Sonic GeneX: Doomsday Chapter 2 - Fallout Stage 2 - Fallen Angel Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA. You knew that, right? GeneX and related OCs are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author. Previously on GeneX… Distracted with a mission to take down the power-mad Richard Gunner, our heroes were unprepared for a sudden invasion by the Lost Ones. Summoning their forces through a portal created by the Chaos Key, the Lost Ones swarmed Station Square, destroying the Security Tower, scattering our heroes, and beginning to feed on the population and turn them into Lost Ones, too, starting with the surviving members of the Zodiac Council. Tails is trapped back at the Security Tower behind enemy lines, and a worried Sonic runs to his aid, knowing that his friend's death is heavily implied in the Doomsayer's prophecy...that looks to be coming true! Now, our tale continues... Sonic was racing back towards the ruins of the Security Tower, determined to find his friend. However, Tails was trying to get him back over the comms despite interference. "S--nic! -- hear me? Ah! Got it! Sonic, don't worry about me! You should be focusing on people who can't help themselves! The whole city's in trouble!" Tails pointed out. Sonic slowed his pace but didn't stop. "Tails, the Doomsayer said..." he was cut off by Shadow's voice coming through the comms. "He said someone with Prower blood would die. That could be his uncle for all you know. Stop freaking out and do your part! I'm closer so I'll check on Tails." the black hedgehog said seriously. Sonic stopped running and glanced back toward the city, where people's screams were on the wind. "You're right. Ugh, I'm not used to so much disaster going on that I'm not fast enough to fix it all..." he sighed. "Don't worry, Sonic. You're not alone out there!" Tails told him, "I'm going to head over to Shadow Arcangel's crash site to see if Bucky and the experiments are okay. Hopefully me or Shadow will find Amy and Cream on the way... We got separated in the chaos." he sighed. "Rouge and Omega are missing, too." Shadow reported. This didn't sound good by any means. "Keep me posted, and I'll keep my comms open to see if I can hear from anyone else..." Sonic sighed, dashing back into the city. Along the way, he got a signal from Knuckles. "Hello? Anyone alive??" the echidna called. Sonic had zipped into a losol-infested building and was carrying a crying child to safety. "For now, Knux, but I don't have a good feeling about this kid's parents..." he said nervously. "Shoot... Well, ahh... the Tornado's seen better days, too." Knuckles said nervously, "I hope Tails doesn't need it." That was just what Sonic didn't want to hear as he carried the child toward the police station, the safest place he could think of. "Where are ya, anyway, Knux?" he asked. Tails was heading towards the Arcangel crash site with his robotic dog, SPOT in tow. Broken GUN robots littered the landscape of the forest, where the trees had been displaced by the terrible tornado of Lost Ones that had torn past the area. Tails wasn't sure how they missed him, to be honest. He was inside the Security Center next to the tower during the chaos. "...Amy? Cream? Man, I can't believe we lost them..." he said nervously as he stepped through the creepy environment. Behind him, the broken robots started to stir. As a pair of battered, sparking Hunters rose to their wobbly feet, some losol peered out from their heads. The robots were possessed! They pointed their lasers at Tails' back, and SPOT's alarm went off. "What? Yikes!" Tails gasped as he turned around. Shots rang out as Tails raised his arms in defense, but...somehow the shots missed? He looked to see what happened. Fera, the dark grey she-wolf that was once known to them as Felicia or "rookie," had jumped between the robots and the fox and knocked the robots back with her dark magic! "What happened here?! Where's Gunner! Talk, machines!!" the wolf snarled. The bots fell apart and the losol emerged from within them, startling the wolf! "Look out!" Tails shouted, dashing in front of her and slipping one of the Chaos Tailbands onto his tail as he gave the monsters a good tail whip! The chaos energy defeated the monsters, rending their slime inert. "Good thing I brought the tailbands with me... I wonder if I should've gone super when this went down..." Tails whimpered. From where he was, he couldn't have known how bad things had gotten, and now without a source to focus his super form on, it'd be a waste of energy. He heard footsteps and turned to see Fera walking away. "Hey, wait!" he called. "If you expect me to swoon for you coming to my defense, you're an idiot." she scoffed. "Uhhh… I was gonna thank you for helping me, actually..." Tails said, "And, well... It's not safe to wander out here alone!" he pointed out. "We're not friends. Your group lied to me. Let me think I was a choir girl. While Gunner was permitted to run rampant, and look what happened." she huffed. Tails crossed his arms. "Well... You can't get even with Gunner if you're dead. And who'll help you these days?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. Fera gritted her teeth. She hated how right he was. Despair betrayed her. This fox was literally all she had. "Fine. If you're such a man, lead the way! But at my first opportunity, I'm taking vengeance on everyone who wronged don't get on my bad side." she warned, pointing at him with a wisp of dark energy on her finger. Tails nodded, "Yes, ma'am..." More possessed robots were present at Shadow Arcangel's crash site. Bolt, the creature who was made up of bat, turtle and chinchilla parts, was having his electric shell kicked between the bots by Sonata the unicorn, both of them looking rather desperate as Hunters and Beetles closed in on them. Tails and Fera could see the trouble from a distance. "Ah! We gotta hurry and help them!" Tails gasped. "Must we? In my experience those experiments are not to be trusted..." Fera sighed. While they were debating it, Shadow was able to catch up to them. "Chaos Control!" he warped close to the robots and quickly set to work attacking them with furious punches and kicks. Kosmo dashed in disguised as Sonic as well, smacking the other bots with homing attacks. "Oh, good, we're not needed." Fera shrugged. "I'm going to check on everyone inside the ship." Tails told her while Shadow and Kosmo easily tore apart the possessed robots, Shadow's Chaos Spears quickly finishing off the weak losol. Sonata wiped his forehead in relief while Bolt sat on the ground looking dizzy once the enemies were gone. "I-I c-can't take this..." Bolt whined. "There, there. Let's get inside..." Sonata said, "Thanks, guys." Shadow and Kosmo shrugged and turned to Tails and Fera as they approached. "Well, well, what are you doing here, wolfie?" Kosmo asked. "I came to take out Gunner and you idiots mucked it up." she groaned. "Is Bucky okay?" Shadow asked, getting to the point. Sonata looked to the ship awkwardly. "He is troubled... worried... Agh… My empathic abilities are running a bit haywire with all that's happening, though..." he stated, holding his head. "Where is he?" Tails asked. As they all headed inside the crashed ship, Fera looked around uncertainly. She didn't want to be there, but she wasn't sure where to go now. SPOT was running diagnostics and attempting to connect through the interference to the comms of the other heroes while they walked through the halls of the ship. This enabled Copter to get through. "Hello? Anyone alive? This is Copter and Gemini" he said. Chopper was still with them. "Good to hear from you, Copter! Where are you?" Tails asked. Fera crossed her arms with a frown. She didn't have a comm device so she wasn't privy to this conversation. "I dunno… Gemini warped us to 'safety.' But we can see the chaos that happened." he said. "Yeah, me too..." Punchy's voice popped up over the comms suddenly, "I gotta get back into town...Rainbow's in that mess with Aurora!" he grunted with concern. Shadow scoffed. "Running in by yourself won't help her. No one should go into that mess alone." he warned. Blaze's voice came over the comms next. She sounded pretty intense. "Call me if you find the leaders of those monsters... I need to burn them until there's nothing left..." she huffed. Silver was with her, and he spoke up. "Lospecter told us that they... they destroyed her world. They turned all her people into Lost Ones..." he said gravely. Tails stopped in his tracks, his ears drooping as the news sunk in. "M-marine...? No..." he stammered. "So don't get in my way. I'm getting my revenge!" Blaze snapped. Shadow crossed his arms. "We can't let emotion divide us. We all share the same goal, so we should coordinate our efforts to defeat these monsters." he told everyone. Fera glanced to Sonata and Bolt, each of them shrugging since they weren't privy to the full conversation. "Sorry, I'll fill you in." Tails sighed, sniffling a bit over the thought that a whole dimension of friends was gone. "Let's hurry and get our visit to Bucky over with, guys." Kosmo complained, "That way we can move on to more important things..." Bucky's lab had been converted into an infirmary. Talon the griffin, Vortex the chameleon and one of the newest experiments, Emily the squirrel, were all laid down on the examination tables with injuries. While Bucky was tending to one of Talon's wings, a glowing pale blue hedgehog was standing over Vortex, sending some of her energy into his body. Fera's eye focused on Emily as she walked in with the others. "Hey... I know her. She...she's the girl from the picture that Conan carries around everywhere." she stated. Bucky nodded as he patched up Talon's wing. "Emily. She's leverage. I brought her back from the grave in order to appeal to Conan's emotions. We may need his Chaos Relics before this is all over." he stated. Shadow glanced at the glowing hedgehog. "Who is she? That energy radiating from her is...soothing..." he murmured. Bucky stretched out the kinks in his back after finishing his work and glanced at his visitors. "It, not she. It is Experiment Twenty, my final creation. I call her Gideon the GeneX, because... well, that's what it is. Pure creation energy, or GeneX as I called it in my error. My head was always stuck in the clouds of science and I couldn't see the magic of my discovery all those years ago." he explained. Tails rubbed his chin. "Magic? So... is Gideon really even a living thing?" he asked. Gideon glanced at him as it finished transferring energy to Vortex. "I am only life. As such, I am the perfect healer. If any of you are injured, I will help you when I am finished here." the glowing creature said, turning to Emily as Vortex sat up with a refreshed yawn. "I feel like hugging sssomeone. That energy isss potent!" the chameleon mumbled. "Well, good, you're alive. Can we go now?" Kosmo grunted. Bucky shrugged. "Go if you must, but I need help to get this ship back in the air. Mr. Prower, can you lend your considerable brain to the task? Vortex will assist you." he asked. Tails nodded. "Right! This ship would really help getting everyone to a safe distance from the Lost One swarm!" he reasoned. But another new voice came from the doorway at that moment. "We'll handle the repairs!" This made Fera growl in annoyance. "Enough new people! Let's get this show on the... Tails, he looks just like you!" she gasped. In the doorway stood Skye Prower, his son from the future. He was joined by Kosmo's daughter, Starr, Vector's son Argyle, and Skye's sister, Melody... who happened to be a rabbit! It took a bit for the kids to explain how they were from the future. Skye explained how they came to be there. "I was performing a bit of an experiment with temporal energy, and I detected an anomaly in the timeline. It was...the world coming to an end, basically. If that happened in the past, we'd all cease to exist in our time, so... I kinda...invented a time machine, hehe..." he chuckled softly. "Not a perfect time machine, you could only harness enough temporal energy to get us this far!" Melody pouted, "And how will we get back?" she added. Tails was staring at his kids with utter shock. He...was not ready to be a dad. Kosmo was looking at Starr funny too. "Hey, why is it just you kids? Why aren't we chaperoning you?" he asked. Argyle shrugged. "Most of ya are dead. Others are kinda retired. And we kinda didn't tell Sonic anything." Starr elbowed him for saying that. "Don't tell them they're dead!" she snapped. "I didn't, you did!" he grunted. Bucky cleared his throat loudly. "Repairs, not spoilers." he grumbled, wanting to keep them on-topic. "You're not the least bit worried about kids from the future saying you're dead?" Fera asked. "Oh, we don't know nothin' about you, ma'am." Argyle said. "Swell..." Fera shrugged. Tails and Skye both nodded to themselves. "Bucky's right." they said at once, smiling at each other. "Melody and I can fix the ship easy. We just need you guys to protect us from those creatures..." Skye said. "They're called the Lost Ones..." Shadow told the kids, "...You're sure you can handle this? If you are, then we'll back you up." he stated. "I'll get Crassssh and Zipp!" Vortex announced as the group started to head out. Fera sighed in frustration. "I don't need all this babysitting. I just want a shot at Gunner and Anubis..." she murmured. Bucky walked over to her. "Your vendettas aside, you must agree that the destruction of the world is important to deal with." he told her. She rolled her eye, and then glanced at Tails as he called to her. "You coming? We could really use you!" he said. She didn't get him. He still seemed to look at her as a friend, just as he looked at Felicia. "I'm coming..." she sighed. They had to split up, as the ship needed repairs in different areas. Tails, Fera and Argyle went with Skye, while Shadow, Kosmo and Starr were going with Melody. Vortex would have a look at a third area of the ship and receive aid from other experiments. As they headed for the part of the ship Skye was going to work on, Tails couldn't help asking questions. "So, ahh... Y-your mother... she's...?" he seemed pretty awkward about asking. Skye seemed awkward about answering, too. "Dad, I-I'm sorry... I don't really know you. Gunner had you and mom killed when Melody and I were little. We only recently defeated him." he sighed. Fera scoffed. "Well, don't worry yourself about that too much. Your future will change when I kill that man." she stated. They reached an area of the ship where sparks were coming from the ceiling. "Yeah, gotta fix this..." Skye murmured, spinning his own two tails to fly up to the ceiling and asses the situation. "You sure I didn't get to teach you anything?" Tails mused, watching him. Skye suddenly shouted in alarm. "You get a shock?" Argyle asked. "We've got a big problem up here!" Skye yelled, dropping to the ground. Electrified losol dripped out of the hole in the ceiling, their ghostly faces looking at the group angrily! "Huh, I didn't know they could hold a charge..." Tails muttered. "Geek out later! We've got to clear the way for repairs to take place!" Argyle grunted. "Alas, this lowly corridor is where thy story cometh to a close! You've fallen into the trap of Loskeletor!" Behind them, the greenish skeleton who was once William the Raccoon so long ago was approaching. His eyes were glowing with fiery energy, ready to shoot beams at them any moment. Fera placed a hand on her hip and looked back at the skeleton. "You picked us over Shadow and Kosmo. Scared, are you?" she smirked. "It's a stratagem. With but a hint of DNA from one of you, I can deceive your allies by transforming... then get close and stab them in the back, as my ally of old, Brutus once attempted." Loskeletor said. Fera gave him a deadpan look. "Yeah, I have no idea who that is. Tails, foil him by telling Shadow exactly what he just told us." she suggested. "I'm just getting static on the comms!" Tails groaned. The electric losol, meanwhile, were expelling shocks toward them, attempting to immobilize them with electrocution! "We've ways of disrupting your communications. Now, whose soul shalt join the lost first?" Loskeletor sneered. Meanwhile, Vortex was busy attempting to repair the ship's engines. Crash, the rhinoceros with the yellow bowler hat, was guarding the entrance to the room with Zipp, the red striped hornet whose helmet's black visor hid his eyes. Zipp cocked a shotgun and gritted his teeth. "I hear 'em slithering this way. Ready to rock, Crash, or are you still stiff from your year as a bot?" he smirked. "Stop bringing that up." Crash groaned. Sparks escaped through the crack under the door as electric losol banged on it, attempting to break in. After a moment, they slithered in right through the crack, and Zipp fired his shotgun, but that only slowed them down a bit. Vortex glanced back. "Sssstupid! You have to hit them with elemental energy!" he hissed. "Maybe you should be up here, then!" Zipp grumbled, "Ack!" he dropped his shotgun as the losol zapped him with a burst of electricity. Crash quickly caught Zipp and held him with his stinger pointed at the creatures. "You've got the right ammo! I'll point and you shoot!" he grunted. "Hey! Put me down! Th-this is so humiliating! Ughhh!!" Zipp protested. The electrified slime monsters were jumping towards them quickly, so there wasn't much choice. Crash gave the hornet a squeeze. "Ack!! C-chaos Stinger!!" he shouted, his stinger glowing red and firing wherever Crash pointed! Each losol hit exploded as a result of the electrical energy, requiring Crash to back away slowly. "Hurry up with those repairs, 'Tex! We may need you on the offense if they keep comin'!" Crash warned. Vortex reached for a nearby wrench and hissed. "I can't tell how I'm doing, there'sss no power! Thosssse foxesss better get their tailssss in gear! ...And the rabbit, too." he growled. Zipp smirked. "So... Tails and Cream, huh?" he snickered. "Not the time to gossip." Crash grumbled. Outside the ship, Melody was working on repairing damage to the wings, flapping her long ears to fly from place to place, carrying her tools on a heavy belt attached to her waist. Shadow kept an eye on her while Kosmo stood with his back to Starr, not paying much attention to his daughter. "Hmm... No questions for me?" the female morph asked. "Your mere existence gives me all the answers I need from you." Kosmo said without looking at her. Starr crossed her arms. "Yeah, sure. Guess you don't want my daddy issues put on you when you haven't even had me yet..." she huffed. "You got it." Kosmo sighed. "Must be sooooome issues, though... 'Cuz my real form is based on mom, you know. But I choose to make myself into daddy's girl." Starr said as she stretched and leaned against her father's back. "Talk to mom about it." Kosmo grunted. Melody chuckled softly as her ears picked up on their conversation. She wiped some sweat from her forehead and looked out over the forest around the ship. "Hmm... Ahh! M-mister Shadow! Something's coming!" she gasped, pointing at some rustling trees. The rustling was moving their way. Shadow clenched his fists and turned toward the danger, while Kosmo and Starr both turned as well. Out of the trees flew some possessed robots; Beetles with laser cannons and flying Hunters. "Stay with the bunny. We'll handle this." Kosmo said to Starr. She stood defiantly in front of him. "Uh, hellooo? You die, I die? You should guard Mel!" she insisted. Shadow dashed past them in the meantime, hurling Chaos Spears at the first approaching robots! "Don't waste each other's time! Fan out and we'll form a perimeter around the kid!" he shouted. The morphs looked at him, blinking. "Uh, yeah, guess that's smart." Starr murmured. And so, they split up to protect Melody... Back inside, Argyle was doing his best to watch Skye's back while he was making repairs and Tails and Fera were busy with Loskeletor. The crocodile happened to have a rather advanced looking Wispon with him...but really technology hadn't advanced that much twenty years in the future. Wispons still shot ammo based on the Wisp used to power it. His was running on asteroid power, and shot at the incoming losol in a rapid-fire fashion. "How's the repairs comin', Skye?" he asked. The fox rubbed his head. "I think I've just about got this problem fixed..." he murmured. Meanwhile, Fera had tossed balls of dark energy directly at Loskeletor's ribs, seemingly shattering them, but... his limbs and head just floated undeterred, his skull shooting hot lasers back at her while his arms picked up the fragments of his chest. "You're kidding me. He'll just fix himself?!" the wolf growled, hopping away from his lasers. "Maybe not after a dose of Chaos energy!" Tails smirked. "The Chaos Relics are powered by Creation energy." Skye corrected. Tails knew that but nobody wanted to start saying creation all the time. The fox tried to move in for a tailband-powered tail whip, but Loskeletor's legs walked ahead and kicked him back! "Ooof!!" he groaned. Fera quickly helped him up. "I'll get you close..." she said, clutching his hand before enveloping them both in darkness! They warped above Loskeletor's skull, and Fera spun in the air while holding on to Tails' hand. "Whip it!!" she cried. The fox's tails crashed into the skull, a flash of light coming from the tailband as Loskeletor screamed and collapsed to the ground! Tails and Fera landed nearby, and Tails tried to pull back his hand only to find Fera's grip too tight. Glancing at her, they both blushed and looked away, hands separating quickly. A voice prevented any celebration from starting. "Willy, willy, willy... I hardly knew ye..." A portal emerged beside Loskeletor's remains, and Lospecter appeared, "What'll we do with you? Oh, but wait... How's that? You're no ordinary Lost One? Riiight, Loskeletor was made out of someone! When body and soul are given to the Lost Ones, well... You might as well be immortal!" Lospecter floated past Argyle and grabbed one of the sparking losol, carrying it to Loskeletor's broken bones and wringing it out over them. The slime that fell onto the bones restored Loskeletor's vitality, and the skeleton quickly rose up, reformed back into a whole! Tails and Fera stared in surprise, so distracted by Loskeletor's revival, they didn't notice what Lospecter was doing. "Aaaahh!! Help, Dad!!" The ghost nabbed Skye and carried him to the open portal! "W-wait!! Stop!!" Tails shouted. "You have so many foxes. You can let us borrow one, right? Unless you wanna trade those pretty tailbands... In that case, meet me in this ship's basement... In the deepest darkness!" Lospecter cackled, escaping through the portal with Loskeletor following. "We will reprise this... Prepare for Act 2!" the skeleton sneered. The portal vanished as Tails attempted to give chase. Clenching his fists, he tapped his comms device. "I'm going after Lospecter... You guys keep fixing the ship!" he said. Fera crossed her arms and shook her head. "You're the last one who should go. It's you they want." she said. Argyle looked between them awkwardly. "Uhh... Sh-should I come?" he asked. Tails started to walk away. "I'll go it alone if I have to." he said. "You didn't even know the kid an hour ago." Fera pointed out. "It's not about who he is. No one should be left in the hands of those creatures!" Tails insisted. Fera was watching him go, contemplating leaving while she could. However, she started to follow him. "You got guts, kid. Let's try to keep them from spilling all over the floor." she said. "Ugh, gross. Felicia never talked like that..." Tails groaned. The fox and the wolf...unlikely allies. Could Fera really be trusted? Time would tell... To be continued...