I stared at the bill in my hands and throw it furiously onto the table. "Great," I cry loudly, "Just great, another bill; As if I didn't already have enough, I get this!" Things were becoming rather stressful for me, no matter what I did another complication made things even worse. Recently I had found myself wishing I was still young, living back home with my parents without a care in the world. I glance over at the coffee table to where my family pictures were. My mom had sent for my birthday gifts, amongst other things family photos and a few pictures of me much younger. Looking at these photos brought back memories, and with how stressful things had become for me, these memories were very comforting and even attractive, making me wish for those times again. But I knew that couldn't happen, and it would be pointless to wish for those times again. Glancing over at the bill again I sighed. It's not like I couldn't pay it, I knew I had some extra money coming my way that would cover the bill. I was determined for the bill not to ruin my day. It was my birthday today and I was determined to enjoy it, after all, if I made it past today, tomorrow would be real relaxing. The rest of the day passed by uneventfully, and it felt great to get back home. Falling down on the couch I turn on the TV. My day was very good, my friends had given me an amusing array of gifts and luckily I got that extra cash so I could pay that surprise bill. I glanced over at the gag gifts my friends had gotten me, cub food, some diapers etc. They had heard about my mom's gifts of cub photos the other day and thought they would continue it over as a theme this year as I would be "Becoming a man" as they said this year because I turned 21. I snorted at their gag gifts; it was just like them to give me such dumb things as a gag. My attention turned to the TV as it started advertising a new product. "Feeling worn down, tired, like nothing is going your way? Finding yourself wishing for the "Olden Days"? Wishing to be able to go back to the much simpler days of your youth? Well you're in luck! We have just thing to take you back to your days of youth! Just use our amazing product and you'll be transported back to you childhood!" I snicker at the irony of the infomercial, I always marveled how perfect some commercials or infomercials are. The product they are selling is a pacifier, and I roll my eyes. Sure that will make you younger. I find myself thinking of how perfect it would have been had my friends seen this before they gave me the other gag gifts. I make a mental note to tell them about it the next day. Sometime later just before going to bed I stop and try to remember what the phone number was for that product. I frown trying to remember if it had been displayed at all. I knew it had to have been displayed or else how could they sell their product? No matter how much I tried to think of the number I couldn't remember ever seeing it being displayed. Shrugging I go back to getting ready for bed. It really wasn't that important, just a little strange. The next day I had been looking forward to all week. Today I only had one class in the morning and I had no work to deal with. Even better, the work load for collage had been real light so I had been able to do it all and didn't need to use today as a make-up day. So after my one class was over I headed back home to change and finally run those errands I had been putting off. When I arrived at my apartment I noticed a note in my door from the manager telling me that I had a small package waiting for me in his office. Grabbing the package I got back to my apartment and set it on the table. It was a small package; it only had enough room really for my address but no return address. Frowning I look the package over trying to think who could have sent it, usually his parents usually included a return address and his friends made no mention of sending him anything. Seeing no reason for postponing opening it I open the box and catch a slip of paper as it slides off of the packages. My confusion only increases as I look the not over, "Thank you sir or ma'am for using our one of a kind product; we assure you that you will be 100% happy with your experience. Our patented product will make all your worries go away in an instant bringing you right back to your childhood days. Note: Product may affect certain individuals differently and transition may be uncomfortable but will not last for long. In rare cases you will not completely transition. By buying and using the product you however accept these risks." The note held some other strange legal information and all I could do is just gape at the note. Pulling my eyes from the note I stare at the box and pull it open and found the last thing I would have expected, a pacifier. It takes a moment for my brain to register what it's seeing and I let out a chuckle. It was obvious now; it had to be a gag gift. But then I remember my friends said they never heard of the infomercial. They could be lying I reason to myself; just to throw me through a loop. But could they really have sent it? It was just TOO much of a coincidence right? Lost in my thoughts I place the pacifier back into the box and get changed. I tell myself that I'd get to the bottom of it later when I talked to my friends again. They'd fess-up if I bugged them enough about it. But I'd forget about the pacifier when I leave and wouldn't remember it till later on that night when I got back home. I instantly remember when I see the opened box on the counter and I hit my palm to my forehead. Cursing myself for forgetting to ask about it I remember that again they made no hints about sending him anything extra as they most definitely would if they had sent it. Absentmindedly I grab the box and take it to the living room and look the pacifier over. Nothing seemed odd or different about the pacifier than any other one. I think about the commercial saying this would bring you back to your youth and I snort to myself. "Well if that's the case, why couldn't I just buy one at the store?" I think to myself. "And WHO would buy this anyways?" I could remember back in high school and middle school that kids would bring cub food to lunch and eat it. I stuck my tongue out in disgust at the idea of eat cub food. I remembered that some even still had their pacifiers and I also remembered "adult cubs". This group would but they weren't exactly what you'd call normal. Suddenly an unbidden thought came to my mind; how does it work? I smile as the only possible answer comes to mind and I look at the pacifier. I stay there telling myself it would ok, nobody would be watching, and with a gulp I push it into my mouth. After a few seconds I laugh at myself thinking of how foolish I must look with a pacifier in my mouth and how silly it was that I had half expected and even half wanted something to happen! I suck on my binky absentmindedly for a few moments before something happens. I feel a strange sensation seem to tug on me. I lurch out of my seat and my binky falls out of my mouth and rolls across the floor a little ways. My heart is pounding in my chest and I feel a little trill of fear, and before I can calm myself down I feel another tug and I stumble forward onto my knees. I feel my fur stand on end and my skin burns and crawls uncomfortably as my vision blurs in and out for a few seconds. I try to stand but seem to trip over my own feet and the floor lurches ever closer and I fear I'm going to hit my face but I never do. My heart is still hammering in my chest and I realize with a jolt that I seem to be swimming in my clothes. My glasses fall off my now much too small face and I notice my watch is now way to big. My mind races trying to grasp what is happening and I realize that I'm shrinking! The realization of the situation hits me and start to panic. I again try to scramble to my feet in the hopes of reaching a phone and calling 911 or a friend but I am now too tangled in my clothes. I thrash and fight my way out of my clothes and try to stand up again but fall over as a wave of vertigo washes over me I shrink even more. It is at this moment that I realize hot tears are pouring down my face and a ragged sob tears through my chest. I again try to stand up but can only take a few unbalanced steps on my stubby legs before toppling over again. My sobs begin to get louder and I soon find myself crying loudly sniffling and wiping my wet nose as it runs profusely. My surroundings are now becoming blurry and seem to be changing. Fear grips me again and I start to cry even louder. "Why are you crying?" I hear a voice ask. "Be-because I-I'm scared!" I sob in response. The voice slowly changes to a loving maternal sort, the kind my mommy would always use with me. I feel another lurch and I shrink even more, or did I? Wasn't I always this small? The warm maternal voice returns and gives a tinkling of a laugh. "Why are you scared honey? There's nothing to be afraid of." My mind is fuzzy and cloudy, and I feel sick but not as scared anymore and my cries are not as loud. I notice my binky lying on the floor away from me near my toy box, and I try to toddle over to it on my stubby legs but am to unbalanced and fall over again bring a fresh wave of tears, this time more from frustration than anything else and I crawl the rest of the way. I grab my binky and push it into my mouth and I begin to suck on it fitfully. The clouds in my head disappear and my bedroom, toys, and crib are all right where they should be. My cries lessen to down to small sobs and I start to hiccup a little. I am suddenly filled with contentment that can only come from my binky and the knowledge that my mommy and daddy would be here soon to pick me up and hug me. They'd assure me nothing was wrong and I'd feel warm and secure in my daddy's strong arms knowing that nothing could hurt or touch me as long I was in his arms. Mommy would give me a bottle of milk and give me hugs and kisses that would make everything better. Nursing on my binky and those warm thoughts I start to fall asleep as my door opens. I feel my mommy's soft fur press against me engulfing me in warmth that only her soft embrace could bring. I dimly hear them talk to each other in soft tones as she set me in my crib and tucks me under my blanket before kissing me saying those magical words, "Love you sweetie, goodnight."