The first thing 12 year old Lance Kennedy noted as he opened his eyes was that instead of waking up in his bedroom, he was looking up at the ceiling of the school bathroom. the tall for his age blond sat up and winced, his head hurt and he tried to figure out what had just happened, and looked around the smelly boys room and locked eyes with the new transfer student. a full head shorter then Lance and with mushroom cut red hair and freckles, Timmy chuckled and waved to Lance. "Hey crew cut! welcome back to the land of the living." the little shit said. Now it all came flooding back to Lance, He had been laying down the law to the little shit, having caught him all by himself in the boys room, and telling him how he expected the twerp to pay a bathroom tax if he wanted to use the schools shitter's. The dumb ginger had actually been dumb enough to mouth back, telling Lance that the bathrooms was for everyone, unless the abused the privilege, whatever the fuck that meant. Lance had had enough by that point and had gone to smash his fist into the little shit's face but somehow the little fucker was faster then he looked and had dropped down, then replied with a shot to lance's gut that had knocked the wind out of him. as he'd fall to his knee's gasping, the little shit had brought up his knee and- "..where the fuck did you learn to fight like that?" Lance asked, going to get up on his feet and pausing, as for the first time he noticed a weird noise when he moved, and a funny feeling around his hips. Looking down the bully's eyes went wide as he saw that instead of his power ranger briefs and black jeans, he was currently only wearing a bulky white diaper with a nursery print. "WHAT THE FUCK!?!" "I was wondering how long it would take you to notice that. honestly, i was hoping you'd storm out of here not noticing butttt I guess that was a long shot." Timmy franc laughed, leaning on a sink. "How did you even.. Why do you..what the fuck!?!" Lance yelped, hand going down, trying to cover the bulky diaper up and squirmed back and forth as he noticed for the first time his undies and pants were at Timmy's feet. "I knocked your butt out, and every school I go to there's a jerk like you I end up having to put in his place, so I always carry some spare diapers around. Speaking of, your gonna wanna follow me to my locker and snag some more, you';re not allowed in the boys room anymore." Timmy said. "..I'm gonna fucking kill you!" Lance growled, taking a fighting stance and Timmy, just snapped a picture. "Youuuu sure you wanna try something right now? I took a lot of pictures while you were out 'tiny' and got one with your thumb in your mouth and you in all your padded glory. would be a shame if they ended up on the school website." Timmy said, Looking totally relaxed. "besides, if you come at me again, You'll wake up in just your diapies tied to the flag poll. I'm a black belt and your just a thug." "...Give me back my fucking pants and underwear and I'll think about not pounding you face into mush." Lance said, gritting his teeth. "Counter offer, I'll give you back your pants, your undies are going on my trophy wall, and you be a good boy and mind your P's and Q's or I'll make you famous." Lance was taking slow steady breaths, but a small part of him realized that the longer he stood here arguing, the more likely it was someone else would come into the boys room. "Fine whatever. give me my pants!" "See? was that SO hard?" Timmy asked and tossed the jeans over. "By the way, I'll be doing diaper checks and if your not in your huggie..well there's gonna be trouble." He said and winked, then turned and walked away as Lance glared a hole at the back of his head, the hoped up and down trying to get his jeans to fit over the bulky diaper. "Gonna..freaking..Kill..Him!" He huffed, hoping and tugging, then tripped and went sprawling into one of the stalls, his head dunking in the thankfully clean toilet and as he reached to stop it, he pulled on the handle giving himself a swirly. '...God, what did I do to piss you off today?' the bell had rung but lance was still late getting back into class, wearing his gym t-shirt and his crotch and butt area puffed out under his jeans, with his hair looking damp. Timmy just grinned in his seat, wondering what exactly had happened but never spoke up, though many of the others boys began to whisper and talk among themselves. "Why's he back in his gym shirt?" whispered the brunette Taylor, the shrimp of the class with confusion in his voice. "wait, do you think he got a swirly?" giggled the brown haired Frankie, the pudgiest kid in the class and frequent target of Lance's wrath. "who would have the balls?" Taylor asked, though the idea made him grin like a Cheshire cat. "Forgot that, look at his butt! it's huge! did he sit on a bee or something?" the long haired blond Justin asked, sounding slightly concerned. "Looked like my little brother when he puts on pants.. but he's only 2." blue haired Ike (dyed naturally) giggled. "wait, are you saying that's a diaper butt?" Frankie asked, laughing louder and getting Lances attention drawn over even as he was getting a lecture from the teacher. "ask him and find out!" Ike urged. "No thanks, I like life." Frankie said, shaking his head. Lance waddled, there was really no other way to put it, towards his seat and the class went silent, so that the faint sound of crinkles could be picked up as the bully sat down. it didn't help that due to his poor grades Lance had to sit at the front of the class, and ergo kept reaching back to tug his shirt down. "Now that Mr.Kennedy has graced us with his appearance, we'll go over the results of your last math test." Mr. Davis said, drawing the attention of the rest of the boys. Class went on as normal for the next 5 or so minutes, but as Timmy watched, knowing what was about to happy, he couldn't help but grin as Lance started to shift about in his seat more and more. 'I was wondering how long that fleet enema would take to kick in.' Timmy thought, and for the briefest of moments considered trying to give a heads up to the other boys. It was after all, about to get VERY stinky in the classroom. Lances bowel felt all weird, and he played it up to his nerves since it was clear the rest of the class had figured out he was wearing a diaper. But now as Mr. Davis droned on and on about the test, and how many of the boys had failed certain parts of it (and Lance of course had funked it ALL) he could feel a urgent need building up and raised his hand. " Yes Mr. Kennedy, do you have something to ask?" Me. Davis asked, the tone in his voice making it clear he didn't expect much. "C-Can I go to the bathroom?" Lance asked, face wincing as a powerful cramp racked his body. "You were JUST on lunch break. I think you can wait a few minutes." Mr. Davis said dryly and started to turn back to the chalk board. "N-No sir I can't! Please!" Lance whined, all bravo forgotten as he gripped the sides of desk. a powerful fart was brewing and lance had a sneaking suspicion that if he let it out, he was going to fudge the stupid diaper taped snugly around his hips. "I'm sure you can-" was as far as the teacher got, before he was cut off by a massive wet sounding fart that filled the classroom. Lance himself found his body reacting on it's own as he leaned forward and raised his butt up from the chair, Helpless to do anything but let out a even wetter fart that was followed but a flow of sludge pouring out his back side and filling the diaper. His toxic smell also filled the classroom quickly, making eyes water and bring up complaints. "Is he.." Justin asked, a smirk turning into a grimace and he started to gag. "OH GROSS!" Taylor said, laughing and holding his nose. "Ugh! what a stinker!" Frankie complained, grabbing his hoodie of the back of his chair and burying his face in it as a semi shield. "Man my little brother brother doesn't smell that bad!" Ike laughed, holding his nose and waving a hand "Somebody change the BABY'S diaper!" Timmy called out, getting laughs from all the boys. "in the future Mr. Kennedy, if you have to go that bad, just leave the classroom." Mr.Davis said and walked over to the side of the classroom, opening windows. "Your excused to go and change your diaper." he added, getting even more laughs from the rest of classroom. "S-Stop laughing at me you JERKS!" Lance shouted, getting up and taking all of three steps before anther cramp hit and he was forced into a diaper pooper's squat, trying to cover his crimson face as more muck joined the back of his full diaper. Thankfully the diaper seemed to be a (pun aside) heavy duty one and hadn't leaked yet, though the wear and tear on his black jeans was becoming clear as the seams were starting to buckle under the pressure from the rapidly expending diapers. "Maybe I should help him to the nurses office." Timmy volunteered, making Lance turn and glare. "If it gets him out of my classroom faster.. your a braver soul then I." Mr. Davis said and nodded. wagging his eyebrows for the classroom and getting chuckles,Timmy made a show of it, acting like the smell coming off of Lance was a physical force and if he hadn't of been overwhelmed by the cramps making him take the biggest dump of his life, Lance would of slugged Timmy right then and there and dealt with the fall out after. Instead as he finished up with a series of stuttering farts, Lance felt too weak to do anything but numbly accept Timmy's help and as much as he hated the little shit, he leaned on him when it became clear the added bulk to the diaper had left him too unbalanced to walk on his own. 'As soon as i get this diaper off, then I'm gonna clobber him.' Lance promised himself as he waddled like a baby learning to walk out of the classroom. "Man, you must of been backed up for awhile to unload like THAT huh?" Timmy asked as he lead the way. while Lance leaned on him for support Timmy didn't doubt for a second the only reason Lance wasn't at his throat right now was that he was literately too pooped to do so. And even if he had tried to attack him, one little shove and Lance would of gone butt first onto the floor and as good as the diaper was, it WOULD leak if that happened. Lance's jeans were making sounds of distress and Timmy had a feeling if they were pushed too much more the soon to be ex-bully would find himself waddling in the halls with his poopie diapers on display. It really was just too easy to make these so called big shots into helpless diaper filler, and Timmy enjoyed doing it at every school he went to. Though despite this being the 6th bully he had reduced into a pamper packer, there was one part of this that even Timmy had never fully adjusted to. The smell. Taking in shallow breaths he led the way to his his locker, to stop and get a new diaper for the new diaper filler, noting how Lance hadn't said a thing the whole time. "heh, you gone all baby brain on me? you even know where you are?" Timmy asked. That had actually happened at his last school, a pint sized bully named Malcore had been drunk on his own kool-aid after becoming student council president, and then ended up filling his diapers in front of the school while he was suppose to be giving a speech and had ended up giggling and singing 'I'm a little teapot'. Timmy didn't peg Lance as the type to break that bad but then again, you never really knew. "Hello? anyone home?" Timmy tried again and lance gave him a look that almost made Timmy need a diaper. "Shut up, and help me out of this shitty diaper." Lance growled. "I can see being a little stinker hasn't improved your attuide." Timmy said dryly, but handing Lance the clean diaper to hold, he got them into the boys room. Lance wasn't even sure why he was hanging onto the diaper, save that the last time he'd gone commando in jean he'd chaffed pretty badly. the smell coming off of him wasn't as bad to him as it seemed to be to everyone else, but then again he was prone to having fart wars with his older brother Leon, who made Lance smell like a rosebush. In fact it was only the fact that lance could see HOW bad his smell was getting to Timmy, who had to keep stopping to wipe at his eyes, That Lance let the dead nerd walking help him get a change. well that and he didn't know jack shit about changing a diaper. with his jeans tugged off off Boy boys got as look at just how totally Lance had destroyed his diaper, the designs were all gone and it was swollen and discolored, and sagged on his hips. "Uh..I mighta over stepped my reach here.. maybe we should take you to the nurses office." Timmy said, looking worried for the first time and lance smirked. "No way it'll survive the trip and if I go though the halls naked from the waist down in a shit coated ass, I'm making sure the headmaster knows who to blame." Lance said. "Fuck." The clean up effort took by Timmy's estimate at least 10 minutes though it felt like hours, and he gagged badly several times during it. frustratingly enough lance just leaned back with his hands behind his head, smirking as poor Timmy did all the work. Finally the bully was ready for his new diaper and not eager to repeat the performance this time Timmy didn't even think of giving him anything to make him crap himself. Tapping up the new diaper, and having tossed the old one in the trash, Timmy scrubbed his hands over and over again in the sink as lance got up and grabbed his pants. "Now, while I'm grateful for the diaper change..I think you see I kinda owe you and well, logic dictates that I gotta pound you now." Lance said, tossing his jeans over his should and striking a fighting pose again. "...didn't we already go though this? or did you think just because your funk gagged me somehow I'll be a easier target now?" Timmy asked, turning the water off and well, just mostly ignoring Lance as he started to dry his hands. "I think you were bullshiting me before, and sides, I ain't got nothing to lose after the whole class just saw me..uh.." and lance lose his fighting pose for a second as his cheeks flared red again. "They all just watched you shit your huggies. Look, if it's a whooping you want, I'll give you anther one, but I really wouldn't recommend it." Timmy said, honestly trying to be helpful. "I know I can kick your ass!" Lance growled and started to charge in. 'Some people just insist on trying to skate uphill.' Timmy thought as he rolled his eyes. Snatching the top off of the trash can and then sweeping low with a kick, Timmy sent Lance flying head first into the trash can where he was then pinned, his diaper and legs sticking out and kicking in the air and Timmy just smirked. "I think you should take a little time out, and think about if trying to fight me is really working out for you." Timmy said, and after giving Lance's pamper butt a few pats, he left the bathroom, pausing only to grab the boys jeans and rip open all the stressed seams. Lance whimpered and squirmed, trying to break free but the trash can itself was bolted to the floor after someone had been using the trans cans to break windows. And of course by someone, it had been him. He was a victim of his petty acts of vandalism and the only saving grace was that Timmy had put a few layers of paper towels over the dirty diaper to try and keep the boys room from becoming too toxic. If not for those layers Lance would of landed with his face against his own smelly diaper. the narrow design of the trash can meant his arms were pinned at his sides and useless and he just didn't have the leverage to force himself out by his legs no matter how much he kicked and squirmed. 'son of a bitch! I'm gonna kill him!' Lance sworn in his head over and over, truing it into a war chant of sorts as he tried to get free. 'Kill Timmy. Kill Timmy. Kill Timmy.' though even as he plotted out what he was going to do to the little shit, a nagging voice in the back of his head tried to remind him that he was 2 and 0 when trying to pound the bastard. never one to listen to common sense however, Lance figured third time was the charm and he'd figure out a way. He froze as he heard the bathroom door open, and then the voices that followed. "Man, who took a shit and didn't..flush.." came a voice that Lance knew VERY well and he groaned. If he was the top terror of the school, then Dustin Clearly was terror number two. the 13 year old was actually the same size as lance and had been the resident bully till Lance had put him in his place, but Dustin had made it clear he was only waiting for the right chance to strike to take back his tittle. "well well well.. what DO we have here." Dustin's voice rang out and then Lance felt a smack on the back of his pampered ass. he bit his bottom lip to keep quite on the hope that Dustin wouldn't be able to reorganize him from just a diapered butt and his legs. "awww, did the silly baby fall and go boom?" Dustin asked and laughed, smacking Lance's butt again. "or were you trying to be a good widdle boy and toss out your diaper and fell in?" again Lance kept silent, and prayed that Dustin would just get bored and leave. "You might as well speak up..Lance. Your the only one in the school with those tacky light up sneakers." Dustin added. Fuck! why had he begged and whined for his parents to get him those! he should of realized how much they made him stand out! "O-Ok Dustin. it's me. Can you PLEASE help me out of here?" Lance whined, with the jig up he had nothing to lose asking for help. "Hmmm i dunno..I think face down ass up in a trash can is a good look for you." Dustin laughed, and then Lance felt something poking the back of his diaper and moving around. "H-Hey! knock it off! what are you doing!?!" Lance yelped, kicking his legs only to get them grabbed by the stronger boy and held in place. "well you always made fun of me for liking to draw, but now I have this biggg white crinkly canvas to work with and a new black sharpie to boot." Dustin said. "Come on dude! this isn't funny! I'm getting light headed in here!" Lance whined and cringed as he felt himself starting to get close to crying. "alright alright calm your tits, I'm just about done and then I'll help you out. You know your pants are wreaked right?" Dustin asked. "Damn it! D-Dustin listen to me, there's this new kid.. he doesn't look like much but he did this to me and you're likely next. but if we team up-" Lance started to say and got a smack on his thigh. "OW! WHY!?" "oh quit your bitching, and no offense, but I think if I run into this kid I'm just gonna mind my manners." the sharpie stopped moving across the back of the diaper and then Lance felt himself tugged free, though some of the paper towel came up as it had plastered itself to his forehead. Dustin went to say something, then held his nose, his blench blond dreadlocks moving as did so and took a step back. "Ugh, dude! maybe you should go outside for a bit and air out, you reek like a shitty diaper." he said. Lance growled and thought about picking a fight with Dustin right then and there, but a small part of him nagged about the chance of ending back up in the trash can, and he stormed out of the boys room instead, trying to look as tough and as bad ass as he could, considering he was only in a diaper and t-shirt. Not to mention said diaper now had a warning written on the butt. 'Caution: full load!' Despite what his test scores might suggest, Lance wasn't stupid and knew better then to try and go back to class in just a diaper and t-shirt, and also knew better then to try and sneak out of the school in the same attire. Looking around the hallways of the school he tried to make his way to his locker, to get his gym shorts and cover up the diaper at least. if anything, his gym shorts would work better then his jeans had since his mom made it a point to get a size or two bigger (his jeans had been from last last) and he'd had to draw the string on it super tight to keep them from falling down. 'Huh, should of thought of that thought of it now, still means I'm a genius.' Lance thought, smirking and puffing up his chest in pride. He actually had a little swagger in his step as he got close to his locker, thinking about how he had outsmarted Timmy and while it might take awhile, he was sure he could get enough boys together that they'd make that ginger asshole into a even bigger baby then he'd been forced to be today. Lance was so caught up in his own head, picturing his victory that he failed to look at the clocks and see that it was just about the end of the period. he was just at the door to his locker, when the loud bells that singled the end of a period rang and made him yelp and jump. It also made him freeze as his bladder suddenly decided apparently that his bowels shouldn't be hogging all the fun and he started to flood the front of his diaper. As students poured out into the hallway he could only hunch over and try and will the flow to stop, even as more and more people started to notice him, pointing him out. there was a hush over the students in the hall as they looked, like the quiet before the storm, and then a roar of laughter washed over him as tears started to flow from his eyes. "Stop it! stop laughing at me!" He whined and forgetting operation get some shorts, turned and ran away, sadly giving them all a good look at the message on his butt. After that, Lance was never a problem for the most part. he kept to himself, he did his school work and his grades actually improved. He also never got back out of diapers as his parents didn't believe him when he said anther student had diapered him, and now he was in diapers 24/7, and even bulkier ones then the ones Timmy had put him in. These days the only time he's a bother to others is when he stinks up the classroom. Timmy sadly didn't get to stick around long to enjoy his handy work, His dad had anther transfer come though after only 3 weeks in town. Still he kept in touch with the boys from the last school, and saw how Lance even ended up having to drink from a sippy cup at lunch time and it gave him ideas for the bully at his new school, A know it all named Dylan. The end?