I hear bushes rustle, I sense something stirred - Peripheral hustle As panting is heard. To panic's innate, At that shadowy shape - It's surely too late To attempt an escape. I hear it advancing, I sense it ahead - Peripheral glancing Progressing my dread. To yell has no reason, With no one to hear - It's surely most wise To make peace with the fear. I feel it surround me, Both scaley and cold - It wraps right around me And tightens its hold. I look up in shock, At two ravenous eyes - Our sights interlock As it clenches its prize. It squeezes my hips, Ludely smirking in pride - It drools from its lips With its mouth opened wide. Too fast to recall, It devours me whole - My time here was small, yet I've now reached my goal. So prudely it spied, And contrived its attack - It fills me with pride To be chosen its snack. The walls are so rosy, So comfy and warm - A deathtrap so cozy Embraces my form. A burp and a moan, Just before a short nap - Its smile is my own As I happily