--Deep in a dark forest under a moonless night, a meeting takes place between two concealed people. --"It's been a while since we last spoke. What brings you here?" --The voice the responded was deep and resonated slightly as it spoke, "A longing heart." --"Oh? Well usually these things are a personal matter. I don't know how I could help. I hardly know how things work for dragons." --"It's different. My heart is longing for a human." --"A human? Well I do see a problem with this, as interesting as it may be. What kind of human?" --"It's a lady with golden hair and fair skin. She frequently sits upon a high balcony of the castle of Anovia." --"Well that's… wait… You just described the princess of Anovia." --"Is that a bad thing?" --"I suppose it's actually not much worse than any other human. It's just as immensely hopeless either way." --"It can't be that hopeless." --"Yes, it can be. A horse cannot simply love a chicken. Why did you have to become infatuated with her?" --"My heart acted without reason, and it moves me. The heart does what it wants and often ignores what the mind says." --"How could this kind of thing happen anyways? It goes beyond reason." --"The cave I reside in goes deep. The comfortable place where I sleep has a single opening large enough to see out of. This sole window gave me the ability to see her each day. It was the thing of beauty I saw each day in my ever monotonous life. I guess it just was a matter of time." --"Well you need to get over the desires of your heart. Forget about her. You must see how crazy it is." --"I do understand, but I still keep thinking about her. Whenever I'm not focusing on something, my mind seems to find its way to her somehow." --"Give it time. In time you will tire of thinking about her." --"I have waited. I have no calendar in my cave but the forest has gone through the seasons twice since my mind took favor of her." --"That is troubling but you're simply going to have to forget about it." --"I came to you for assistance in this matter not doubt." --"What could I possibly do?" --"You know as well as I do what you can do. You have enough books to fill your basement of shelves, but only one of those books has a solution." --"No. That book is not to be used. It's dangerous." --"It's your job." --"I don't do that kind of work anymore." --"That's a shame. I came here under the assumption that you were a man of answers and power. You're not who you used to be. What happened?" --"I set that kind of work aside." --"It's time to pick it up again." --"If you insist, I will." --"I do insist." --"So be it. Give me a few minutes." --The silence went on for about half an hour until the deep voice broke it. "Is everything ready?" --"I am. But you must know some important details about this first." --"Go on." --"The book says this will only last for one cycle of the moon. After that, its affects wear off." --"I understand. Thank you for your help with this. Let's get this over with."