What You Really Feel with Kaa... You are very disoriented. Just a little bit ago, you were walking through the forest. The air is warm on your fur, but the breeze provides some relief. You took a quick nap down at the base of a tree, not far from where you live. As you blink rapidly, awaking with a start, you find you're sitting in the coils of a huge python, your hands trapped at your waist by a single coil, pulled tight around you. The python's coils begin to wrap you up, the coils restricting more and more of your upper body movement, your legs helplessly dangling down. The coils are firm and cold, pressing into you, just barely giving way to your contours, as if they had an airtight seal. The coils stop at your chest, completely immobilizing you. As you squirm in his coils, the snake speaks, his silver-tongued whispers tickling your mind already. Others had warned you about this, that it was dangerous to- "Look into my eyes," he said with a grin. Completely caught off guard, you already were. All of a sudden, spiraling rings of color began to erupt from his eyes, immediately transfixing you. You could easily look away, you tell yourself... but you are curious. That’s all. You stare, wondering what will happen. The snake began to talk again, saying: "Yesss, watch the rings move in and out of your eyesight, tugging gently at your mind, pulling you down into the center… you can see them so clearly now. Breathe deeply for me, in… and out... breathing in relaxation, breathing out all your stress and tension. With every ring, begin to feel yourself relaxing, every muscle in your body, starting at your toes, and moving up." And indeed you did begin to relax, starting at your toes. They suddenly felt cool, as if there were cleansing waters rushing through them, slowly moving up through your legs, relaxing every muscle as you began to enjoy this, the feeling almost tickling, but incredibly relaxing, all at the same time. You feel it unwinding every muscle fiber, slowly but surely, in rhythm with your slow, deep breathing. Your mind goes to each section of your legs, addressing the tension in them. How silly to have thought they were already relaxed. You tense the muscles in your feet and calves for 3 seconds… 2… 1… and release, feeling that cool relaxation rushing through them, as if you opened the floodgates for it, your legs getting so heavy. You begin to realize how easy it is to achieve that wonderful sensation, just by acknowledging how deep a difference there is between tense… and relaxed. You do this with your thighs as well, tensing up for 3… 2… 1… and release. Breathe out. In. Out. The air has become your reservoir for this cooling relaxation. It spreads from your chest down to wherever needs it most, and tension replaces it in your lungs, flowing in from your body, allowing you to just breathe it out with a sigh of happiness. "Yesss, yesss, that's very good," Kaa coos. His voice makes your head feel light. "Feel it moving faster, all the way up through your torso, massaging your entire body." The feeling is so wonderful, so blissful. Moving up your stomach, and over your chest. It’s so easy now. That cooling relaxation doesn’t have to travel very far from your chest now. Every breath in renews the relaxation, both rejuvenating and exhausting. The heaviness spreads down your arms now, down to your hands. They feel so wonderful, hanging down at your sides like that. Weighing you down. Your whole body, so heavy now, sagging forward a bit. As you feel the sensation capping off your fingertips, your entire body, neck down, is engulfed, flowing relaxation renewing and deepening the feeling with every breath. With every slow pulsation of color in his eyes, that feeling rushes through all the affected parts of you over and over again, letting you sink deeper and deeper into his massaging coils, almost as if they were becoming softer with every ring, tugging your mind deeper… deeper… so soft, feeling them gently press in on you now, in rhythm, a gentle pressure. The cool sensation spreads up your neck now. The back of your neck relaxing, a soothing, buzzing sensation at the base of your head spreading forward through your mind, making you so dizzy. As you relax your neck further, it becomes hard to keep your head upright. That’s alright. Let it fall a little, bobbing this way and that, your mind swaying, eyes still forward. That’s all you need worry about. Eyes forward. Good. Now, as the feeling caps off at the top of your head, your entire body becomes engulfed in this extreme relaxation, going deeper and deeper, all of your muscles going slack. All the muscles in your face relaxing, getting heavier and heavier. You don't even notice when your mouth falls open as the muscles around your mouth and jaw relax. Even if a bit of drool begins to drop from your lips, you couldn’t care less. In fact, if you feel like it, you might even smile a little, letting your tongue go slack in your mouth. Even at this stage, you could turn away and stop this feeling. You’re sure of that. But a strong urge keeps you from doing so. It's not the snake, it's you. You are enjoying this so much that you don't want to look away, simply because your muscles are so relaxed that they all refuse to go anywhere, weighted down by relaxation, getting heavier with every wonderful breath. You don't see a problem with that. All of your muscles now seem so heavy that you can barely lift your head, let alone a heavier part of your body, like your legs. It feels like this weight is pulling you down further and further into the softness of the snake's coils, pulling you further and further into bliss. "Now, with every blink, feel it getting harder and harder to open your eyes, like they are weighted down by lead," the python said with a smile. "Don't worry, it's okay. Take your time opening them again after you blink. No rush. Every time you close them, feel the bliss of having them closed, of not having to hold them open any longer. Good." And so the weight piles onto your eyelids, and as you take longer and longer to open them, you see less and less, and eventually the only thing you can make out are the snake's wide eyes, the colors pulling you in. Blue in one eye, yellow in the next, green overtaking blue, but not before a cooling purple takes over yellow. One after another. Every ring, sending another wave of relaxation through you. Your eyelids are getting heavy now, heavier with each time you blink. You can feel it, and it makes you smile just a little. Somewhere far off, you hear Kaa counting down, and each number makes them 100 times heavier, your mind dropping down, spiraling down, as if you were sinking down to the bottom of a lake, the water cool, gently pressing in on you from all sides. Blinking with each number now. 10… 9… 8… so heavy now. 7… 6… breathing in… 5… out… 4… eyes barely open. 3… dropping down to the bottom, in 2… 1… Sleep. Drop down now. Sssleep. Good. Very good. You spiral down. Your head slumps off to the side as you suddenly feel like you're dropping fast through space and pleasure, and then, nothing. If you made it this far, there is a possibility that you are extremely relaxed, perhaps even in trance, reading these words without a care in the world. If that’s the case, that’s totally alright, allow yourself to enjoy it. Regardless, I hope you’ve enjoyed this story. If you are in Kaa’s trance, if you wish you were, or if you wish to go deeper, feel free to reread the story as many times as you like. You may find that it feels better each time, the more you open up to it. When you want to be free, leave a comment on this post, saying “I obey.” Such an easy gesture that would make you so excited to admit, isn’t that right? You will wake up immediately after doing that, feeling happy and refreshed. You may not even remember writing it, but you’ll be sure to check the comments. ALTERNATIVELY, if you’re not feeling all that frisky, just say to yourself out loud: “I will awake now.” Say that three times, and on the third time, you’ll find yourself fully awake and aware. Hope you enjoyed this fun little experiment!