Oh, Lbdul'aziz was tired! It's been two full days now that the Khajiit hadn't gotten any sleep (not counting that hour or so of unconsciousness). After narrowly escaping the dragon attack at Helgen with his life and then running all the way to Whiterun, the Jarl sent him right back down to Riverwood to fetch some relic out of some dungeon. "How did I get roped into this?" he muttered as he dragged himself into the inn. "The Jarl and his mage are just going to have to wait. I'm not doing one more thing until I get some rest." Those were the words Lbdul'aziz said to himself, but the confused Nords in the inn only heard the cat make incomprehensible mumblings. It was proof of how exhausted he was that he couldn't even articulate a sentence that anyone could understand. The golden-tan furred Khajiit plunked down a handful of gold coins on the counter and shuffled off to a room. He didn't bother counting them out to see how much it was, but the innkeeper seemed pleased enough with it. Lbdul'aziz swung the door shut after himself, stripping off the heavy metal armor he had 'borrowed' from the corpse of one of the Imperials who tried executing him only hours before. The naked, sweaty, grime covered, blood stained and slightly singed cat collapsed into his rented bed, dead asleep before his body even hit the deerskin blankets. Though it was still before midnight, not a single person noticed when Rilka crept from her parent's house, went down the street, and entered the inn. She was able to sneak somehow even through the inn, crawling under tables just inches from an inebriated patron's feet. Taking one last glance around to make sure no one was looking, the girl inched open the Khajiit's door and slipped inside. Suddenly alone and in the small enclosed room with the sleeping Khajiit, Rilka found herself questioning her judgment. But there could be no turning back now! She had come this far, she -needed- to just take a look at him before she could go. A pair of flickering lights lit the room well enough for the girl to see clearly into the face of the cat-man that had caused such a stir among the town's children. "Woooow." Rilka whispered no louder than a puff of air. "He really -is- a cat! Lindelof was right!" Rilka turned to make her stealthy exit, but as luck would have it she tripped her foot on the Khajiit's discarded armors. Sixty pounds of eight year old Nord came crashing down over Lbdul'aziz's chest. Of course, being sound asleep, the Khajiit had no idea who or what it was that had slammed into him. The feline thrashed and flailed against the unknown attack, springing to his feet. Rilka couldn't move. Under the bewildered Khajiit's stare she couldn't make her body move a single muscle, stuck standing stiff as a post at his bedside. She had been caught by the 'boogyman', a victim of her own curiosity to see him in person. While the little Nord girl dreaded her fate, Lbdul'aziz's eyes cleared and focused, his tensed muscles relaxing when he saw that he was in no danger. The cat man was still only half conscious (how could he not be, after only a couple hours shut-eye from the long day before?), wondering in his tired brain how and why a human girl was standing before him. With a whoosh Lbdul'aziz fell back down into his hay and skins bed, sitting upright and still towering over the girl in front of him. He tried thinking of something to question the girl, 'What are you doing here?', 'What time is it?', 'Why did you wake me up?', but he only continued to glare tiredly at her, his body refusing to use energy enough to let him speak. Her eyes wide and mouth gaped open, Rilka stood dead still right in front of the seated cat she had awoken. Somehow, even the girl's sheer terror at being caught was being edged out by her fascination and wonder at the strange cat-man before her. There was that rich golden and creamy white fur everywhere! And he has a tail! Everything about the man's plainly visible muscled body was entirely feline! Lbdul'aziz half-considered flopping over and falling back to sleep right there. His drooping eyelids certainly wanted him to. But then the cat's stomach growled. He realized then how hungry he was, having barely eaten a single morsel the day before. Looking down at the little intruder, the Khajiit's exhausted mind figured he could kill two birds with one stone. In his weary head it made perfect sense. Rilka's hand started to lift from her side and reach out toward the two-legged cat. Defiant to all logic her body was acting almost on its own, reaching out to try and pet the male feline's haggard looking fur. But then the Khajiit started to move again, instantly freezing her in back place. The man's paws (not hands, paws!) clasped around each of her thin biceps just above the elbow, pinning her arms to her sides and flooding back through her body the rush of pure life-threatening fear. Rilka watched in a panic as the Khajiit leaned forward to her and opened his mouth. At first the girl thought he was going to speak to her, but his parted lips just kept opening wider wand wider and he kept leaning down closer to her face. The last thing she saw before the world went dark around her was the cat's dark pink and red maw opening, strands of saliva dripping from his palate and sharp teeth down over his tongue. Before she knew what was happening the cat swooped down, enveloping her entire head and her shoulders in his mouth! The little girl's scream was muffled by Lbdul'aziz's closed mouth, the sound getting lost mostly right down his throat. The sound and the girl's struggles weren't enough to fully wake the Khajiit from his half sleeping trance. He had a mission now, and his body was going to autonomously carry it out. The humanoid cat stretched his jaws open wide, diving his head down over his dinner's upper arms and chest. The girl's cotton clothing was dry and stuck in his throat, but he was able to choke it down without too much difficulty. 'It's just more food.' his sleep deprived mind figured. 'Just swallow it all.' Lbdul'aziz shifted his grip lower down his prey's arms, still holding them to her sides. With his paws out of the way he could plunge his head down again, forcing that much more of the little Nord into his mouth and down his throat. She was really thrashing up a storm now, but not even that was enough to bring the cat out of his half sleeping half waking trance. 'Just swallow it all.' he repeated to himself. 'Just like any other little mouse.' The Khajiit sank his teeth in, hoisting the eight year old Nord up right over his head. He snapped his jaws and gulped greedily, bolting the girl's struggling body down with ease. 'How wonderful,' his groggy mind gloated. 'I'm starting to feel nice and full already.' And he -was- getting nice and full inside. The girl's head pressed through the ring of muscle that ended his deep inner throat and entered his stomach, while her whole upper body filled out a huge bulge sinking down his neck. Swallow after swallow sent the girl down, belly hips and thighs. The Khajiit didn't slow down for a second through any of it, even when Rilka crashed into the pit of his stomach and distended his muscled belly out into his lap. It felt so good after all for a cat to have such a large meal, such a satisfying bit of prey, why would he want to stop? The girl's weight itself was enough to send her the rest of the way down into the feline's open mouth, her body crumpling and curling up into itself in a tight ball in Lbdul'aziz's stomach. He made a little show for no one in particular by dramatically pulling in his tongue and closing his mouth after the human girl's feet, making the last swallow that sent the rest of her diminishing bulge sliding down his furred neck. "Ohh, so good... My gut's so heavy now in my lap... So full... And that squirming... Oh, it feels so good." Lbdul'aziz let his eyes drift closed, his tired body tilting on its own, leaning back until he didn't have the strength or will to hold himself up anymore. The happy Khajiit snuggled up in his rented bed of animal skins and hay, loosely curled up around his own struggling belly. The rocking and fighting from within his stomach actually lulled him right back to sleep, a sleep so peaceful and deep that the cat wouldn't wake again til well into the next day, despite Rilka's frantic and muffled hollers and pleas for him to let her out. Sound asleep and dreaming of being stuffed full from a glorious feast in his homeland, Lbdul'aziz smiled and rested a paw on his heavily rounded belly. "Uhhhhg, how long did I sleep? By the Moons, I needed that." Lbdul'aziz made to roll over in bed, fully ready to start his day, but a weight deep in his gut anchored him to the bed. "Wha?" Throwing off the skins covering his body revealed a huge round bulge in his belly, protruding out a full foot or so upwards (he was laying on his side still) and a good two feet in front of him. The memory of last night flooded back to him like a strike of lightning. "...Oh shit..." Heaving his body over and sitting on the edge of his bed, the sounds of slow, heavy sloshing rang out as clear as day in the small room. Lbdul'aziz's full round and weighty belly sat in his lap, gurgling and churning away at his late night meal as pleasantly as if he'd eaten nothing more than a rabbit or even a beef sandwich. His -head- however was running in overdrive thinking of all the ramifications he now faced. First and foremost in his mind was what the Nords would do to him when they found out he had eaten one of their kind. The chopping block seemed almost a blessing now compared to what his imagination came up with. "I've got to get out of here, and not let them find out. But how?" Having no other real options coming to him, the Khajiit bent down (a bit laboriously around his own gut) and hefted his commandeered armor from the floor. "This will have to do..." It took nearly a full turn of the glass (and an ample smearing of troll fat) but Lbdul'aziz managed to struggle himself into the now overly-snug armor. His distended belly wasn't completely hidden however, his bulk pressing the thick leather out rounded. It was certainly an improvement though. Better to look too fat for one's armor than look like you had just eaten a whole human child. Barely being able to even breath in his impromptu corset, Lbdul'aziz opened his room door and strode out as nonchalantly as he possibly could. The bloated Khajiit turned on his heels to the right, marching briskly out the door. He didn't stop until he was clear over the bridge and out of Riverwood. Free and out of sight, Lbdul'aziz forced his newly heavy body to run even faster than he did at Helgen when he ran from the dragon.