Nellie And City-Coach’s Race by SteamLocoLtMtn This story is about where City-Coach is rude about Nellie The Wise Locomotive for being old but during a race, Nellie proves him wrong. Rating: General Moral/Lesson: Never Judge A Book By Its Cover, Respect The Elders All the locomotives of Northern Nathan Railway are always hard at work taking passengers and goods to their destinations, the locomotives all like to work had but no locomotive works as nearly as hard as Nellie. Nellie is an older and wiser steam locomotive who worked in Northern Nathan Central Railway as long as anyone can remember and on Northern Nathan Railway for years. But, because she’s older than the newer and younger locomotives and due to her age, Nellie is sometimes prone to arrive late with her trains or sometimes breaks down as she needed a lot of maintenance; this resulted the other locomotives think that she’s a waste of space. One day, City-Coach The City Bus arrives at the station to collect Nellie’s passengers and drop off his passengers but Nellie was nowhere in sight. “Oh, where’s Nellie,” grumbles City-Coach, “If she doesn’t arrive soon, then I’ll be late with my bus rounds.” Then he hears a whistle and thinks it is Nellie but it turns out to be Nathan Chan The Steam Locomotive. “Nathan, what are you doing here?” asks City-Coach. “Sorry,” pants Nathan, “Nellie broke down on the mainline and I had to take her passenger train for today.” City-Coach laughs, “So age did caught up with Nellie. That’s like all old locomotives, you can never rely on something that is old fashioned!” “Nonsense,” huffs Nathan, “Nellie is useful and reliable.” But City-Coach isn’t convinced, “Maybe, but Nellie is slow of a steam locomotive she is!” “Nellie is not THAT slow!” exclaims Nathan. “Oh really? If you think Nellie is not slow,” says City-Coach boastfully, “Perhaps she’ll have a race with me, it will be an easy win for me, that’s for sure!” “We’ll see about that,” says Nathan, “Nellie can beat you in a race any day and I’ll tell her all about it.” And with that, Nathan goes off to The Big Yard to tell Nellie about it. “So that boastful bus wants to have a race with me?” ponders Nellie, “Oh, I don’t know about that, I’m much too old for racing about than I used to. I used to have a race against a hundred adult furries many years ago.” “Oh, come on Nellie,” encourages Nathan, “It will be fun!” “Well, alright Nathan,” Nellie says, “If you say so, besides I think this will teach City-Coach a thing or two about boasting.” Nellie steams off to tell The New Strict Controller, Caitlin Lucy Cat who is an adult female cat, to grant permission for a race and making the arrangements. Soon, the news about Nellie and City-Coach’s race spread everywhere, all the other locomotives are very excited and wonders who will win the race by the following day. Many locomotives are hoping that Nellie will win but some other locomotives are doubting that Nellie will ever win against City-Coach but Nathan is sure that Nellie will win the race. The next day, the day for the race have begun and Nellie is already cleaned and polished for the race day and this waiting at the station for City-Coach so that Nathan can start the race. The adult furries all gathered around the station area to watch the great race taking place and even the television broadcast company of Northern Nathan begin to film the race live. City-Coach soon arrives just as the announcement says 10 minutes before the race starts. “Oh I don’t know if I will win, City-Coach is faster than me,” doubts Nellie, “Don’t you worry old gal,” says Nellie’s driver who is an adult male dog, “I know you can win.” The New Strict Controller calls out “Is everyone ready?” Nellie and City-Coach answer that they’re ready, “On your marks,” calls The New Strict Controller, “Get set, go!” Nathan sounds his whistle to start the race, City-Coach draws ahead. With some wheel slipping, Nellie soon got some grip and is soon on her way. “That silly old locomotive,” says City-Coach, “She’ll never beat me in this race!” But he is wrong as he arrives at the level crossing, Nellie’s last few coaches have just passed the crossing. “Huh?!” said City-Coach, “How come Nellie got to the level crossing already?” The race announcement says that Nellie is now in the lead of the race which also goes through City-Coach’s radio channel. “Oh no,” says City-Coach, “Now I’m second!” As soon as the boom gates goes up and the lights stop flashing, City-Coach races after Nellie. Nellie meanwhile is still racing head travelling at 120 km/h (75 mph) because that’s the fastest she can ever go at full steam. City-Coach tries to catch up but at the second level crossing, Nellie whizzes past leaving City-Coach behind. “Oh not again!” groans City-Coach, “It’s time to kick it up a notch, I’m not going to lose this race to some grandma of a locomotive!” Once the second level crossing is clear for City-Coach, he races off trying to go faster but the harder he tries the more he is straining his engine. Nellie on the other hand is arriving at the top station where the crowd cheers as Nellie pulls into the station safely. “Well, that is a good race,” says Nellie, “Isn’t it City-Coach?” But City-Coach is nowhere to be seen, “City-Coach, where are you?” asks Nellie. The race announcement says that City-Coach have broken down even though Nellie have won. Nathan meanwhile have found City-Coach halfway down the line from the top station. “So, you’re getting old City-Coach,” says Nathan cheekily, “You know what they say old things do tend to break down, remember.” “Oh, I shouldn’t have pushed my engine so hard Nathan,” mopes City-Coach, “I guess it serves me right for being so rude.” “Cheer up,” say Nathan, “I’ve brought a mechanic to fix your engine and you’ll be as good as new.” “Oh, thanks Nathan,” says City-Coach, “You’re a good friend.” As soon as City-Coach’s engine is fixed, he arrives at the station parking lot where Nellie is waiting. “Well, there you are City-Coach,” says Nellie, “I’m surprised you didn’t come first in the race.” “Well if I haven’t been so carried away, I wouldn’t have blown my engine,” says City-Coach, “But thanks to Nathan, I’m as good as new.” Then City-Coach has a moment of serenity, “I’m sorry that I have said rude things about you, Nellie. You may be an older locomotive but you win this race fair and square.” The adult furry crowd all went “Awww,” in unison, “Thank you City-Coach,” says Nellie, “I had fun racing but I’ll leave racing for Nathan or Trap.” And with that Nellie departs off back to Main Station for rest before her next train, the race have concluded that Nellie have won the race. From that day on City-Coach never boast to Nellie ever again and the two become friends. Nellie may be old but she’s useful as any other locomotive.