Sonic runs across the Cosmic Interstate as he travels through No Zone. He notices that the inhabitants of this universe have started rebuilding since the last time he visited. It doesn’t take long for Sonic to be interrogated by the Zone Police. Sonic tries to cooperate, but the officers continue to question him. “Stand down! This is Sonic the Hedgehog from Mobius Prime” another voice says. Zonic, Sonic’s Zone Cop counterpart, approaches and the other officers salute in respect. He then dismisses them, saying that he’ll take care of things from here. “Ah, Zonic. Just the hedgehog I wanted to see!” “It’s nice to see you again, Sonic. But I wish it were under better circumstances. Our universe is still recovering from the war with Eggman Nega.” “Speaking of universes, I have questions about what happened to mine.” “I figured as much…” -- Zonic takes Sonic beyond the Fourth Wall. Before Zonic explains what happened to Sonic’s universe, he needs to explain that Mobius Prime is not the prime universe. Instead, most universes just happen to branch off his universe. In fact, Sonic’s universe split into two realities: One where Sonic continues to chase down Mecha Sally. And the other where he battles Dark Gaia and his minions. Sonic: Who’s Dark Gaia? Zonic: You haven’t gotten there yet. More and more universes have been discovered recently. Examples include the Sonic X and Sonic Boom universes. However, all Sonic universes originate from the Sonic game verse. As Zonic points this out, Sonic examines the Sonic game verse and notices something. Sonic: Why don’t Sally or the Freedom Fighters exist in the game verse? Zonic: The same reason Chris Thorndyke doesn’t exist on Mobius. They’re not needed. Sonic then questions what the game universe has to do what happened to his universe. Zonic explains that Mobius Prime has been off balanced for some time. Sonic questions if it has anything to do with numerous villains warping reality in his universe. Zonic answers that yes, that is part of the reason. But the real issue is that on Mobius Prime, certain events from the game verse never occurred and certain people who exist in the game verse have been acting of character. However, after the second Genesis Wave, the history of Mobius Prime was rewritten. Now events have played out closer to the game verse. And this has stablished the universe. Suddenly, Zonic gets a message that Scourge has been sighted across multiple universes. Sonic is ready to take down Scourge, but Zonic assures him that he has things handled this time. Sonic trusts Zonic but tells him that he can call upon him for assistance, if he needs it. -- In Freedom HQ’s laboratory, the Star Posts activate. Sonic walks out of the Star Circle’s portal and is greeted by Nicole. “Welcome back, Sonic. You’re just in time. A Chaos Emerald has been spotted in Soleanna.”