Prologue Destiny “Until now, I have thought of him as a figure in stories used to scare the children into behaving. Or possibly a metaphor for some to justify why there is so much hate in our world. But now I see that HE IS REAL. and is ready to make his name feared once again. “ “My king I do not understand “ who is this man of witch you speak… “Not a man… an angel”… “ I apologize my lord I do not understand, an angel? Who wishes to be feared, I know not of witch one you speak” “Once he was known as Lucifer…now he is known as Satan, but soon another name shall befall him.” “My lord you cannot be saying that the Devil himself shall come!” “It is true, for it happens as we speak, he shall use the body of a human to enter our world. “ “My lord! You speak like a madman.” “No Salvador this is why I brought you here…look outside the window…it has already begun… his servants already rise from the fabled gate as we speak in search of a vessel.” Salvador ran to the window. He had seen the stone gate that laid in the towns graveyard before But he had always assumed that it was built to show the story of the fallen angel and nothing more. “How could this be… There must be some way to stop this!” He shouted “Salvador…go get your family to safety… leave this place before it’s to late.” The king spoke as if speaking not to a lowly blacksmith but to a dear friend. “but my lord what of you, you must come”! “No…no my time has come… the demons pray on the weak first…and I am weak…We should have seen this coming long ago the Book speaks of his coming time and time again.” Salvador wanted to help but his family came first. His wife and newborn daughter were still at home and he would not let the demons reach them if it was the last thing he did. So he left his king alone in the dark of his castle and ran to his home. “ You have done well… “ a dark voice said from the shadows of the kings throne room “ I have done as you’ve asked Havock now you must ensure my position in this new world.” The king spoke as a large black armored man stepped from the shadows “Hehehe yes im sure I could find something to suit a traitor like you… “ Havock whispered as he drew his sword. Wha…what are you doing, you said I would be spared if I helped you !” “Only a fool would believe the deceiver…. Heheh HEAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAAA” havock laughed as he brought the sword down on the kings head splitting it in two.