"Well journal, it's me, Luna. Your highly intelligent anthropomorphic cat! You're never going to believe this, but I got a chainmail saying my IQ would drop by one point for every ten words I write. Can you believe how silly that is? I have an IQ of 130. Maybe I'll just keep taking IQ tests, record them in here, and say the results. If I don't get dumber after ten IQ tests, I'll already know this chainmail is a load of bull. Ugh. Can you believe it? I took an IQ test and it said my IQ was 120. I took it a few more times, but it went between 125 and 115 for an average IQ of 120. I know I'm not that dumb, and I've used this IQ test site more than a dozen times before. It ALWAYS told me I was 130! I can't believe that. I'm going to have to try some other IQ tests now. I'm determined to get a 130 back somehow. I have the day off so I'm not worried. I'll get that 130 back somewhere! I spent maybe a few hours trying on a few different websites, but they're telling me my IQ is even lower now. I'm averaging at 110. It's still higher than average. Then again, 100 is higher than average with today's society. Maybe my brain is getting too fried. Hm. Fried. I'll have to eat something, and then I can try again. Maybe I'll put on some music. Music has been known to increase the IQ of a person after listening to it for a few minutes. I'm not sure how that works though...but I swore I did. Man, this is getting weird. It feels like I'm messing up on some words. Even my sentences don't feel right. Yeah, it's break time. I'll get back to you in a bit, journal. Maybe that chainmail is real. I still don't want to send it, but now I can't get my IQ above 105. Heck, it's dropping below 100! I'm still intelligent though. I'm coherent and I can write full sentences. An IQ of 100 is average. It's a bit frustrating for the system to tell me I'm that, but it's still not bad. How many times have I used the word still? Probably once too many. Is that the right version of the word 'too' that I used? Is that even a complete sentence! Argh! The more I write, the more I question what I'm writing in the first place. I...I have to try to get some schoolwork done. I'll get back to you. I can barely focus on my schoolwork. I couldn't do any of it. I don't know if its stress or my IQ is actually going down. I don't even...is that the right version of 'its' that I used? I don't know. It's hard to think how to write with proper grammar with all the stupid English rules! Writing is very difficult sometimes. I guess keeping notes helps, but the journal is supposed to be notes of my thoughts. Good thing nobody but me can read this. I think I should try typing on my keyboard instead of a writing on the virtual notepad. It transfers over to the computer anyways. It is expensive though. Me no not remember buying it. Maybe me praents get it? Bleh. I see red word. Me fix later. Wait. Me? I mean to say I. Ugh. I'm not stupid, I know how to delete this stuff, but I guess since it's all supposed to be my thoughts I'll just keep them. No harm in doing it, right? I'll try the site quiz again cause me bookmarked it, but don't remember password. I tried the no login but it say me IQ low like super low, like 90 annd lower. Ah crap there's a typo. I guess I should keep those in to. Wait, am I using the right to? Is it too? Me writing bad again but me fix later. I think capitalization and the pierod and commas get used somewhere too but I don't remember where and it worries me. Ill place periods where I think theygo Notepad is getting me more red errors and blue errors but theyre not always right. Me know I doing right. Computer showing lot of blue ann red. Do I say me or I again? Is there another version of me? I don't know if it me or I. Maybe I read chainmail again. I try more homework but me can't figure out! Me try to use writing stick, but writing stick not work right in paw! All me try to do is math. Me know math. Two and two is two-two. See? Me good math. Me also hearing me meow more. Me try to say thing in frustration but it come out as meow meow. Me not know if me should worry or not. Me still form sentence good. Me know me good writer. Me can write book and it get the out there 'P' word. Meebe me write 2 fast. Me need right slow and take time make sure it all correct good. Me try write on key thingie in front of shiny screen but me word no come out good. Some word in red and other word in blue. Screen thingie also say me need pun...punctituation? Me not know. Me still smart smart and me prove it somehow. Key thingie hard to reach too. Me body feel weird. Me know me fuzzy cat but me feel smoll kat. Me not know what go on. Meebe kall sra hor felp? Mark no not gut it. Me splain me fell weird, butt hehe butt. Me also use the puntictuatiotion thingie! See! Me use the dr-theonethi-me use dot with line above! It hard write with stick thingie. Paws feeeeel smoll. Me tre kawyboprd buyt mes males madny mustookes. Mer cantttt pack ip nutpad nymoreto rit in. Me loooooooooookat what me wrote asnd me burely comundertnd iiiiiiitt me awso tink dotdot usebut me ccannnnnnno where me usad dotdot now. Me knw me cn tst iq at sie but typng hrd me tink dot go here. Me want dooooooot redandichsedereddot reeeeeeeedd dot funfun chase rounf ozom zom hehe ........................................................ me like dot. . .........m.kki;//........... Dt............. t...... ...........dotttiituo Sir...dotdot................. . . . . . .a gho;l wht altdohuh disa thro ayy hlp myyyyaaaauuunnnna azzeee ggrrreettt ann iscordddisssssssaaanc ceeee apapap." Just then, the door opened and an anthropomorphic cat stepped in. "Luna!" The cat yelled. He rushed over and pulled the small tiny feral kitten off the keyboard, and glanced at the screen to see mostly nonsense. A few words made sense, but not much else. "I told you not to touch my schoolwork you rascal! You could delete it all!" Luna looked at Mark with wide eyes. His body was no more than a feral cat, less than a year old even. He let out a quiet 'mew' at Mark with big eyes. Mark rolled his eyes and just laughed. He looked at the screen and noticed his document had almost 1k worth of words. He knew he started it blank. "Wow, you really wrote a lot of nonsense, didn't you?" He said with a chuckle. "Tell you what? Why don't we upload it for the internet to see? I'll put in my reaction at the very bottom and we can make people think I'm a fictional character reacting to this." Mark closed the document after saving it as 'Crazy Cat Writing' and then uploaded it without so much as a glance at the document itself. Surely, Luna couldn't have written anything 'that' upsetting. After all, he was just a feral kitty. Luna let out a happy mew of approval.