The intro to Switch From the viewport Zane saw a city ruined, it was a city of protogens he was sent to scout as they had been attacked by the same invaders that killed him once. The 17 year old protogen was flying his customized ship trying to find a place that looked stable enough to land on and once he did he noticed something. This city appeared to have been abandoned for quite some time. Vegetation covered most of the crumbled skyscrapers. Strange Zane had been told this city was freshly attacked and that is clearly not the case. He figured it had been at least 8 years, but whatever there appeared to be life according to his data but not much but any of his people no matter how many were important. He found a spot to park his ship and decided not to wear his leg armor but grabbed his gunblade and blaster. He did some last minute checks and made his way out into the dank ruin. As soon as he stepped out of the ship the smell of rot hit his sensors, not the smell of death however just musty damp ruin like any other abandoned building. But the smell permeated this whole city. He got no readings of life or any indication there ever was here. Despite being told a battle was here it seems this city fell on its own. No bodies or remains but there were some craters from explosions and such. He was confused but continued to explore and follow his orders. He would explore countless buildings before finding a few mechanical skeletons with visors. A family of protogens huddled together in their last moments. He couldn’t bear to look at them anymore despite never having a family he remembered he felt a pain he never felt before. He kept going and out of the corner of his eye saw movement but disregarded it as rubble or his mind wandering. But he would begin to see some signs of life. Maybe that movement meant something after all? He would ignore it until he was in an abandoned toy store and realized whatever it was was following him. He called out and couldn’t see anything but he knew something was there and it knew he knew. He would continue but keep his ears tuned into the various sounds using the primal instincts he had that none of his kind did. He would end up setting up camp in a furniture store. Big mistake the creature would reveal itself as a young protogen maybe 12 years old at the oldest. He would try to attack Zane and he’d block the youngster and send them flying into a shelf. He walked over and saw fear in the face of the young protogen. He was mostly charcoal grey except his left arm leg and ear were a vibrant neon blue and his right were bright red. The youngster didn't have any armor and was mostly organic like him down to having a sheath and the rest of his required anatomy. He also had super large ears for a protogen and an extra scruffy long tail. He put his blade away and did his best to try to calm the youngster and introduce himself. The child was confused at seeing one of his kind that also had organic parts and all of his limbs. “My name is Zane, I won't hurt you. I promise I was only defending myself. What's your name? ” in a shaky voice he would introduce himself as Switch. Zane offered his hand and the youngster took it and began to tell the story of his life. His parents were killed in the attack when he was 6. He’s now 11 and learned how to fight with a pair of daggers. The two would talk for hours and Zane would begin to feel an attachment to the youngster and an urge to protect and comfort him. They would search the city together for the next few days and Switch would begin to look up to and respect Zane refusing to leave his side ever. He instead Zane held him while he slept but it felt odd but he did it because the youngster would refuse to sleep if he didn’t. Zane’s mind was made up; he was gonna try to raise the kid as best as he could. “Did you ever have siblings?” he would ask. Switch mentioned he had a brother on the way but had always wanted an older brother like Zane. Zane would confide in him that he never had any family he remembered. He would ask Switch if he wants a brother and he would get a confused look on his face. “How about you come with me and I'll be your brother and I can raise you” he asked Switch. The boy immediately got a smile on his face and screamed yes and jumped on his new adopted brother and guardian. Zane would take the boy on his ship and make his way to the base and Explained the situation while Switch slept. The higher ups wouldn't go for it. This was the moment Zane left the forces and would make his way to Earth to give his new brother a better life and he would try to live a new one himself. As of now Zane is 21 and Switch is 15 and are now living normal lives and Switch is just as nerdy as his brother and has his own reckless and snarky attitude. He also likes black clothes quite a bit too a side effect of his brother.