Sonic GeneX: Doomsday Chapter 41 - Family Stage 20 - Lost Hive Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA. You knew that, right? GeneX and related OCs are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author. "I can't remember, What I used to be. Something's turning me upside down! You made me, And I love you. But I can't change the things I've done! (I'm the chosen one) Wish I may, Wish I might, Be someone else tonight. Sometimes I wish I was never born at all. And I'll try to save the world, 'Cause in the end I know... I'm the chosen one!" - The Chosen One; Shadow the Hedgehog Previously on GeneX… Key to the Lost Ones' schemes was the capture of Gemini, who after surviving nearly becoming a Lost One long ago, became immune to the creatures' powers. With her and Copter sent on the run by the destruction of the Troblusk Clock Tower, they were eventually cornered, and Gemini was forced to give herself up to save a train full of refugees, leaving Copter with her wand. Desperate to save her, Copter tracked down her sister, Libra, and together they set out to find and rescue the fennec. Their search brought them to Demon Island with no way to get up there. Bucky gave them a ride, but the Lost Ones attacked Shadow Arcangel. Seeing no other way, Bucky sacrificed himself to ensure his experiments, his children, could escape. Copter, Chopper and Libra found the Lost One Hive where Gemini was being held, but Gunner and Gemini's Lost One blocked their way. Reclaiming the Chaos Sword from Gunner, Copter tossed it to Libra so she could slay the dragon, while Gunner's own hate led to his final demise. Lospecter snuck up on Libra and captured her, a final piece in Ophiuchus' experiment. Seeing Libra brought in, Gemini's emotions enabled her to unlock her full magical power again, and though she couldn't free Libra yet, she escaped in search of Copter so they could save her together. Now, our tale continues... Fred Leo, Timothy the fawn, Adam the bat and Evelyn the fox had all arrived on Demon Island, following their own search spell to find Gemini. Before finding her, however, they found the experiments milling about the area. "Halt! Who goes there? I'll shoot!" Zipp warned. Evelyn pointed a laser at him. "Put it down, we're not Lost Ones!" she growled. Zipp rushed to her, examining her futuristic weapon with interest while a few of the others took notice of them. " did you get up here?" Emily asked as Conan stood close to her, watching the strangers warily. Adam wiggled his wings. "If magic's beyond your comprehension, just say I flew us up!" he snickered. "We're looking for Gemini." Fred stated, cutting to the chase, "Anyone here know of her?" Vortex looked annoyed by the interruption, and pointed in the general direction Copter had gone. "Sssshe had been captured by the Losssst Onessss. Copter left to resssscue her." he explained. Timothy's eyes widened. "Aaah! I shouldn't have left them! Come on, we gotta help!" he said, a bit frantic. Gideon stepped to the center of their collective group and raised a hand. "No one go anywhere yet... Lost Ones are planning to ambush us. I sense their energy..." it warned, prompting Talon and Bolt to gulp in unison. Fred pointed his wand about, a faint light emitting from its tip. "Then we fight out of the trap together. Any objections?" he asked. "Yes. I want to trade guns!" Zipp grumbled. Conan grabbed the deck of Chaos Cards and took Emily's arm, pulling her behind himself. "Their whispers... I hear them. Stay close!" he huffed. Out of the shadows, dozens of losol, lospides and loskel started to emerge. "Solare!!" Timothy shouted, blasting the nearest creature with a beam of light from his wand, prompting all the creatures to charge! "Chaossss Inferno!!" Vortex and the experiments jumped in to join the battle, but now that the Lost Ones had found them, escape might not be easy... "Chaos Whirlwind!!" Copter was blowing away any Lost Ones in his path as he wandered the dark corridors of the Lost One nest. He was a fox on a mission, and he would waste no time in finding and rescuing Gemini and Libra. So far they only appeared to be dealing with a few minor advance scouts, though; The powerful Lost Ones were likely deeper within. Chopper was concerned they may need more firepower. "You wanna maybe try using the wand, Dad?" he asked. Copter patted the pocket where Gemini's wand was being kept safe. "I'd just mess it up, anyway. I wasn't exactly trained in magic, I just picked up a few things...and being Aries gave me some magic-affinity so the wand works for me, but... This is no time to be experimental!" he grunted, turning a corner and filling the hall with more chaotic wind to clear the path! "But you ARE an experiment..." Chopper babbled. Regardless, the pair soon came to a room that stopped their progress. The chamber was flooded with slime, flowing like a river from one side to another. It seemed a bit far to fly across, and swimming was absolutely out of the question. "Wand time?" Chopper asked. "Or, we find another route..." Copter muttered. That idea was cancelled when they saw Gemini emerge at the other side of the chamber, across the river of slime! "Ahh! Copter!! You're here!!" she cried, waving to him. "G-gemini!?" Copter gasped. "Where's Libra?" Chopper questioned. "I had to leave her! Do you have my wand?" she cried. Copter nodded. "I'll try to fly it over to ya!" he suggested. "You'll do no such thing!" the fennec shouted, "You might fall!" Chopper cleared his throat. "Maaagic..." he stated. They'd have to work something out, because the voices of approaching Lost Ones made it clear they wouldn't be able to linger for long! Gemini made a motion with her hand. "Just use Galaporta! Picture yourself arriving next to me, and it'll be fine!" she told him. Copter held the wand in his hand, looking at it uncertainly. "I'd trust you with this, Gemini... But what if I mess up? No, there's gotta be a safer way!" he said, looking around anxiously. Gemini could hear the voices of her pursuers. She needed her wand to be able to fend them off. "There isn't time, Copter! Hurry!" she called out. Copter felt a panic wash over him. He'd never felt anything quite like this before. It was as though all his fears and insecurities were attacking him, holding him down. "I...don't know what to do!" he stammered, hearing the voices of Lost Ones closing in behind him. Chopper grabbed the wand out of Copter's hand. "Maybe I can do it... Uh, what was it... Galaberta!" he shouted, waving the wand about. Nothing was happening, however, not even a misfire. "...Dad, I don't think I have that magic-finity you mentioned!" he stammered. Among the whispers of standard Lost Ones, the voice of Corky was also heard approaching the father and son. "Gotcha cornered 'ere, don't I? I'm fixin' ta wrap my tongue around yer neck!" the undead frog laughed. Gemini heard a familiar voice gurgling behind her, too. "Trying to escape your fate, as always, Gemini? Pathetic... You should give up and join us... Why die miserable and alone when you can live eternal?" Turning around, Gemini confirmed that this was the corrupted form of Cuthburt leading a swarm of creatures to recapture her! She turned back to Copter, a desperate look in her eyes. "Copter, they just want to recapture me, but they'll kill you now! Don't let them! Copter!!" she shouted, recognizing a similar panic on her friend's face even as distanced as they were. They were trapped on both sides! Copter attempted to use Chaos Whirlwind, but true to his word, Corky's tongue lashed around his throat before he could do it! "D-dad!!" Chopper cried, fumbling with his Wispon only to get a sharp pain in his chest as Copter was choked by Corky! "L-let him go...!" he groaned, shakily trying to aim the weapon. Copter's life being threatened also threatened his own, and the situation was looking so dire, he could feel the ripple effect through time. Gemini could see this unfolding, and tried frantically to think of something. "I can't lose him... No! Come on, powers, get me out of this again!" she gasped, shutting her eyes tight and trying to focus her energy. Surely if she focused hard enough, her wings would reappear once again! She was interrupted, and screamed as Cuthburt grabbed her by the arm! "Enough! It's time to return, Gemini... Return to your sister!" Cuthburt snarled. Copter heard her scream and growled, clawing at the powerful tongue and trying to remove it! "Ah ah ah! 'ou 'annah 'eshape!" Corky laughed, unable to sound too coherent with his tongue stuck out. Chopper fell to the floor as the tongue squeezed tighter, starting to turn Copter's face blue as the frog turned him to be able to see Gemini getting dragged away! "Ish 'ime 'oo die!" even muffled, Corky's voice sounded sinister. Copter reached a desperate hand in Gemini's direction, and she did the same. "C-copter... Copter!! I won't lose you!! NO!!" Copter couldn't speak, but anger burned in his eyes, and his hand balled into a fist. As their emotions hit peak desperation, glowing divine wings burst forth from Gemini's back...and Copter's! A wave of magical energy erupted from each of the two foxes, repelling the Lost Ones, and also causing a reaction as it washed over the river of slime! The river seemed to freeze solid, becoming a glistening crystal walkway! Chopper rubbed his head as he slowly sat up. "Wh-what happened?" he murmured. Not thinking about anything else, Copter and Gemini each ran straight towards one another, meeting in the center of the magical path they'd created. They threw their arms tightly around one another, so relieved to be reunited that they didn't care what the other might think of the mushy display. Gemini felt Copter's tears pelt her shoulder. "I... I lost you... I didn't think I... I could get you back!" he choked, burying his face against her neck as he felt her hand hold the back of his head. Tears flowed down her cheeks as well. "I nearly lost you...again..." she whispered, "No more... No more!" she cried, surprising Copter with a sudden kiss on the cheek! Copter drew his head back, his crimson eyes gazing into her sweet cyan. Their lips met in the next moment, their wings glowing even brighter as their love manifested in a passionate kiss. A kiss that Chopper was left awkwardly watching, his cheeks flushed as red as theirs. "Aaahh, Daaaaad... I don't wanna be indelicate, but... Th-they're coming back!" he stammered, pointing a hand at either exit, where Corky and Cuthburt were each angrily leading their forces back in pursuit of the foxes! Copter and Gemini withdrew from the embrace, but kept hands entwined as they turned in Cuthburt's direction. "Let's go get your sister now!" Copter said with a newfound confidence. "No one I'd rather charge into the jaws of doom with!" Gemini said, smiling warmly. Cuthburt barred their way with shambling Lostalkers following him. "You still can't escape! If you try, we'll kill your sister!" the zombie alligator warned. "Just have to kill you, then!" Copter snapped. "Our combined power is unbeatable! Later, gator!" Gemini added, both her and Copter rising via their glowing wings, and then charging ahead, magical energy surrounding them and tearing right through the Lost Ones as they went, carving a path for Chopper to follow! Even Cuthburt was splattered as the duo went by! "Whoa! What kinda power is this...?" Chopper wondered, following after them, "Is it... could it be... love?" he whispered, looking at Gemini with wide eyes. ".....Mom?" Unfortunately, the power Copter and Gemini were tapping into had to fade eventually. It was a special power neither of them fully understood, so how could they maintain it? Still, Copter was able to return Gemini's wand, so continuing through the Lost One nest wouldn't be too difficult....they thought. Of course, they soon came upon a chamber where Lospecter awaited them. "Tiiiiime for Lospecter's Quiz Mania! Tell me chaps, what do you get when a fox purges the darkness from his heart? A magical princess, maybe?" he laughed, making Copter growl softly. "Still sore that you lost your puppet version of me? Sorry, the darkness didn't return to me! It's gone!" he snapped. Lospecter wagged his finger. "Not the answer to the question, and wrong anyway! What you get is what the big boss man will show you... Take it away, boss man!" he shouted, motioning to the exit corridor through which Apocalos was entering. He was wearing the Doomsayer cloak. "Some years ago, Copter, you were betrayed. Your maker blew you away. Killed you! My prophecy to you came to pass... Yet, you were still necessary for my plans, and Ophiuchus' plans. So, I gave your life back to you!" he stated. Gemini glanced at Copter. "What? You...died?!" she gasped. "Before we met..." Copter told her, "You expect a thank you, Doomsayer?! Can't believe you were a slime bucket like THIS all along!" he growled. Apocalos scoffed. "No need. I got what I needed. In returning your life, I gained access to part of your soul..." he said, snapping his fingers. This signaled an armored figure to leap out of the shadows and smack Copter backward with a staff, pointing the staff between him and Gemini before blasting that space with a wall of blue flames, separating them! Gemini gasped to see who it was. It was Dark Copter, clad in the Aries armor that Copter had used in the Zodiac Council! Copter sat up and looked at him in surprise, and his dark form laughed. "Surprised? I'm a Lost One now, but this armor and my darkness, both powers you rejected, will empower me like no other Lost One!" he cackled, turning to Gemini with a sneer, "Don't worry, Copter. Aries will make you stronger, too. I'll cut the weakness of love right out of your heart!" he shouted, pointing the staff at Gemini! Chopper, trapped behind the wall of flame with Copter, helped his dad to his feet. "How do we get past this?" he asked. Copter smirked. "We don't. Gemini can kick my ass easy. I know it!" While Apocalos was taking his leave, Aries charged at Gemini head-first, planning to pin her against his helmet's horns! "Proplasmar!" She blocked him with a barrier, so he pointed his staff at the barrier. "Old tricks. You're failing to evolve!" he snarled, firing a powerful beam of dark energy from the tip of his staff, which pierced her barrier and knocked her backward a couple steps! Before she could act, Aries charged her again, this time striking her with his two tails, an added shock of dark energy causing her further pain as she stumbled! However, Gemini was far from done. "Oh, I've evolved. Nothing wrong with honing the skills you know! Cleviso!" With a wave of her wand, she became invisible, and Aries looked around cautiously for her. "Got you on the run already?" he scoffed. Small light balls shot from Gemini's wand as she moved around him, pelting the dark fox and irritating him quite a bit. "Those spells won't stop me!" he snarled. "Miniatina!" Gemini cried, casting a spell that shrunk Aries down to a miniature size! Her invisibility wore off and she bent down to smirk at him. "How adorable!" she teased. Aries looked up with a growl, but then snickered as dark energy enveloped him, and in the next instant he was the one standing over her! "Childish... Now, have a taste of my Dark Chaos Whirlwind!!" he shouted, chaotic wind whipping around him, lifting him slightly off the ground as it formed a small cyclone! Gemini yelped as the cyclone picked her up, tossing her across the chamber! Her wand landed several feet away, leaving her defenseless! Lospecter clapped as he sat in the wall of flame, further barring Copter's way. "It's all over... By the way, we don't need her anymore. Off with her head!" he ordered, making a slicing motion across his neck with his finger! Copter tried to fly over the wall of fire, but it burned too high! "Sorry, chump, nothin to do but watch!" Lospecter taunted. Growling, Copter landed and pulled the Chaos Card that Conan had given him out of his pocket. "I have one move! ...Better make it count!" he said, holding the card up. Lospecter laughed. "As if you know how to use one of those! ...What!?" Depicted on the card was a wand, just like Gemini's. The card then transformed into a wand in Copter's hand! He grabbed Chopper with his other hand, glaring at Lospecter. "No one...and I mean no one...touches my family! Galaporta!" This time, he wouldn't cower. He warped past the fire...overshooting perhaps a bit and landing near the exit. "Ooop...! This is harder than Gemini makes it look...Gemini!!" he gasped, turning to see Aries lifting her by the throat! Chopper distracted him with a Wispon shot to the face! "Put her down!" he warned. Seeing them, Aries tossed her aside and started in their direction. "I was hoping I'd get to thrash you! Dark Chaos Whirlwind!" he shouted. "Chaos Whirlwind!!" Copter replied, their chaotic breezes clashing while Chopper backed up, fearing Copter would be overpowered. "Streeze!" Gemini called, casting a spell of her own making that caused wind from the other side, her wand having been recovered! The wind striking the tornado from both directions cancelled it out, leaving dark energy crackling around the frustrated Aries! "I'll destroy all of you!!" he shouted, turning his staff around and firing its dark beam in a sweeping circle, aiming to strike them all quickly! Copter and Chopper flew over it and met Gemini on the other side, lifting her out of the way, too! "You're just all the weak parts of me, Aries! I've got my strength right here!" he said, placing Gemini on the ground and landing beside her along with Chopper! Aries turned their way and aimed his staff as Copter and Gemini aimed their wands. "Solare!!" they cried at once, their twin beams of light combining together, becoming a force that overwhelmed the Lost One known as Aries, reducing him to naught but inert slime! When the light faded, Chopper hugged Gemini tightly. "Great to have you back... Mom..." he whispered, making Gemini blush. The wall of fire dissipated and Lospecter lowered down with a bemused expression, holding his own single Chaos Card. "Oooh, I hope I can think of something as good to use... Nah, I'll use this instead!" he smirked, pulling out the Chaos Key, ready to call for backup! However, a number of shots, both magic and laser, suddenly seared through his body and tried to knock the key from his hand! Yelping in alarm, Lospecter flew up and escaped through the ceiling. "We need an alarm system!" he shouted on the way out! Looking at the chamber's entrance, Copter and Gemini saw old friends arriving; Timothy, Adam, Evelyn and Fred Leo! The three foxes all collapsed to the floor in a mix of relief and exhaustion. "Ah! You alright, guys?" Timothy gasped. Gemini took Copter's hand in hers, looking at him with a warm smile. "Yeah... For the first time in a while, I think we will be..." she said. Copter held up the wand he'd used in the battle, watching it fade away now that its work was done. "Figures..." he murmured. Fred observed this and nodded. "I see... You used a wand itself constructed by magic. I see now why you could be one of the Zodiac Council. You truly do have promise as a Divine Sorcerer." he stated. Copter slowly rose back to his feet, helping Gemini up as well. "I'd rather leave the spells to her. I only did what I keep her safe." he smiled. Adam held his hands casually behind his head and sighed. "There's that familiar feeling that we missed something!" he chuckled. Evelyn shrugged. "I'm happy to miss as much danger as possible..." she sighed. Fred surprised Gemini with a tight hug. "Uhhh... T-teacher?" she stammered. He released her from the embrace and patted her head. "I'm sorry, Gemini. Working for Zodiac, I kept things from you, and you've a right to distrust me... I only hope to one day earn your trust once again." he told her. Gemini wiped a tear from her eye. The emotions of the day were getting to be a bit much. "You raised me, Teacher Leo. I... I know enough of your true heart to know where you stand. I just... when I kept seeing you in this lion form... it kept bringing the evil Ophiuchus had done back. But I forgive you... You kept me safe for so long. How could I not, in the end?" she smiled. Chopper tapped his dad's shoulder, and Copter nodded, clearing his throat. "This is all very sweet, but there's a problem. Y'see, I brought Libra along to help rescue Gemini...and they nabbed her." he said, pointing to the exit, "She's kinda gonna die if we don't get a move on." Fred's body stiffened, and he looked at Copter seriously. "Why are you letting us stand around, then! Let's go! I... I'm not failing one of my daughters again!" he said quickly, rushing for the exit while the foxes all stood with wide-eyes, bewildered expressions. Adam, however, did a quick fist pump. "Ha! I knew it! Daddy Leo! So, the fennec's his true form after all?" he asked. "No, he's still a lion." Timothy groaned, rubbing his forehead as he tried to process this. Gemini slapped her own forehead to snap her out of her shock, and started to follow after Fred. "Wait UP! We're gonna talk about THAT!!" she yelled. The others started to follow, and Chopper scratched his head. "So, is he my Grandpa, then?" he questioned. "Kid, we're still not sure I'm defying the timeline trying to make Gemini your mom... Ack, that feels super weird to say!" Copter babbled. One thing was certain; This quest wasn't over yet! To be continued...