Previously on Oranges to Grapes... Conner orchestrates a preemptive strike on one of the crystal domes from their vantage point on Glaseado Mountain, but all it does is set a larger group of Diademons on the Hell-Sent girls... - "Just for that, no Berries for you after this," Rosita told Conner. "Now we have to burn you out on fighting these who-knows-whats." "Hey, I had an idea and took a shot, so sue me," the snail shot back. "That, uh," Anton chimed in, "that should've been our line there, Conner." "Yeah, we were the ones who took the shot," Leopold added. "Not the time to discuss," Jessica said. "Now's the time to transform! But not Eartha." "Wha- why not!?" "Because you know what those things are capable of doing to Pokemon," the snow leopard defended, "and we almost had brush-ins of those kinds of injuries with ourselves." "And honestly," the caracal added, "we don't want to lose you." Eartha still felt a little ticked about being left out, but said after a brief pause, "Okay, I see your point." - Rosita and Jessica raised the Sealing Balls over their heads and shouted together, "Precure Ruination!" Conner and Leopold dissipated into grass and snow, and it swirled around the girls and made their clothes turn into colored light... then they started changing! First, their torsos were surrounded in grass and snow and collected into their tops. Next, more grass and snow collected around their waists and became their bottoms. Then, even more grass and snow collected around their limbs until they became their arm and leg covers. Finally, they threw the Sealing Balls in the air as more colored light poured from their heads and became their hair, then the balls got on their chests and became their adornments. "Antithesis of forgiveness, Cure Grudge!" "Antithesis of love, Cure Hatred!" "Answer for your injustices! Hell-Sent Precure!" - As Eartha and Anton held back, Cures Grudge and Hatred hopped off the ledge of the cliff, and Hatred quickly materialized two flat sheets of ice for her and Grudge to land on. Both girls then slid down the mountainside, riding their makeshift snowboards to the crystal dome. "Cats on snowboards," Cure Grudge said, "that's probably a new one for the internet." "Gym Leader Grusha," Cure Hatred added, "now I get what you see in this." As the girls slid down the slope, the group of Diademons at the bottom were coming up the other side of the path. Eventually they were starting to catch up, but the Cures had their weapons at the ready. "Alright, Hatred, let's see how we can handle these things on the move!" "Right behind you, Grudge!" And with that, the girls started lashing and hacking their way through the crystal crowd, shattering several into diamond dust, but not all. They were starting to stray from the crowd, but the green-clad kitty grabbed one of them with the vine-laces on one arm and held onto the cyan-clad kitty with the other arm. She then swung the crystal monster over her head and slammed it down in front of them, sticking its shoulder-spikes into the ground and swinging them both back into the fray like a makeshift axle. "Alright! We're giving this another go-round, so better make it count!" As Cure Grudge pulled the remaining Diademons towards them with her vine-laces, Cure Hatred mowed through them with her ice blades, shattering them into more diamond dust. Eartha and Anton were watching from the ledge, impressed by how well they were handling the mob. "Huh. Maybe I'm not giving those two enough credit. They practically massacred those things without us." "If that's so," Anton pointed out, "then what about that one?" "Don't worry," the vulpine girl reassured. "It's two of them against one of it." Back at the base of the mountain, the Diademon managed to wriggle itself out of the ground and stand on its feet again just in time to watch the Cures come after it. "And then there was one," Cure Grudge stated. "Not so tough without your backup, are you?" Cure Hatred boasted. But this particular Diademon had a trick up its sleeve... so to speak. The material that adorned it was a Bronzor Fragment, and it tapped into its power. While it didn't shine with elemental energy, its eyes did glow blue as it raised its hand, catching some nearby Floette with psychic energy and flinging them into the dome's surface! "Whoa," Cure Grudge said. "I did not see that coming." "I don't think either of us did," Cure Hatred added. As the hostages were disposed of to the dome, more Diademons with ribbons resulted, these adorned with bits of Flabebe Pollen. "Who's not looking so tough now?" "Wait, you whatevers can talk!?" Cure Grudge exclaimed. "Oh, we can do a whole lot more than talk, sweetheart!" the first one shot back. "And we're called Diademons!" the fresh crowd shouted in unison before they shone with bursts of magical energy! Eartha looked uneasily at the scene. "That's not good." After the flash of magic faded, the crowd suddenly cooed together, launching a cacophony of pink sound waves with hearts and musical notes. Before the Cures could do anything to defend themselves, the choir of Disarming Voices impacted with a harmonious CRASH of pink glitter and hearts, knocking them back several feet! "Oh, no!" Eartha shouted as the Cures were reduced back to their mortal forms, rendered unable to fight back... - To be continued.