GeneX - Shatterverse Chapter 4 - The Eggpire Flagship Sonic & related characters (c) Sega GeneX-related OCs (c) 2BIT Copter, Razor, Tommy, Chet, Ridley, and Team GeneX were all escorted from the lab onto the Eggpire Flagship, with the doctor himself meeting them at the holding cells. "I need this one specifically..." Eggman said, pointing at Copter. "Me? Why? Errm, well, hang on! Maybe we can make some kind of deal..." the fox suggested. "Are ya nuts?" Chet asked him. The doctor stood with his arms crossed. "No, no, speak! I'd love to know what you possibly think you could offer me." he stated. "Information. You see, I'm not exactly from this world... And maybe the Eggman from my world has his eyes set on yours..." Copter explained. "And you expect to tell me something about myself that I wouldn't already know? Hmm... But you could tell me more about your world... But I suppose you think I'll let you and your friends go in exchange? Ha ha! That's rich! I'll just MAKE you tell me anything I want to hear!" he laughed, motioning to his guards to command them to put the prisoners in the cells. It was at that moment, however, that the flagship shook, apparently struck by something! "Alert! Alert! Sonic the hedgehog is attacking the flagship!" a robotic voice declared. "Blast! She just had to aggravate the hedgehog!" Eggman growled, starting to rush off and deal with this attack. "...she?" Ridley questioned, while Bucky took advantage of Eggman's distraction to zap the guards around them with his electric power! "The diplomatic approach didn't go so well. Let's fight our way out of here!" the rat suggested, leading Vortex and Zipp back through the ship. "How's Sonic getting up here, anyway?" Copter questioned. He couldn't see, but Sonic was outside, flying around the ship on the back of this world's version of SPOT, which apparently had a hoverbike mode, complete with lasers to blast a hole in the flagship with... With the idea of making a deal with Eggman having failed spectacularly, Copter was left with little option other than to follow Bucky's group and escape. Getting out of this world might prove to be impossible without Tails or Eggman's smarts, but what could he do? At any rate, their path to escape was soon blocked by the same Robians that had helped capture them before. "Let's blast them to pieces!" shouted Vortex, producing a bazooka from...somewhere. "Hold it, these guys are regular people turned into bots!" Copter pointed out, "Destroying them would be murder!" Zipp shrugged in response. "Are they not already dead-ish?" he asked. There wasn't time to debate it, as Robo-Tails led the attack, firing missiles that Bucky had to zap to knock out before someone got hurt. Razor stood between Tommy and the danger. "I might not be YOUR brother, but I'm still a cop. Stay back and I'll get you outta here..." he told him. The ship shook, and a blue ball crashed through the ceiling, landing in front of Robo-Tails. "Am I glad to see you!" Sonic said, only for Tails to target him. "Uhhh, guess the feeling's not mutual." he muttered before dashing around and leading the Robo-fox away from the others. The Egg Mobile dropped through the hole in the ceiling and began to chase after Sonic. "You'll regret coming out of retirement! Rrrgh! Someone stop those fleeing prisoners, too! Idiots!!" Eggman yelled. Simon, Ozzie, Fred... A number of these Robians were dead in Copter's world, and now aimed their arm and tail cannons at the group. Chet sped forward, running circles around Simon. "I'll distract 'em! Find a way outta here!" he cried, as the others started to move as well, and the interior of the ship quickly became quite chaotic. As things grew more chaotic, Vortex and Zipp slipped away from the group. The chameleon blended into his surroundings, and Zipp hid behind him so that the robots rushed right past them without noticing. "Huh. Their vision IS like people's and not sensor-based. Guess I owe you a Chaos Cola." Zipp murmured. Vortex snickered softly. "Let's crash this thing..." he said. At the same time, Razor had found Tommy some cover and was leading Simon's gunfire away from him. "Sure wish I could shoot back!" he grunted as he dove behind some metal containers. Even if his gun hadn't been confiscated, they couldn't take the lives of these Robians. Sonic smacked Simon to the ground with a jump attack, giving Razor some breathing room but also making space for his own confrontation with Robo-Tails. "Eggman, you sick old man! Turn him back, now!" Sonic shouted. The doctor shrugged. "I can't. I didn't change him in the first place." he stated, "But I'll take advantage! Destroy him, Tails!" he shouted, prompting the robo-fox to fire his missiles! Nearby, Chet, Ridley and Bucky were also preoccupied with several Robians, doing their best to try and get past them without destroying them. "Hey...where'd Copter go?" Ridley questioned before knocking a Robian back with Chaos Splash. Chet looked around. "Dunno... Yikes!" he yelped, speeding aside as a missile flew towards him... Copter was trying to think ahead. He'd taken the Robian version of Fred behind cover, keeping his attacks at bay with some carefully aimed Chaos Whirlwinds. "Fred, buddy... Future dad-in-law? My dead future dad-in-law? Errr, you in there anywhere? Listen, I need to get back to my Gemini. Any word on where yours is?" he questioned. Gemini could use magic to jump dimensions. It would solve all his problems. Robo-Fred gave a robotic growl, holding his head in his hands. "Rrrr... G-gemini..." he groaned, a distressed look in his robotic eyes. Copter wondered what this meant. "You just having a robo-moment? Or... Fred, Gemini is okay, right?" he asked. He already knew Tommy was dead in this world. Heck, even Copter himself was dead in this world. Genuine worry started to show in Copter's eyes. "She doesn't die without me. Say she's alright!" he shouted, shaking the Robian as he worried over an alternate version of his girlfriend. It made him worry for the Gemini back home... Because now he was thinking about things that could take her out. But he wouldn't get anything out of Robo-Fred. As the Robian aimed an arm-cannon towards him, Copter pushed the cannon aside, the missile flying into the wall and blasting a hole in the ship, which started to shake unsteadily afterwards. "Did I do that?" Copter wondered as the flagship started falling. He couldn't see, but Vortex and Zipp were in the engine room, snickering at the sparking mess they'd made. Now the ship had to be evacuated, immediately! Copter tried to drag Fred along with him as he and his allies tried to flee the ship, which was a bit easier now that Eggman had to evacuate as well. "Is it a good idea to bring a robot with us?" Ridley questioned. "Best way outta here is if we can find Gemini!" Copter told him, "And this guy might know where she is!" As they approached the hole in the ship, planning to evacuate through there, Sage appeared in their path. "Your actions here have changed nothing. This world will still serve its purpose, even without the Eggpire's aid." she stated. Copter growled, shoving the deranged Robo-Fred over to Chet. "Hold on to him... I gotta punch out this bot-lady for turning half the city into robots!" he said, charging towards Sage with the intent to whack her with a tail whip! Sage didn't try to dodge, and instead held up a gold ring. "You are unruly. Perhaps you could use an education..." she said, flicking the ring in front of her. The ring expanded, opening up a portal in Copter's path! He yelped in surprise, stumbling through the portal and crashing into several garbage cans that were sitting by a street corner somewhere far away from the Eggpire's Flagship. Copter had hit his head as he fell, rendered unconscious and laying amongst trash as the portal closed behind him. Someone came walking over... A fox wearing a cute school uniform. "Ugh, seriously? What'd you get yourself into this time, bro?" said the fox, who happened to be Tails! He lifted Copter up, slinging the black fox's arm over his shoulder. "I'll drag ya home, but I'm not doing your homework..." Tails grunted as he started carrying Copter with effort. Copter didn't know it yet, but he had left the Eggpire. How would he reunite with his friends and get home, now? To be continued... Egg Memo X6 Through the ring portals, I've witnessed something incredible! A sort of Prism, a source of power so tremendous, it seemingly destroyed its entire dimension! Sage's scans revealed that the dimension wasn't destroyed, but rather shattered, forming a sort of "Sub-Multiverse" with a piece of the Prism at the heart of each new world. I don't want a mere piece of this power. Surely there must be an undamaged Prism somewhere in the multiverse! If I can harness this power...a dimension-shattering power... Ohhh ho ho ho!! Move over, Chaos Emeralds! ...Side note... Sub-Multiverses? A question, then... Could our multiverse itself be a Sub-Multiverse? How far does this rabbit hole go? I'll refer to the full collective as the "Omniverse."