● Prologue: Enter, the unexpected hero... if you have a thing against Bronies, might I suggest looking away? If you have a thing against child heroes, then why did you click on a fic labeled "Kid Fic". If you have a thing against De-Aged, or Regression stories, then this REALLY isn't for you. For our hero, was all these things. He was a Lunar Vulpony. A bat pony, with fox features. Such as his head, front paws, and fluffy tail. Although his back legs remained hooved. His coloring was mostly a bright orange, well his underbelly was a cream white, as in extremely pale orange. Although his lower legs were black, with thick blue squigglies where it met the orange fur, above all four of his knees. Then his tail was orange, with the underside being the same cream white as his underbelly, with a black tip, plus thick blue squiggles between all the colors of the tail. His leathery wings were a bright white, with blue bones showing through the thin skin, and a thick black trim at the bottom of the wings. His cheeks and lower jaw were the same cream white. While the rest of his face was orange. Well, except for the large number of black freckles around his green, anime style, eyes. With just a tinge of red to the irises. The Avatar itself had a "Shifter" Racial Template. Meaning he had a bipedal Anthro Form, as well as a humanoid form, in addition to his feral (more animal like) form. His humanoid form was more based on a "Animalistic" body. Meaning he might be clearly human, but had the occasional animal feature. Such as fox ears, a fluffy fox tail, hooved legs, and small bat wings. None of these features were standard, not even for a shifter. As the individual had long ago commissioned his friend, Tech, for the various upgrades to the Avatar. He was dressed in a Traditional English School Boy outfit... only heavily dyed. With a black jacket suit (with a thick yellow trim, and a blue TARDIS crest over his heart), and pure black short shorts (barely covering his thighs), along with knee high yellow socks (with two blue stripes near the knee), with circular blue shoes (going over his hooves) much in the style of Princess Luna's, completed by a Detective Conan Bowtie (dyed blue). In addition, he had a few accessories, which stayed put, even in Feral Form. Such as the 4th Doctor's Scarf, big round glasses, a Jack Harkness style Vortex Manipulator (on his left wrist), and an Omnitrix (on his right), then a Deadpool style teleportation belt. The 11th Doctor's sonic screwdriver, was clipped to the scarf, much like a stick of celery, on a coat. As one does. He also had an Amulet, which let him use Kimimaro's (from Naruto) bone manipulation powers, and a ring which let him use shadow bending powers. He won all these artifacts, by a large number of completing storylines, as opposed to Perma-Death MMOs. So unlocking the artifacts was more tedious, but not nearly as dangerous... It actually took a year to complete each quest, in opposition to the singular battle of a Perma-Death "Artifact Hunt". Less risk, more time, for the same reward. This mighty hero? looked barely 7, by foal standards. Big head, tiny body, and small wings... though big when compared to a Pegasus child. Though his wings were not feathered, but rather a thin layer of leathery skin. I should mention, this great epic hero, was only such in the entirely fictional world, of Virtual Reality. ### ● Ponyfinder Online: • POV: Ollivander Toma. • Username: Smart Mouth. • Nickname: The Cookie God. I squirmed nervously as I worked with a little gray Kobold, who covered in blue paint. We found a forge, in the Queen's treasury. Which was worth one, permanent, bonus to Armor... which the rest of the team felt I needed. And I had chosen to attach the extra defense to my scarf. It didn't really matter if the gear appeared on my Avatar, as my whole outfit was technically equipped, even if you couldn't see it in Feral Form, but I might choose to change out of my outfit... I mean I rarely did, outside of dates and parties, but I always had my scarf. My friends and I were in the heart of a changeling hive... we were kinda in the middle of the Queens treasury, dividing up the loot. With everyone getting an equal share of bits. While the gear went to who needed it most. We weren't greedy, we had been friends for too long to fight over our loot. Instead we all agreed, as a team, who needed what to help the party, as a whole. They had decided I needed better armor, as I had low health due to being an archer and spell caster. Nearby, a fledgling Dragon, about Smolder's age, was thrilled to find a few new spell tomes. She was a bright yellow, with blue fins, blue-ish green eyes, and an adorable little pair of wings. Typo, the Dragon, was busy reading the spell books. They were basically instruction manuals for learning new spells, after all. The book she was currently reading was based on a new fire spell. So not much use to me but great help for our resident fire lizard. Typo was our offensive mage, where I specialized in things like Restoration and Illusion. We tended to fight over the Mysticism and Alteration Tomes, but the party decided Typo should get first pick on those, as she was purely focused on increasing her magical skills... and I was more stealth based, with a flare for magic, being more of a support player. Especially thanks to routinely training my Illusion and Restoration skills. So they were actually higher then her's. Which is why I got those books. But sadly the evil queen didn't have ANY healing spell tomes, and her Illusion spell books I already knew... So, needless to say, Typo was very happy with her collection of spell books. Then there was a slender child, with a digivice on his belt, and a Kotomon on his shoulder. The boy had a head of bleach blonde hair, and large Anime style eyes. Clearly his Avatar was based off a Gen 1 Digi-Destined The boy was wielding a sword, twice the size of a full grown adult. With one hand, no less. "Honestly Raider, that thing looks like it belongs in Final Fantasy." Stated a reformed changeling. Though not like the typical ones. He had antenna and the back legs of a cricket. Well the team might be looking out for unreformed changelings, this bug like horse was on their side. He had on a Pinocchio like straw hat, and a white suit collar (though just the collar, no shirt attached), with blue bowtie. His own coloring were various shades of blues and greens. The Cricket Ling stared distastefully at the comically sized sword. "Sure that thing isn't a glitch?" "Don't care." Grinned the younger human. "Mine!" Although only young in this artificial realm. Unlike me, Raider wasn't an age player. He just chose a child as his Avatar, to go with the Digimon theme. The Cricket Ling rolled his eyes, but there was a hint of a smile on his face. Rad was our resident Warrior. Don't let his casual clothes  and lack of weapons fool you. He was a real heavy hitter. More a bruiser then tank, but could still take a good bit of damage. About the only real spell casting he knew was conjuration, but that was because he liked summoning Bound Armor and weapons, instead of wearing it all the time. He also liked summoning creatures to fight alongside him. All of Rad's gear was heavily enchanted to give him a boost to his skills, and even a healing factor by way of an Amulet that restored his Magicka, Health, and Fatigue. Whenever we found an Enchanted item, Tech and I would break it down. That way we could reverse engineer the enchantments. Because of this, our party might not have the most powerful enchantments (or a lot of money from selling extra enchantments) but we had A LOT of magical gear. Tech was a little grey Kobold, and our primary craftsmen. Although I did help him out with a lot of the crafts, I could only do that stuff through the game's crafting engine. I didn't have a clue how to do Programming or Modding... and none of us were willing to do straight up hacks, given how illegal those were. Regardless, I often assisted Tech, in making crafted items. As entering an "Assist Mode" really increase the chances of success well crafting, and you can even make better items. Tech was our Technomancer / Rogue. He handled all the electronics in the game... technically everything was electric, given we were in a videogame, but he handled all the stuff that was categorized as "computer", "Machine", or "Electronic". He had a lot of weapons that fell into that category, as well. Nearby, sinfully eating a brownie (a clearly inferior snack to cookies), was Slash. He had a "Shark Man" Avatar. Based off the "Animalistic" Avatar Template. Which was basically a human with animal features... him being a shark. He was another Bruiser. Using T-1000 style powers. He won an artifact that let him mimic the abilities, by looping a large chunk of his Stamina. Made it so he didn't have access to a lot of it. So he got tired easily, and thereby couldn't run for long. Or use many of his racial powers. Off to the Side... was a rock... just a rock sitting on the floor. When I took my eyes off it, then casually looked back... the rock had moved. A spike of fear shot through me... but then I noticed the little Speed Racer helmet the rock was wearing. I rolled my eyes, "Damnit Stead!" I glared, "I thought you were a changeling!!!" I could feel the rocks amusement, though it didn't speak. "Everyone got all they can carry?" Rad called out to us. "I think I can get into that chest Smouth couldn't open!" Typo eagerly declared, as she ran over to the chest. "Don't!!!" I yelped as I ran over to her. "Don't worry," Typo grinned, "I got a fancy new spell for this." It was too late... she cast the spell. Thankfully I managed to knock her out of the way, just in time for the chest to explode... killing me instantly. ### So much for our hero... moving on. ### ● Oasis Programming Level: • POV: Jasper Megoth. • Username: The Haunted Child. • Nickname: The Haunter Child. I floated in the space between servers. Dozens of screens floating around me, in a transparent green sphere. All vertically streaming the endless, and incomprehensible green code... incomprehensible, to all but a select few... like me. Okay so I was a tad overdramatic with my monologues, but you just had to look at my Avatar, to understand that. I was a cross between a Gastly, from Pokemon, and Marvel Comics' Ghost Rider. While this head was very Gastly like, though more like a skull then a ball... surrounded by a purple fog. I had no skin, muscles, or organs... just a charcoal black skeleton, leaking that purple fog. My legs were optional, given I was using a "Phantom" type Avatar as my race. Currently, my entire lower half was missing. Just the long bone tail, of my spine. It was poking out of my sleek black dress suit. An high end "Team Rocket Giovanni Jacket", complete with the red 'R' on the left pec's pocket. A white dress shirt under that... I'm an edge lord, sue me... if you can find me. I am a god of cyberspace. My programming skills rivalled the AIs. For example: ### ● Oasis Market Planet: • POV: Colbert Arthurs. • Username: Kole the Kobold. • Nickname: Football. "Stop Theif!!!" I grinned, cutting into the crowd. My small stature making it hard for the guard VIs to find me. As I dodged legs, and zig zagged about. Once I was absolutely sure, the guards couldn't see me, I dove into an alley. Hiding behind a dumpster, I took off my Clark Kent Glasses. My username once again becoming visible. Next, I quickly punched my left peck, pulling up my user profile. I threw my glasses inside, and with the speed that only comes with practice, I selected a new outfit. My Thieves Guild Armor, straight from Planet Elder Scrolls... that I had ironically stolen, disappeared. I was left naked, which wasn't particularly an issue, given I had my "Settings" permanently turned to "SFW". Meaning all sex parts absent... it also meant, all adult theme Avatars, were censored to my eyes, and even curse words came out as beeps. All that was pretty standard, for players under 16. My light blue scales were shining under the moonlight. The occasional orange scale, shining all the brighter. Though my light grey underbelly looked rather dull. In place of hair, I had two rows of short bone-like spikes, jetting at opposite sides of the top of my head. Fishing out my gear, I equipped one of my saved outfits. Which, in this case, was a cross section combat sash. It's pockets already filled with dozens of weapons and useful items. A pair of katana's at my back. Along with a plasma based sniper rifle. A gun holster on each thigh, with Halo Covenant Needlers.... And, embarrassingly, a batman utility belt. It was just too useful not to have!!! I'm not a nerd!!! I swear!!! My only real clothes, was my Kobold style raggedy loincloth. "My my my," I tensed, hearing that voice. Looking up, I saw, Standing on top of the building, was a gods damned Sheriff. And just my luck, it was the Black Swordsman, himself. The Admin jumped down, his black overcoat fluttering in the breeze. I could have tried to run, but he had nothing on me. "Is this REALLY, worthy of the attention of a Mod?" I sighed. knowing better then to play dumb with a Sheriff. They were capable of zeroing out players, at their discretion... and even had the power to suspend the accounts of repeat offenders... like me. Worse yet they could take you to the virtual prison. Where you would be forced to endure all kinds of hardships, for up to a month of real world time. That was nearly a year, in game! And you had to serve the sentence, as the game recorded the hours you were logged in. You couldn't just not show up, to avoid virtual prison. The only way to avoid it, was to never log into the game, ever again. Sheriffs were Judge Dredd style "Judge, Jury, and Executioners" The Black Swordsman gave a helpless, but still somehow cocky, shrug. "Probably not," he admitted. With that acknowledgement, I felt it was safe to plead my case. "Stealing from VIs doesn't break any REAL rules. It's a misdemeanor, at best. The VIs have jurisdiction, not Administrators." The Black Swordsman nodded, "True true." I relaxed, until he said, "But I admit, I'm curious." I blinked. "You got past a Level 99 security system," Informed the Sheriff. I immediately paled, "I didn't hack it!!!" I swore, having gone down this road before. Hacking was a serious offense, and most Sheriff's refused to believe I was that good. "I'm well aware of that." He pulled a data pad, out of his coat. "Saw you pick the locks, myself." While that did ease me, I couldn't help but wonder why he wanted to talk to me, if I wasn't in trouble. Looking at the data pad, he informed. "Pulled up your rap sheet. You got quite the history of thieving. Not just from VIs, either. Even some player on player pickpocketing. Though, since all those were done outside City Limits, no real issue there. I'm just impressed by the people you were able to get one over. I'Rock, would have loved to see that one, in particular. "You also favor Stealth Games, got the top score on both Cell and Hitman Words. So you know how to handle yourself in a fight." I squirmed, "I usually die if I get caught... so I got to make sure I don't get caught." "Still, the sheer number of instant kills on your record. That requires more then a level of mere competency." The Black Swordsman kept his eyes on my sheet. "You not only know were all the pin sized death spots are, but are good enough to hit them consistently. "Combine that with your healing magics, and you would make a pretty good support for any party." I shrugged, trying not to show my growing anxiety. Just what does this guy want from me? "I'm not really into clanning up. Is easier to steal things, solo." "True, but you have no idea how to sell the things you steal. Most of the time, you get caught by trying to sell stolen goods to local vendors. It's like you aren't even AWARE of the thieves guild." I scowled, "They won't take me. They got a gorram age limit!" the censorship didn't extend to pretend swears, from various media. The Swordsman smiled. "Yes, most guilds are against taking on minors." "And most Clans just want to use us as canon fodder." I pouted. Not even thinking about lying about my age. It was right there, on my profile. There was no way to conceal it. Not even with Clark Kent Glasses. The glasses might hide my direct age, but they simply changed that to "Minor". I was 13. Old enough to be put to work, in the real world, but not old enough to get any respect. Especially not from any of the work houses. "How about I make you a deal," The Swordsman smiled. "I put you in touch, with a few players willing to buy stolen goods from children. And in return, you join my deputies." My jaw dropped open, "What the (beep) you talkin' 'bout!?!" I couldn't stop myself from exclaiming. The Sheriff shrugged. "Kid, your good enough to crack open a level 99 safe. Maybe not SMART enough to look for alarms." I scowled. "But if, based on your ability to successfully sneak into market storage, AND run out of it, even after it was sealed. Honestly the only reason I'm here, is because a friend of mine recommended you. "I'm sure you heard the rumors that the High 5 is working on a next gen Oasis Build. Truth is, we need more Mods for it. Preferably, before we make the official announcement," The Swordsman explained. "You interested? The pays good, and you'll be pushed to the head of the line, to get access to the new game." I studied him a moment. "What's the catch?" He continued to smile, "You joining me, IS the catch. What I do is dangerous. More so then a mere Perma-Death mission. You may even end up getting hacked, during a fight. Though we have a company authorized hacker, in my department. So they would be able to repair most damages, and actively fight against it." I thought on it... for all of 2 seconds. "I'm in." ### ● Planet Doom: • POV: Olivia Olson. • Username: MetaGamer. • Nickname: The Were-Krogan. I ducked behind a boulder, as gun fire rained down around me. The other players had realized who I was, and had taken appropriate action. They all forgot about fighting each other, and turned their weapons towards me. This might seem excessive, though an Asari Matriarch was definitely a threat. Just looking at me, I didn't seem all that dangerous. My gear was standard, my weapons non-existent. Even my clothes were the generic Asari robes from Mass Effect. My Armor was just as generic... And because of that... I was undoubtedly the most dangerous player in the game. I made the proper seal, and screamed out, "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!!!" There was an explosion of smoke, and suddenly an army of a thousand me's appeared before the players stupid enough to challenge me. Each one began casting different spells. From Biotic Singularities, to Destructo Disks and Kamehamehas. A few of my clones were even flinging around Advada Kadavas. All the while, I sat calmly behind my rock, casting an impenetrable ward around myself. I didn't waste my money on gear. Didn't increase my health past the standard. All my funds, and my level up bonuses, went into my magicks. Oh I died, plenty of times, when I first attempted this build. A pure spell caster was probably the hardest build to survive... but I had survived, and sunk every credit I had into buying spells from every franchise in existence. As well as tomes to increase my magical power and lower PP cost. I now had enough destructive power, and superior defenses, to lay waste to entire planets... even if my health was insignificant. Any decent player could kill me with a few well placed punches... but they would have to get past my defenses. I heard the last of the screams, and my surviving clones dispelled themselves. Pouring their memories into my mind, and alerting me the danger was over. I banished my ward, and stepped out. Calmly walking over to the artifact I had won... though I could hardly care what it was. Selling it would allow me to buy more spell tomes, to increase my max PP. Which would let me cast even more spells. Stepping into the white light, I reached for the floating Gauntlet. "Hey," I quickly threw up a Biotic Barrier, as I spun around to see who had managed to sneak up on me. Only to be smacked in the face with FUCK!!! "Samehada!!!" I gaped, jumping back. But it was too late. I felt my PP drop significantly from that one strike. My Shields would be useless. I would have to focus on chameleon spells, and long range attacks... hopefully one of them would get through... but that sword, it be eating up my magic faster then I can cast it. The wielder gave a cocky smirk. And I finally saw his face. "What the FUCK does the Black Swordsman need with a Gauntlet." I shrieked. I knew the guy had a thing for collecting "A sword for every occasion" but how the hell did he get Samehada! That was a level 93 magical artifact!!! I knew he was good but how the bloody hell could he get past the quest to unlock that! Kirito shouldered his blade, looking straight at me, "I'm not here for that." My blood ran cold. "You think magic is my only trick!" I glared, at being underestimated. My body suddenly started to grow. My slender, beautiful frame, mutated into a mass of muscle. An occasional patch, of diamond hard scales, appeared on my newly amphibious form. When I was done, I stood at near 8 feet tall. So I didn't spend ALL my coin on spells and tomes. I did upgrade my Avatar with a temporary race Transformation... there was a reason people called me the "Were Krogan". In this form, all my physical stats were temporarily boosted to the level cap. I was both a Tank, and a ferocious Bruiser... and a boy, but that's a minor feature. I was gender fluid. So naturally I liked the idea of being able to switch between genders. But as I said, that hardly mattered right now. I got down in a sprinting position, mostly as warning... waiting for him to make the next move. I wasn't stupid enough to attack the Black Swordsman, but I was letting him know I could defend myself. This was a Artifact Hunt, so he had no authority here, as a Sheriff. As far as I knew, he was hear on his off hours, just wanting the artifact for himself. He let me stew for a moment, before informing, "I'd like to offer you a job." ### ● Sodaroo Australia: • POV: Sunny Dilbert • Username: Sunny D. • Nickname: D. I barreled through the mutated beast. Swinging my massive claws, through the giant's underbelly. The monster stood before me and my prize. Really, not a smart place to be. I slid on my tail, to dodge it's attack, kicking with my massive, kangaroo style feet, as I spun around it. The creature fell with a thump, allowing me to claim my prize, something I had been searching for, for years. A genuine, perfect condition, gallon of Sunny D. My clan prized this, over all other drinks. It was even unopened. We would be able to reverse engineer the valuable liquid inside... We Sodaroos take our beverages very seriously. It was even more valuable, given in the real world, such drinks were completely absent. The only place you could even get a flavored drink was in the Oasis. So traveling the island continent of a post apocalypse Australia? Fighting to bring such luxurious drinks to the rest of the world? I felt like I was accomplishing something. Rebuilding the world, and recovering luxuries of the past... I was a kid, when soft drinks stopped being mass produced... when things like pizza and cookies went extinct... this world, here in the Oasis, let me pretend I was bringing back a piece of that... that I was saving the world... It was just a power fantasy. The world was doomed, but here, I could pretend otherwise. In here, was my real life... screw the real world, let it burn. We should be focusing on finding away to permanently install all of mankind, in here. In the Oasis. I knew heard rumors people were looking into it... but it wasn't going fast enough, in my opinion. We were putting too much resources into saving an already dead world, and not enough in saving ourselves. At least, here, with my fellow Sodaroos... I wasn't helpless. "Seriously? Your legitimately colored like a Sunny D bottle?" I spun around, spotting some dick wad that TOTALLY RUINED THE MAGIC!!! Walking around in a human Avatar, on a furry world. That's just not cricket. It took me a moment to realize he had insulted me... his mistake. I was rather proud of my colors. I was a bright yellow, with an orange underbelly, a blue "trim" in my fur, blue hair on the top of my head, and pure white eyes. I looked liked my favorite childhood beverage. Something I lost when the world ended. Something that meant a good deal to me. If there is one thing you don't do to a Sodaroo, it's insult their favorite drink. I quickly put my treasure into my profile, where it would be safe. Then proceeded to leap out of my crater. Landing in front of the punk that clearly just came here to cause trouble. If there was one thing I refused to tolerate. It was a bully. Towering over the darkly dressed teenager, that dared mock something so precious to me, I cracked my knuckles. The boy seemed to make the connection, "Woh now, I'm not looking for a fight." I gritted my teeth, "Then you really shouldn't have come to the wastelands." I swung my claw, only for the little shit to dodge. Luckily, the second crater I created, did some decent damage to his ego. The little shit clearly paled. Channeling my roo speed, I charged straight for him. He didn't even have to draw his sword, before I was right in front of him... and froze. My Avatar started to glitch, as I struggled to escape. "Gods damn Hacker!!!" I accused. It was just too perfect timing, for my helmet to lag, just as I was about to teach the brat a lesson. "Now what's wrong with Hackers?" A familiar voice got my attention. "Haunter!?" I struggled to turn my head, but thankfully he stepped into my view. Looking as equally pissed as I was. "That's Haunted! Ha-n-tid! I'm a Gastly! Not a Haunter!" His Skull-like head somehow pouted. All I could do, was roll my eyes. The darkly dressed punk finally recovered. Pulling out a badge, from his profile. I just sneered at him. "I don't care who you are! You got an arse kicking coming your way!" Haunter sighed, "He didn't mean anything by it. He is just ignorant of Sodaroo culture." All fandoms had their own unique cultures. I should know, I'm a Sociologist in my spare time. Regardless, "Then he's about to learn about it the hard way!" Haunter sighed, "Come on D, can you just let this slide? Otherwise I'm just going to have to hold you here, for the next few hours, until you agree to hear us out." I growled, but took in a deep breath, trying to clear my head... I owed Haunter a favor. I might not like MOST hackers, but Haunter was a legal one. He worked for the High 5, acting as the counter measure to cyber terrorism... He actually helped me out of a jam once, after someone hacked my own account. Stealing all my coin and gear. Haunter got it all back for me... I owed him... "I don't kill him... and we're even." I gritted my teeth. Haunter tilted his head. Before making a counter offer, "Don't kill him, AND hear him out. Even seriously consider his offer. THEN we are even." I weighed my options... "Deal." ### ● Hub World: • POV: William Billiards • Username: Taur-nation. • Nickname: Musky the Husky. I looked down at myself. I was rather cute, if I do say so myself. A slender, almost scrawny build, and very boyish design. I was an obvious adult, but just as obviously still a teenager... well if you knew how to tell such things, for a Husky Taur. I was even bloody short, as far as Taurs go, standing at exactly 5 foot tall. Though that was entirely on purpose. In real life, I stood at an unbearable 6'4... and always wished I was shorter. I kept hitting my head on things. I liked being tiny. Not as Tiny as a 2 foot Kobold, but I wished I was shorter... very few Doms like subs that tower over them. Anyway, I kept the design rather simple, with more real world coloring. Largely white, with the occasional strand of red fur (much like freckles). Though My short, spikey, and more human like hair, was a bright red. Given I was a ginger, in real life, and always thought it was my best feature. My eyes were an even brighter green then in real life, which were already pretty striking. I had more human like arms and a torso, though it was pretty scrawny, and overly cute. Although, as a Taur, my lower body was that of a 4 legged animal. A husky, specifically, all paws and floofy tail. I even had the head of a Husky, though more cartoony, with big anime eyes, and a shorter muzzle. I... felt out of place. Round me were champions. Famous titans, a master theif, and even a freaking Programmer... and I was some random college kid. I wasn't even that good of a gamer. Literally the only reason I was hear, was because I was the "Apprentice" of the Haunter Child. He was my "Mentor". Mentors held legal rights over a child. Though the parents had to agree to grant it. Usually, this was in exchange for teaching the kid a trade. Usually modding, or some other Oasis related skill. Mentors were even paid a livable wage. So only rich kids could afford them. After the Oasis was built, mentors to children, like they had in medieval times, was revived. They were even recognized as a legitimate job. Hell, some governments had bloody programs, that had replaced "Big Brother". There, Mentors would be paid by the government, and take on underprivileged kids... if the kid had good enough grades, and could maintain them. Daito, member of the High Five, had been mentor to Sho, back before it was legally recognized. Daito had brought the kid into the High Five's inner circle, and the kid had grown up to be one of the leaders of the largest company on Earth... Daito and Sho are who pushed for governments to legally recognize mentors. It used to just be a quirk of the Oasis. A subculture that developed. Fandoms, of all kinds, had taken to taking on kids, that showed an interest in their subcultures. Though it was mostly an online experience, with occasionally meeting the parents at cons. Kids were our future, that's true of everything. A few people took an interests in teaching the younger ones. That way they don't stumble about, getting in trouble. This way, the kids learned the do's and don't's of their fandom. As well as all the subtleties, and customs, of their subculture. It insured the fandom maintained everything they built... and that dicks and trolls rarely infected them to any significant degree. I grew up in a world, where mentors were once again common place. Even had one myself, though not through a government program. This was back when I was a Young Fur, myself, Just a little kid, barely made aware of the fandom, but self aware enough to know I wanted to be a part of it. My parents learned I was interested in the Furry Fandom, and did some research into it. Furries were much more mainstream, then they were 50 years ago. But what sealed the deal, for my parents, was when they learned the Furries had their own mentor program. We couldn't afford our own, and while my grades weren't bad, a "C" and "B" student wasn't good enough for the government program. These Furry Mentors, were funded by donations. There only condition, for teaching kids a valuable trade, was the opportunity to educate them about the fandom... obviously, as I wanted both those things, my parents jumped on it. They started donating a small portion of their paychecks, only what they could afford, so it was a very small amount, and that meager payment was enough to get me assigned a mentor... though it was for a trade my parents wanted me to learn, not necessarily myself. I was introduced to a Poké-Fur, an Anthro Pokemon. He taught me about computer science, both hardware and programming. Though he also taught me how to make Mods. He took me around the furry fandom, showed me everything I needed to know. He was someone I could go to, to ask questions my parents wouldn't understand... or I was too embarrassed to ask them. He gave me the bloody TALK, and no you pervert. He never did anything to me. When I was 16, together with my first boyfriend, and the boy asked if I wanted to... you know. I talked to Haunter about it. See if there were any tricks he could tell me. Instead, he went into a long lecture about what sex was, the risk involved, and assured me there was nothing wrong with being a virgin. That I didn't have to posture about it, and pretend I knew anything about sex, as odds are. My boyfriend didn't have a clue what he was talking about, either... and then he gave me a few tips. Obviously, he didn't demonstrate, but it was helpful. Like the myth about swallowing "killing STDs" was bull, and don't "Double bag it", as the rubber would chaff and break. Just stuff kids need to know, but parents are too embarrassed to tell them. Having a mentor, looked good on a resumé. As did being a mentor, and it was cheaper then college or trade schools. Though having "higher education" and a mentor, practically guaranteed you a good job. Mentors tended to be a lifelong relationship. Although they lose all their legal rights, over the child, once the kid turned 30. That was the new age of adulthood. Though kids gained legal "Privileges" as early as 11... which was "the privilege to work". Parents and mentors dictated all a child's privileges. Teaching them moderation, and giving them more independence. That way we aren't just thrusted into adulthood. We have time to get used to the idea... with guidance from various authority figures... and paddles to our butts, applied for even most forms of legal trouble. It was projected, humans could now live to be 157. What with all the genetic engineering going around, of course there would be stuff to extend the life expectancy. No one had even died, of old age, for near a decade. Though sickness, and radiation poisoning, was a different matter. Haunter nudged my arm, getting my attention, well standing me before a freaking Sheriff. The Black Swordsman... looked no older then 15, but I knew he'd been around for decades. All the way back to the first Dreamscape helmets... he was even one of the first Admins the Oasis ever had. He was a freaking hero! "This him?" The man smiled at me, and I tried my best to stand up straight. Haunter just smiled. Accompanied only by a subtle nod. The Black Swordsman looked me up and down. "Your Sensei tells me your an even better craftsmen then himself." The man smiled. I gulped, looking to my mentor for confirmation. Although, "In all honesty, that's not all that hard." I gave the Gastly a slightly cheeky smile. "Whenever Haunter wants something, he just kinda, wills it into being." I yelped in surprise, as Haunter slapped my backside. I knew he had no qualms about punishing me, in public or otherwise, but I couldn't imagine what I did that deserved even a singular smack. "That's 'Haunted'." Haunter insisted. I just rolled my eyes. He was legitimately the only one who called himself that. "Haunter Child" just sounded cooler. It didn't help that he was currently only sporting his spirit tail, instead of legs. Which was clearly a Haunter thing. Thankfully the Swordsman defended me. "Come now. You know it's a term of endearment." Haunter just pouted, crossing his arms and everything. The Black Swordsman gave a sigh. Before looking back at me. "I can give you a good salary, as assistant to our clan craftsmen. And I understand you're in college, and will be spending most of your days either in school, or doing homework. So this will be more of a part time job. We plan for us to have a more full time Craftsmen, so don't worry about getting buried under work. But when you're here, I expect you to be here. School work should be finished, before you come, and you can expect I'll be taking it out of your butt, if I learn it wasn't." That was pretty standard. "Yes sir." I somehow managed to stand even straighter. The Swordsman nodded. "I got to warn you. I'm a pretty demanding Task Master. You won't just be keeping my gear in repair, but everyone else on the team. As well as our vehicles. Even help build us new equipment and power ups... think you can handle it?" I gave a shy grin. "I'd love to."