A child jumps the fence I had never seen him before but suddenly he's here chasing the sheep. I'm suddenly faced by a strong smell of fruit salad. "If any harm comes to him your owners are getting the bill." I turn towards the fruity smelling speaker and it's like I'm looking in a mirror... aside from being dressed in casual wear with a face that's anything but. "Do I need to rephrase?" He waves a paw in the air "If the wind holds I suppose I could get him myself." Just as he hits the middle of the field the wind blows hard and something has the herds attention. He goes running past me with that scowl on his face like some drill seargent in a bad movie jumping the fence. "I'd ask you or your friends to fetch him..." "Are you okay sir?" A saint bernard shows up almost as undressed as us aside from a backpack and pulled high shorts. I finally got over the shock and spoke up "where did you come from?" the scowler looks between me and his packer "We're your new nieghbors. Bal we won't be needing a kit but could you go get him?" "Okay sir." "nieghbors? From where?"