Tails the Fox Chapter 10 - Villainous Plans 2BIT: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and Sonic Team. You knew that, right? "Sonic the Hedgehog has been captured, sir!" Spy began his report. Gunner looked up from his paperwork, confused. "I didn't give that command! I told you to capture Experiment 2!" Spy replied with his usual nervousness. "W-we thought we'd find Experiment 2 with Sonic..." "Oh, well. Bring him in." Gunner commanded. "I can't do that." Spy said quickly. "Why!?" Gunner growled. "The Commander set him free..." Spy reported. "Then why did you bother to tell me you captured him!!?!" Gunner slammed his fist on his desk in fury, and gave Spy a look that said "Get the #$%@ out of my sight!" and Spy ran out nervously. Gunner sat back down at his desk, when his phone rang. "This is Gunner." He said upon picking it up. "Sarge! Good morning, old buddy!" came the voice of Dr. Eggman! Gunner was quite surprised to hear from him. "Ivo, you heard we caught Sonic, didn't you?!" "Puh-lease! You catching Sonic? That's a laugh riot! He probably let you catch him in order to speak to your Commander!" Eggman said tauntingly. Gunner suddely came to a realization. "I'll talk to you later, old friend." he said before hanging up. He grinded his teeth with sudden rage. "If I'm to stop those furry freaks once and for all, I'll have to do it myself!" Meanwhile, Eggman turned from his phone to find that his robots, Terra and Metal Sonic, had returned, with Copter in tow. When they first arrived, Copter snuck away to have a look around himself. Metal Sonic had only just found him again. This was a large room, with computers and screens all along the walls. Robot parts littered the floor, and in the center of the room was a machine projecting a hologram of the seven Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald. Punchy and Rainbow were eavesdropping from behind this machine. "You robots are totally useless!" Eggman declared. "I had so many jobs for all of my robots today, but only Metal Sonic here succeeded at anything!" At these words, Metal Sonic saluted Eggman. "Yes, sir! Allow me to introduce Experiment 2!" Copter stepped forward. "You must be Eggman. I am known as Copter. It's great to talk to a real living thing for a change." Copter said, glaring at Metal Sonic. Eggman caught sight of the Chaos Emerald in Copter's hand. "Well, I see you're already collecting the Chaos Emeralds! Excellent!" "But, what do you want them for?" Copter wondered aloud. Before Eggman could answer, they were interrupted. "Well, well, well!" Punchy said, barging into the area. "The infamous Dr. Eggman!" "And his rusty robots!" Rainbow added, grinning at Terra. "Knuckles detected!" Terra shouted. Eggman looked at Terra, then at Punchy. "I guess my robot mistook you for Knuckles. It comes as no surprise to me, Experiment 1!" Eggman said. Punchy clenched his fists and growled. "Don't call me that!" "Yeah! Call him One!" Rainbow added. Punchy turned to her in a fury and screamed, "NOT THAT EITHER! Call me Punchy! Punchy the Echidna!" "So, there is an Experiment 1." Copter muttered. "I knew it." Punchy turned to Copter, and knew who he was immediately. "Heeeey, Experiment 2! Good to see you alive for a change!" Punchy said. "The name's Copter" Copter replied. Rainbow waved to him. "Hiya, Two! What's up?" "Soooo..." Eggman interrupted, "How would you three like to join my empire?" "And be part of the land of the robots?" Copter grumbled, "No thanks, Egg-Head!" Punchy noticed the holographic Master Emerald. Maybe Eggman could help him find the real Master Emerald. "I'm in!" Punchy declared. Rainbow smiled enthusiastically and said, "I go where One goes! I'm in, too!" Eggman grinned. "Splendid! Oh, Chaaaar!" At his words, Char flew in. "Yes, sir, doctor?" he said, peppy as ever. "Show our new guests to their rooms. I'm sure they'll want to settle in!" "OK! Follow me!" Char said, and lead Punchy and Rainbow out of the room. Eggman turned to his robots. "Terra, Metal Sonic, you are dismissed." "Aye, aye!" the two robots said, and they stepped out of the room as well. Eggman then whistled and called "Alpha!" And a blue and green robot that looked much like Terra flew in. E-2X was written on its armor. "I have a mission for you and Copter!" Eggman declared. "I'm listening..." Copter said impatiently. "I've located a Chaos Emerald in Station Square! I will download the coordinates to Alpha, and I want you to pick it up!" Eggman said. "Is that all? Fine then..." Copter started to say, but Eggman wasn't finished. "Careful, Copter! Sonic may get in your way! Bring the emerald here, and I will show you where you can obtain an even greater power with the two emeralds!" Eggman said hurriedly. "Very well." Copter said. "If Sonic gets in my way, I'll see him burn! Don't you worry!" "Excellent! Then I'll leave this to you two!" Eggman said, turning and walking away. Alpha saluted its master. "Commencing mission!" he said. Copter looked around. "Sonic..." he muttered. "I remember him. He's the reason I was in prison. Now I can have my revenge!" And with that, Copter was on his way. To be continued...