The Moon Demon's Bride Chapter 2: Meeting Yue's Family Last time, Tso Lan the Moon Demon had laid his eyes on Yue, the woman of his dreams, and has fallen in love with her. The next day, he awaits in the garden for her return. Yue: -has arrived- Oh, hello. I'm so sorry I'm late. Tso Lan: It is alright. Yue: Somehow, I knew I would see you here again. Tso Lan: Indeed. Yue: Sir London? Tso Lan: Yes? Yue: Will you come to meet my family? Tso Lan: Your family? Yue: Yes. My mother, my sisters and my brother. Tso Lan: No father? Yue: No. My father died years ago. He had cancer. Tso Lan: Oh. I see. Yue: So, will you come? Tso Lan: Yes. Yue: Wonderful! Come with me. -leads Tso Lan to her family mansion- Tso Lan: So this is your home? Yue: Yes. -rings the doorbell- Mother: -answers the door- Ah, Yue! You're back. And who is this gentleman? Yue: Mother, this is my new friend Sir London. Tso Lan: -makes a slight bow- Enchanted to meet you, madam. Mother: Oh my! What manners he has! Please come in! -Tso Lan and Yue enter the house- Yue: Sir London, these are my sisters, Lucy and Stephanie. Lucy: Hi! Stephanie: Hello. Yue: They are 11 and 9 years old. Tso Lan: What is your age? Yue: I'm 20 years old. Tso Lan: Ah, so you have just recently reached womanhood. -a teenage boy comes down the stairs- Hey, Yue! Yue: And this is my brother David. David: Hey. Mother: Alright, children, let's set up the table for dinner. We are expecting another guest. Yue: Oh, right. How could I forget? Tso Lan: Who is this guest? Yue: His name is Jacob Howard. Tso Lan: Is he a friend of yours? Mother: Actually, he's Yue's fiancee. Tso Lan: -is shocked to hear the word "fiancee"- Yue: Mother, please. I keep telling you, I don't want to marry Jacob. Mother: Yue, my dear, his parents are the richest people in the whole town. Besides, you've been betrothed since you were children. Yue: But I don't love him. Mother: Don't argue with me, young lady! I know what's best for you! This is what your father would've wanted, too! Yue: -exasperates- Tso Lan: I suppose you would like me to leave? Yue: No. Please stay for dinner. -doorbell rings- Mother: I'll get it! -answers the door- Jacob: -a very handsome young man, around Yue's age, he has shiny black hair and green eyes- I'm so sorry I'm late, Mrs. Chang. Mother: Oh, it's quite alright, Jacob. Jacob: -notices Tso Lan- And who is this? Mother: This is Sir London, Yue's new friend. Jacob: -raises an eyebrow- I see. Maid: Dinner is ready, ma'am. Mother: Excellent. -everyone heads to the dining room to have dinner- Tso Lan: Mrs. Chang, I have heard your daughter singing the other day. Mother: You have? Tso Lan: Yes. And I found her voice quite enchanting. Mother: Well....I suppose she is quite talented in that way. Her father taught her before he passed away. Yue: When I sing, I think of him. Because of him, ever since I was a child, I always wanted to be an opera singer. Jacob: -under his breath- Hmph! Utter rubbish.... Tso Lan: -hears Jacob- What did you just say? Jacob: That would be none of your business. Now, I admit, I am not into music, but that does not mean I don't accept that Yue has such a lovely voice. Tso Lan: -is suspicious- Hmm... Yue: Jacob, don't patronize me. You've hated music ever since you lost that audition to being part of the boys' choir when you were 8. Jacob: If I wanted to ask for your opinion, I'd give it to you. Mother: Alright, that's enough. Yue: Sorry, Mother. Mother: Now that we've had our dinner, I think it's time the children went to bed. David, Lucy and Stephanie: Aw! Mother: Off you go. Hurry now! Chop chop! -the children head upstairs to their bedrooms- Yue: I'm feeling quite tired, myself. Good night. -heads upstairs to her bedroom- Tso Lan: I suppose I must take my leave. Jacob: I must leave, too. -Tso Lan and Jacob leave the mansion, then they walk opposite directions from each other- Jacob: Hmph! Women. They're all the same. They think they deserve respect. I don't care if Yue doesn't love me. I still want to marry her. After all, when we wed, I'll add her fortune to mine. I'll be the richest man in all of England. -chuckles wickedly- Tso Lan: -talking to himself- She is engaged.....yet, she does not want to marry that young man.....hmmm....there may still be a chance yet....I shall wait and see. End of chapter 2