumbled through her notebooks. She then stopped suddenly and remembered all her early morning class materials where in her locker still. She rubbed the back of her head, still not looking at Mastrantonio. “Sorry Prichard, my notes are in my locker... maybe you could swing around sometime?” “Sure!” he smiled. “I’ll get them after class. Is that alright?” “Ok...” Jordan said, but Prichard was already turned around. If Kaitlyn wasn’t trying not to be noticed, she’d be teasing Jordan. Jordan gave her a ‘shush’ with her index finger, but Kaitlyn merely stuck her tongue out. Jordan was feeling a little embarrassed, so she turned away and acted like she was hurt. Secretly Jordan smiled; it didn’t take long for Kaitlyn to stir and start apologizing. “Jordan wait, I didn’t mean to be mean, please don’t be mad?” Poor girl was too shy. Jordan could practically feel her frown from behind her head. She turned back and revealed an evil smile; she wanted her friend to know she could count on her. “Jordan!” she pouted as Jordan laughed. “Sorry, Kait, you’re too easy! You know I’m not one to get mad.” “I know...” Kaitlyn looked down at the floor. Jordan wondered how many friends she actually had? She had been hanging out with... with... Hmm.. Jordan thought. Am I her only friend? That can’t be right; but maybe... Well, if I am, I want to be a really good one! “Hey...” Jordan grabbed her opposite shoulder, pulling her closer. She jumped a bit and looked at her. “We’re friends right? We can count on each other?” Kaitlyn paused for a moment. “Friends? O-of course!” She smiled back. They giggled a bit at their new permanent friendship. “Hey, do you want to hang out after school?” “Oh,” Kaitlyn said solemnly. “My Parents are working late, and they want me to call them from home as soon as I get there.” “Oh...” Jordan looked down this time. “B-but wait!” Kaitlyn rushed her “M-maybe you could come... over? I’m sure my parents won’t mind.” “You should ask them. Do you know have a cellphone?” “No... they say I’m still young. Maybe I can call them on yours?” “OK!” Jordan chirped. Just then, the afternoon bell ran for the end of the second lunch period. Everyone started talking a little quieter for a while till the teacher came in. It took a few minutes before Mr. Thai came back in. By then, chatter had started and was starting to get louder, but still not as loud as it was before the bell. "Good Afternoon, class!" Mr. Thai came in, silencing the room as he entered. The class replied with a hearty 'good afternoon' in return. It's not a courtesy he had strictly enforced, but he had started out greeting them with enthusiasm, and when he felt his was not met back, he would repeat himself, usually with a quip like "I'm sorry, I can't hear you," or "what kind of greeting is that?" Coming from any other teacher it would have sounded cheesy, but Mr. Thai was very engaging and it didn't take long for it to become a ritual at the beginning of class. He was very pleased on how close it made him feel to his students. He looked through his students to see who was here, and smiled to see Jordan looking eagerly at him. "Jordan!" Mr. Thai exclaimed. "Did you bring your instrument today?" "Yes, Mr. Thai!" She happily replied. "Good! I look forward to hearing from you later. Perhaps after class?" "Oh..." Jordan exclaimed, catching a look from Prichard. Prichard drew his lips into a line, and gave her a small plead. "Um... I kinda promised a... friend that I'd help h - uh, them. Can't we do it later?" Mr. Thai seemed to purposely draw out the thought, then he nodded. "That is fine, you have other classes anyway. What about after school? You don't have any sports or academics holding you up." Jordan felt herself lower a bit. "A-actually sir..." Kaitlyn was unknowingly biting her lip and giving her a sad look. "I have a friend who I was really looking forward to hanging out with after school..." Kaitlyn instantly brightened, while Mr. Thai's face darkened. It wasn't a pout, or of disappointment really... Mr. Thai seemed upset that she hadn't thought of this already. "How about tomorrow afternoon, sir?" Jordan offered. "Alright, I'll mark the date!" He said, then continued on down the line of students "Parker! How was your English test? Do you need anymore help?" As Mr. Thai socialized, Jordan blinked. That was an odd choice of words, but then again he is a music teacher, not an English teacher. Soon the real class began and Jordan followed along in the lecture quitely -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jordan left the class with her instrument in hand, Kaitlyn to her side. "...Well I think the polished wood looks cool Jordan." Kaitlyn commented. "Thanks, Kaitlyn," Jordan replied. "It's not like she said anything bad about it but... forget it. No point in worrying about things past your control right?" Kaitlyn looked a bit and gave aab sad sighed. "Yeah... life kinda sucks sometimes like that. I wish there was something you could do about things like that... you know, Jordan?" "Yep. Totally. Anyway; I'll see you after school, Kaitlyn!" Kaitlyn smiled back. "Count on it!" She then ran off to her next class. Jordan’s smile faded into a blush as she approached her locker's hallway. She wasn't sure if Prichard was really going to show up; maybe he had forgotten or found someone who did have the notes with them. As she turned the corner though, her face grew warm to see a boy standing right in front of her locker. Prichard waved at her and she meekly returned the gesture, trying to quietly approach her locker without staring too much at the cute guy waiting on her. Jordan looked over her shoulder as she tinkered with the lock. Prichard was smiling contently at her with those green eyes of his. Jordan turned back to her lock, pushing her hair out of way and smiling bashfully without intending to. His eyes were darker the her sister's; Elena had bright emerald eyes, while his were hard foresty green, deep and warm. His brown hair was styled with gel to stand up, showing the blue spots he had around his temples. Prichard had similar spots on his hands, and she wondered if they were dyed like that, or natural. She then suddenly blushed deeply thinking about where else he might have spots. His shoulders? His back? His thighs maybe? ...or maybe he had them right next to his cr- Jordan was spared further embarrassment as she opened her locker and quickly snatched up her notebook, pointing her head down to hide her face as she held out her notebook. "H-here Prichard. You wanted my notes? Just get them back to me tomorrow OK?" He's way too cute, Jordan thought. If this was a cartoon this would be the part where it's painfully obvious the girl likes the guy. Unfortunately, if he's like the guys in those shows he won't- "Thanks, Jordan," Prichard said dismissively, thumbing through the notebook. "I'll just copy the notes and give it back later, okay?" ...notice. Jordan finished disheartedly. "Oh-okay... I'll see you around, alright?" She said closing her locker. "Jordan." Jordan turned to look at him. "Hmm?" "Do you like me?" Jordan could feel her heart fall out of her ribcage. "W-wha??" Prichard moved in closer. Jordan began to grow warm; she could almost feel his body heat through her uniform, even though they were still a few feet apart. "I've seen you looking at me. I want to know if you like me or not." He then a placed his paw on locker next to to her head. Jordan exhaled softly. "Well, I- I- uh, you’re, I think you’re really... cute." Jordan was blushing furiously and there was no hiding it. She had admitted to Mastrantonio Prichard, one of the prettiest boys she had ever seen, that she had feelings for him. She found herself looking down after she said that and forced herself to look up. Prichard was smiling ear to ear. "Thank you Jordan! La tua bella troppo!" His Italian accent made her heart flutter. Bella means pretty, she was able to rationalize, he just called me pretty. "G-Grazie." Jordan stuttered, which made Prichard laugh aloud. Finally he moved in, half a foot away from her muzzle. "Jordan?" He asked. Jordan gasped lightly in response. "May I kiss you?" Jordan wondered if there was any yellow left on her face. She was warm and flush, and felt like she was going to be sick as Prichard moved forward before being allowed to. She cringed slightly as he got closer, stopping inches away from her face. She felt his warm breath on her lips, till finally she answered in a whisper. "...Yes." Given the permission he needed, Prichard wasted no time in taking his prize. Jordan grunted in surprise as the suddenness of her first kiss. His body was warm, and that warmth flowed through her in the form of a shiver. Every nerve tingled in satisfaction as Prichard's wet lips danced access hers. Her eyes rolled back in primal contentment and then went wide as she felt something wet push past her lips. She muffled out something like a question into Pritchard's mouth. Her complaints were cut short by Prichard's roaming hands, cupping her back and curving around the back of her waist. Tension left her as Prichard's talented hands traced her collarbone, massaging her shoulders as his other hand teased the entrance to the bottom of her blouse. Finally they parted lips, Prichard's rough tongue popping free with a sick and sweet wet pop that made Jordan giggle. Prichard shifted his upper hand down to her waist as well, pulling Jordan's hips a little closer to him. Jordan was petrified with emotion, not coherent enough to stop him, or even think about if she wanted to. She looked at his eyes, looking for answers or understanding of his actions. He pleaded with his gaze, staring with some primal emotion into Jordan's blue and yellow eyes. It was an infectious emotion, as Jordan shifted slightly allowing Prichard's hands to wander up her blouse And slowly trace her back through her undershirt. The were panting with each other's heat, and slowly began to kiss again. That's when the bell rang. Jordan yelped out in surprise and Prichard did as well, but out of pain instead of shock. Jordan pulled away in a jerk as the realization of the days inevitable progress hit her, but Prichard was hunched over holding his lip. Jordan realized that she must have bit his lip. Jordan frantically tried to apologize as Prichard smiled and laughed, trying to convince her it was fine. They both giggled to themselves, still reminiscent about their recent make out. Jordan wondered if it was perhaps too late to start up again. The moment had passed though, and making out in the halls, even not during class was frowned upon and Jordan reluctantly grabbed her things. Prichard turned and smiled at her. "I'll see you later, Jordan. Can you write down your number for me?" "Hmm..." Jordan was still a little numb from her recent tongue assault. She dreamily complied, sketching down her number on her own notebook. "Um... Prichard?" Jordan asked. "Hmm?" Jordan glanced up at his face. She marveled at how perfect it stayed despite practically rubbing it all over hers. She fixed her hair as she gathered the courage to ask him the question. Why is it so hard to talk to boys? Jordan closed her eyes, took a deep breath and finally convinced herself that she was going to ask him if this means they’re dating now. "I... I'll see you around, OK?" Prichard smiled. "Definitely." And then ran off with her notes. Jordan found her way to history, which to her luck the teacher had stepped out, and sat down next to Taybra. OK, so maybe she hadn't asked exactly what she meant to, but this meant she was going out with Mastrontonio, right? "Uhg." She said out loud and banged her head on the desk. "What's wrong Jorn'n?" Taybra inquired. Jordan sighed. She wondered if she should tell Taybra what happen between her and Prichard. Would she believe her? Did that even happen? Jordan had a weird sense of displacement as she tried to prove to herself she had really been kissed by Mastrontonio. She came in late. She didn't have her instrument, so she must of put it in her locker right? Did she leave it in music theory? Panic welled up in Jordan as the memory of the last ten minutes was escaping her. Finally she gave up and just dealt with the anxiety . It was hard, but she pushed out her thoughts and burnt through the rest of class. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Her mind was buzzing with doubt and self-detrimental thoughts even well into last period with Lucas. She'd need to confirm with Prichard that they had kissed or what that meant before she could tell her best friend. After school, she said goodbye to Lucas and grabbed her phone and other things she'd need out of her locker. She was really glad that today was Friday; the day’s events would need some serious mulling over. She caught up to Kaitlyn and, after calling her mom, offered Kaitlyn her phone to call hers. They walked towards the parking lot as Kaitlyn called her mom. She talked to Jordan while she diLed the number. "So what did you and Prichard talk about?" Jordan stopped walking, which made Kaitlyn stop. Jordan looked at her, which made Kaitlyn worry. She thought about lying, which would have been easier, but decided that she wouldn't be the kind of friend Kaitlyn needed if she only told her things she wanted her to hear. "I'll be honest with you Kait... I don't really want to talk about it, but I will cause your my friend." "Oh." Kaitlyn looked taken back. Was she blushing? "Okay.. you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." "No! Your my friend. If you want to know, I'll tell you." "That's okay." Kaitlyn smiled. "I'm happy you thought about me like that, instead of making something up." Jordan sighed. Kaitlyn was really too shy. "Well... I gave him my notes, and then he asked me if I liked him." This time it was Kaitlyn who stopped walking. "R-really? What did you say?" Jordan blushed. "I said I thought he was cute." Kaitlyn blushed as well. "Then what happened?" Jordan felt herself going flush again. "Well... h-he said I was cute too... I don't want to talk about the rest, though... I'm not sure if we're going out yet, or if I even want to!" Jordan realized. "Well, I hope you figure it- I sorry," Kaitlyn put the phone to her ear "Hi, mom! I was wondering if I could have a friend over. Her name is Jordan Rikkers... yeah, this is her phone... no... yeah, okay... yeah, she called her parents... actually her Cousin drives, and she can give me a lift too... Okay, here you go. Jordan?" Kaitlyn gave Jordan back her phone. Jordan never met Kaitlyn's mom, vaguely remembering that she was adopted. Not sure what to expect, she spoke tentatively. "Hello?' "Jordan? Hi! This is Mrs. Ashbacher. I taught your sister back in Sphinx, remember?" "Mrs. Ashbacher!" Jordan did remember, though it seemed like forever ago. Jordan didn't have her as a teacher, but Elena did just before she left for Manticore; she spoke pretty highly of the Sable woman. "Hello, dear. How is your sister doing? She's in Chimera now correct?" "Yes, Mrs. Ashbacher, she's student council treasurer now." "That's lovely to hear! I don't have any problems with you staying with Kait until we get home. I hear you have a cousin who is going to drive you two?" "Yeah. She can come pick me up when I need to go home." "That's fine, dear. It's the weekend and I don't mind you staying late; I'm actually glad Kaitlyn will have some company until we get home, around seven. What time do your parents want you back?" "They said around 7:30, but I could always call them if things change." "Okay. Well, hopefully I will have a chance to talk to you. I haven't seen you or your sister for several years! I have to start dinner once I get home, but if your parents are fine with it, I can drive you home closer to 8." "Okay, Mrs. Ashbacher! I'll call and ask. Thank you! Would you like for me to put Kaitlyn back on?" "No, that's alright, deary. You two have fun. Good-bye, Jordan." "Good-bye, Mrs. Ashbacher." Jordan hung up the phone and smiled at Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn smiled back, then glanced behind Jordan. "Is that your cousin?" Jordan looked. Most of the buses had cleared out by now, and traffic was a little less hectic, so Jordan easily identified her cousin and sister coming towards the pick up section of the sidewalk. "Yep, that's them! Glad you’re not talking the bus?" Kaitlyn stuck out her tongue. "Very. Come on, let's go!" Kaitlyn said, both girls running out to the parking lot to catch their ride.