Darkness steals the soul by ~Hybasha In the dark bowels of my room i lie on broken springs, with a bedsheet that outlived its luxury. The windows concrete sealed my door drawn on the wall by chalk. Sight is the first die. I quiver at water pinging on metal, while stepping on moaning boarded, each step feeds my self induced panic. Hearing is what hurts the most. Stenches of death drown my nose, constantly chockiin on this thick mist loss of taste and smell is wished for. Last to die is the soul. Paranoia is my conscous, to see the light could only blind me now, hope has died in never ending darkness. My only mercy lies in death. The heart attack seized my life chord, the shell collapses on an unseen floor sadly i will never see the golden gates. For while in the room of absent light darkness consumed me and stoled my soul.