“I hate the cold.” he said to himself, dragging a cart. It was a cold and it was raining. “I wonder if the pegasus are making it rain or if it's a natural rain.”. He walked a few meters more out into the forest. “At least the trees stop the wind and the rain.” He saw a sign nailed to a post. “Ponyville – 10 Miles. Canterlot 50 miles. Fhillydelpha 150 miles.” the sign read. “I wonder how much longer this forest go on for? It would be nice if it went to the edge of Ponyville.”. He then said aloud, then walking silently for a few miles, each hoof taking heavy mud along with it. He exited the forest but then sighed “I don't hate you rain, I just hate your friend, wind, and your child, cold.”. He looked up for the first time in a mile and saw the faint glow of the lights and lamps of Ponyville. “Where do they live again...Was it on the other side of here?” he thought then sighed. “Been too long since I've been here. I wonder if they will accept me..... They probably will and if not then I'll just have to march on some more... or maybe even stay... depends on they take it.” A gust of wind then blew hard against his side. He shivered and thought “I should really buy a cloak or maybe a duster. I wonder if I can afford a room tonight.” He stopped a checked his saddle pouch. “ 10 coins left. Hmm.... maybe if its cheap.” He walked on silently into Ponyville, looking for an inn. Didn’t take him long since it was one of the few buildings still lit. He parked his cart along the side of the building and walked inside. Where he saw the inn keep, sitting by the fire. “Hello friend. How can I help you this evening?” The Inn keep said with out moving. “I need a room for the night. How much will it be?” He asked. The innkeeper said “8 coins, usually 10 but seeing how much rain there is, I can give you a break. I just need a name.” The innkeeper said walking to the counter. “That is very kind of you.” He reached into his saddle and grabbed the coin purse with his teeth and set it on the counter. But has he lifted his right hoof, he immediately slammed it down and mutter something about him self being stupid. He used his left hoof instead and grabbed 8 of the 10 coins and put them on the counter. “Is there a place where I can put my cart for the night?” He then asked. “Sure, there is a stable in the back for such things but I still need a name.” the innkeeper said. “Oh, right. The name is Washington, but you can just call me Wash. I'll just put the cart in the proper place then.” He exited the building and put the cart in the stable. He then took a tarp off, grabbed his things, lifting them onto his back and walked back in. “Room 3, just down the hall. Want me to get the door?” “If it is not too much trouble.” Wash nodded, with a bag in his mouth. The inn keeper smiled and walked Wash to his room, opening the door and leading him inside. “What brings you to Ponyville anyway?” The innkeeper asked as his lit a lamp. “I here to see my relatives. You wouldn’t happened to know the Apple family, would ya?” “Why yes! They were here earlier today actually. They were dropping off a barrel of cider.” The innkeeper said with a smile. “Well if there is anything else you need Washington, don't be afraid to ask.”. Wash smiled back and said “I don’t need anything else but thank you very much for you kindness.” The innkeeper kept the smile and left the room, placing the key on the hook next to the door. Washington grabbed a towel and dried himself off. He checked his things. “Good no damage.” he muttered to himself. He grabbed his journal set, locked the door, and grabbed the lamp. He sat at a desk in the end of the room and wrote “Date: April 12th, Location: Ponyville, Weather: Cold and rainy. It was a long walk but I finally made it. It started raining about noon and hasn’t stopped since. The rain wasn’t heavy but not a light rain either. I hope AJ, Mac, Granny, and Bloom help and trust me and keep the secrete quiet. The machine or anything else was not damaged by the rain and I don't think it will rain tomorrow, but I better leave my things here in the morning when I set out again. I think I will set up camp in the forest if I cant sway them. Keeping out of their sight. I wonder where the other part is and how much will it cost. I cant write anymore, I'm too tired. My bitter enemy, the cold, has taken his frustration on me again.” He left the page open for the ink to dry. He took the lamp and walked to his bed. The lamp was placed on the small table next to the bed as he blew it out. He closed his eyes and he soon fell fast asleep. It was a cool morning when Wash awoken. He curled himself up in the blanket and sheets and closed his eyes for a bit. I cant stay here for much longer.” He thought and reluctantly uncovered himself. He opened the curtains on the windows and looked outside. The sun was out but there was a light fog covering the earth. He grabbed his saddle bags and left the room, locking it. The innkeeper was doing some paper work at the counter when he asked “Is there a cheap clothing store around here?” The innkeeper looked up and said “Well, There is only 1 real cloths shop here. The Carousel Boutique. It just down the road to the right when you walk out.”. “A Boutique... Very well it will have to do. Thank you. I'll be back later to pick up my things.” Wash said and walked out. He walked into the shop where he heard “This blasted thing! Work!” from the back. He shouted “Hello?” not sure if he would get a response. “OH! I'll be right there.” A White mare walked in the room. “Hello sir. I'm Rarity. How may I help you?” she said. A gear cranked in his head and he stood there silent for a second before saying “Rarity you say?”. “Why yes sir. Do I know you?” she said with a confused look on her face. “I'm surprised that you don’t remember. Ill give you a hint.”He said with a huge grin. He took a apple out of his saddle bag and with his left hoof scratched it on one side. He then split the apple and held out the undamaged side to Rarity. She looked dumbfounded for a second before she realized and a shade of red came over her face. “Washington! I'm Embarrassed that I don’t remember you.” She said with a smile and her head low. “I haven’t seen you for years! What are you doing back here and what happened to your right leg?” “I'm here to visit the family. I cant talk about the leg or the mark but I do need help with something from you? I was wondering if I can buy a duster cloak from you for cheap?” He replied. Rarity looked even more confused before she noticed that his cutie mark was half missing. “Um yes I can help you with that... but I cant work on anything right now. I'm afraid the sewing machine is a bit broke.”. “Broke you say? I can look at it if you please.” he then said with a smile. She looked at him and smiled back, “If you think you can fix it then the cloak is free.” She led him back into her work shop to the broken machine. “What is wrong with it?” He asked. “The darned thing just wont work when I press the peddle” she replied in a frustrated voice. Wash knelt down and opened up the side. He saw that a gear was broken and the chain come off. “I see the problem. I'll be right back.” he said but then Rarity stop him saying “Wait! I still need to get your measurements. I should have the pieces cut out by the time you come back.” He nodded and she took out her tape a measured him. “Alright and any request about the cloak?” She asked. “Well if you don’t mine. Brown, durable, loose around the legs, buttons, and covers the flank if you don’t mine using that much material. No fancy stuff or anything of the sorts necessary. Just a regular duster please and if you do need money, I can pay you back when I can.” “Don’t be silly!” She replied. “Your saving me a bunch of money already by fixing the machine yourself.”. He smiled and walked out of the room with the broken gear. He thought “Maybe my machine has the same gear I can use. I can replace it later.”. He walked back to the inn and to his room. He looked at his machine and saw a gear he needed he left the broken gear on the floor and took the whole one and left the room. He locked it as he did before and left. Rarity was already done with the cutting when he got back. It was a simple matter of putting the gear back on and reattaching the chain. “Tell me if this is working right?” He asked. Rarity stepped on the peddle and inspected. She nodded and went to work immediately. He went back into the show room and looked around. There was many beautiful dresses. Then he saw the apple halves on the table of the show room. His stomach growled for he had not eaten a thing for 2 days now and it was waring him thin. He took his half of the apple and stepped out side with it. He ate the apple in the cool morning sun. “I wonder if the cloak is the best idea with them. I can hide it in public now. A lot less stairs at me now.... maybe I should get a hat along with it like Braeburn now has. Hmm.” Rarity then walked to the front door. “There you are Washington. Your cloak.” she said as she presented. A smile broke on Wash's face as he tried it on. “Love it. Thank you and if there any other work I can do for you Rarity, don't be afraid to ask.”. “Where are you off to now?” She asked. “Well, probably off to see my family.” He answered “You haven’t seen them yet?” she asked. He smirked. “In the words of Macintosh “Nope”. I just got in last night during the storm and was sure they were asleep by then.” “Well you should see them right away. They have been busy with the orchards for the last week now and sure they can use a break.” she advised. “Thanks for the tip... and for the cloak... and for your kindness.... OH, and your half of the apple is still on that table, by the way.” He smiled and walked off. He walked to towards the direction of Sweet Apple Acres. When he arrived he knocked on the front door. Granny Smith answered it said “Washington!” She Hugged him tightly and he hugged her with his left leg back. “What are you doing here? Your mother and sister has been sick with worrying! Why haven’t you written to them?” “I know. I haven’t been writing to them like I have promised, but I do have letters I have written that I haven’t sent yet! I will write one this evening and send It to them tomorrow. Hows that?” “Hmm... That will have to do. What are you doing here though?” “I came to ask you guys a favor.. or some favors.” “Oh. Why would we do that?” She said in a grumpy tone. “Because its for good causes. Though if you don't help, I wont think any less of you. Though everyone should be here for it though. I'd rather not repeat myself about this subject. When do they come in for lunch?” He asked. “Oh about another 30 minutes, but Washington.. You will explain everything, right?” Granny asked to which Wash replied “ I will explain almost everything. I hope you understand that I can't explain everything. And I hope you guys between us after you hear it also.”. Granny thought for about it for a second then said “Alright, you can round them up as I start lunch.” He smiled “Thank you. It means a lot.“ He went around the back where Big Macintosh was. “Hey cousin.” Wash said casually with a grin on his face. Mac looked and was surprised to see him, as expected. “Wash!” He walk over and gave his right hoof out for a shake. Wash gripped with both hoofs, with the left more than the right. “Not yet” Wash thought.... “Not yet..”. “I'm told to round you guys for lunch!” Wash said as he let go of Mac's hoof. “Hungry?” Wash then asked. “Eyep!” Mac replied. Wash then asked “Where AJ and Bloom?”. Macintosh pointed to his left and left for lunch. Wash walked for a minute before he came upon Applejack and Applebloom. He stopped for a second, thought then sang “Wash. Wash. Washington. I'm 20 foot made of radiation.”. Both Applejack and Applebloom looked around for the source of the song. “Lunch. Lunch. Lunch is ready. Come to the house to eat some lunch!.” Wash then sang. It was then, when they both spotted. “Wash!” They both cried out. Running toward him. “What are doing here?” Applejack asked while giving him a big hug which was then accompany by Applebloom. “Yeah. You missed the last 2 reunions!” Applebloom exclaimed. “And your mother has been worried sick! You better have a good explanation about all this!” Then said Applejack in an angry tone, as she trusted a hoof into his chest. “I will explain everything after lunch! Don't worry! Or at least don't worry as much... not as if you have anything more to worry about. Anyway Granny sent me to gather you guys for lunch and Mac is already waiting and if remember correctly, he has a big appetite.” “Not compared to you he don't! Lets go!” Said Applejack as they jogged to the house. When they arrived, Mac was already at the table, hooves washed. They all washed their hooves and sat at the table. “Would you like me to start now or after lunch... cause I prefer after.” Wash asked the table. “You can start after if you want.” Said Granny Smith. It was a simple meal of apples and some daises for the side. “Okay before I start, I”m going to ask a favor of you guys. Keep this a secrete. No telling anyone. Not my mother. Not my sister. No one. I know its unfair to ask such a thing before you even heard what I'm going say yet but please...” Washington was saying before he was cut off. “Hold yer horses there! You cant ask us to do that yet after all that mystery and worry for 2 years.” Applejack exclaimed. Everypony in the room agreed. Wash sighed and said “I know it's asking a lot but it is for something great! Something good that can change the world for the better... well for the better for my opinion. How about this, You can answer that question after I told my story and show you what I have to show. Is that fair then? I cannot express enough of how much I need this to be on the down low of everyone.” Everypony in the room reluctantly nodded to his terms. “Okay. How should I start?...well you know about 3 years ago that after I got done with schooling?” Most everypony nodded except Applebloom who as too young to remember. “Well I entered that drawing and won. The prize was a trip to the land of Limponeia. I left a year later. But before I left, I was reading about the land. It's are apparently know for their legends. One legend in particular interested me the most. So while I was there, I looked into it and I found it to be true. However, this took far more time than I thought it would take. Hence why no one was heard from me for so long. They don't have a postal system and I have only returned back this just this land. Sorry again for that.” “Uh. What was this legend?” Applebloom asked. “I can't say that. But I have sacrificed much for it, I assure you.” replied Washington. “What have you sacrificed?” Then ask Applejack in an annoyed but worried tone. Washington paused for a moment “I'm still thinking of a way to tell you this. I just don't know how you will take this... I should say that what I have sacrificed was mine and mine alone. Nothing of anyone's property or of the such, was taken or lost. Hmm... okay. I think I'm ready to show part of my sacrifice.” Wash said. He first showed his left flank mark. “Okay you see this?” Everypony nodded but in confusion. Then he turned around and showed them his right flank... The flank was bare. Only his fur was there. “WHERES YOUR MARK!” Applejack shouted! Macintosh mouth was agape, causing him to drop his grass from his mouth. Granny Smith was Shocked to say the least with her almost fainting. Applebloom was just plain confused. She had not received her mark yet but also knew only so much about them. After a few seconds Washington Spoke “Okay... You took that a lot worse than I hoped...” “HOW DID YOU THINK WE WERE GOING TO TAKE THIS?” Applejack shouted. “I had no idea how you would take it. But I'll wait a few seconds until I think your ready to be shown the next part of the sacrifice.” Wash replied. “I don't see what the big deal is... I don't have my cutie mark.” Applebloom piped up. “Well Abs. Usually when someone gets a cutie mark, it do not go away with out the very heavy use of magic. I noticed that you don't have your mark yet. I cant say yet that you can under stand the important of a cutie mark with out getting yours. That understanding doesn’t happen until you do.” replied Wash in a sincere tone. It was Macintosh that finally broke the short lived silence by saying “What was the other sacrifice?”. Everyone looked at Washington. Wash took a hard gulp of air, trying to prepare himself for what was next. He slowly unbuttoned his cloak. It wasn’t until the top and last button that everyone even saw a glimpse of what it was. Still keeping his right facing them, He stood up, and slipped off cloak and reveled his missing arm and his prosthetic. It was just silence for a while after until his went down on all 4s again. “I'm doing this for Paula Red. Now that is all I have sacrificed so far, but I will need to sacrifice more and I would appreciate your help in this. Now. If... if you don't give me your help and do tell my mother about this I understand and forgive you for it. But please note that it would ruin everything I done so far. It would make my sacrifices null and void and I will still forgive you. I know it's unfair for me to do this to you guys but it means a lot. To me and to other who need what I'm going to do. I will be back in an hour I need to collect my things from the inn. He put on his cloak and walked out the door. It was sunny now. And warm. Too warm for a jacket. But Wash didn't care about the heat. It was something he just didn’t care about right now. Wash walked down to the inn and grabbed some things then walked to the stream where he, Applejack, and Macintosh used to play when younger. Wash had plenty of time to go and get his things. He packed lite so it would be easy walking. The heaviest thing was the machine he made and he did not bring that with him to the stream. He grabbed his guitar he found in his travels and strummed it. He did not know how to play really. “Good, Bad, Evil, Good. Nothing but opinions. Good, Sad, Happy Mad. Nothing but emotions. You, Me, Them, Us. No one really matters. How, Why, Reason, Treason. Never good enough. Just never good enough.” He sang in a monotone voice. He could not sing either. Logic, Cleverness and Kindness were is major traits and he worked on his strengths more than his weakness. He strummed some more then put away the guitar. He spotted down stream a yellow pony and a pink pony near a cottage. He walked closer to them and noticed the yellow one was a pegasus. And that she had a long, pink mane and tail. The other has a darker shad of pink hair that was heavy curled. Walking closer, the smell of animals was getting stronger. He walked up to them and said simply “Hello.” They both stopped and looked at him. The pink got up real close and said “HI!” While this shocked Wash, he replied “I was just setting down stream when I smelt the animals. The name is Washington, by the way. But you can call me Wash.... Have we met?”. “My name is Pinky Pie! But you can call me Pinky. Don't think met. I know everypony here.” She said ecclesiastically. Pinky then turned to the yellow one and said “And that’s Fluttershy!”. All he could see of Fluttershy was his light pink mane. And all he could hear was a loud squeak from her. “Well, nice to meet you 2. Do you mine if I look at your animals. I need to waste some time for a bit.” Wash asked. “Can he Fluttershy?” Pinky ask. They saw the pink hair bob up and down one a single bob. “That means yes!” Pinky then said. “Thank you kindly then Ms. Fluttershy.” Wash said with a genital smile. He walked over to the rabbit hutch. They didn’t scurry away as he approached but instead all slowly gathered around where he was standing. “Hello little guys.” Wash said softly. He then felt a tug on his leg. He looked down and saw another rabbit. “What are you doing out?” he ask the rabbit, picking him up. “Oh. That's Angle. What are doing around this parts Wash?” said Pinky. Fluttershy then looked at the 3 and said “Hey Angle. Where have you been all day?” The sound of almost startled Washington. He looked back her with a smile but then immediately looked back down. “I'm here on family business. Your friend I assume?” He said in a nervous voice. He pulled out a carrot from his saddle bag and broke it in half. “Here, you look hungry.” He said to Angle in a more confident voice. Angle looked at his offer and took the larger end piece as if he was being insulted for being offered a carrot at all. “Angle! Be polite please.” Fluttershy said. “If you want more, there is some in the right saddlebag.” Wash said. Angle jumped over his head and hopped on his back to the saddle bag. When he looked inside all he saw as a deflated coin purse, Wash's journal set, and a torn map. Angle looked at Wash. “I lied. There is no more. Please be more polite in the future. Especially when it comes to food.” Wash said, then taking a bit out of the small half of the carrot. Angle looked back down at his half of the carrot. He looked back up at Wash who had already ate his half. Angle hopped back to Wash's head and hugged it. “Its alright, I forgive you.” Angle jumped off Wash's back and then starting to share the carrot with the other rabbits. Wash looked at the sun and said “I should start heading back now.” “Which family are you in?” Pinky asked. “I'm in the Apple Family. Good day.” he said walked away then. Wash had lost track of time. Plenty of time but still lost track of it. He hated that. Wash had pulled up his cart to the Apple homestead. He left his things on the cart. He knocked on the door. “Come in.” He heard though the door. He walked in and saw 4 sitting at in the living room now. “Have you decided? Or would you like more time?” Wash asked. “We have decided. Please sit.” said Applejack. “We have decided that we wont tell your mother.” said Granny Smith in a stern tone. “Thank you.” replied Wash. “We have also decided that despite the fact that your putting heavy strains on our family for what ever your doing, your family and we support you, even though we are reluctant about.” said Applejack. “But that does not mean your butt is off the hook mister!” Granny Smith added. “What we decided is this. If you live here, you will follow certain rules. Rule 1 is that you will stop the worry with your mother right away!” said Applebloom. “Agreed.” said Wash. “You will earn your keep. You cant live here for free, you can either help us out on the farm or you can use your fancy schooling and work in town.” said Applejack. “I Agree to that also. Ill see how much work I can do on the farm with my leg and see what I can do from there. That fair?” replied Wash. The group looked at each other then back at Wash. “Eyep.” replied Mac. “And finally, You will take me with you when you continue your... What ever it is.” “Now hold on there. I cant agree with that and you know it.” objected Wash. “What? Like you did to us!” Applejack accused. “I did nothing of the sort. I came in here with your guns aimed at my head, asking politely for your help. I gave the power to not only rein over me but to ruin everything I have worked on and sacrificed for the past 2 years. A power you still own, by the way.” replied Wash. Applejack was taken a back but still stood firm on her position. “How about this. If I need help with the next part, you can come with. You do not understand what dangers your asking your self to put your self into. Please don't ask of this.“ Wash pleaded. “No cousin! You don't understand!! All your life you acted different than this! Better than this and now your asking just for a pass?!” Applejack replied. “Just the same pass that each of you asked of me”. Washington replied. “This is different.” Applejack rebutted. “No...its not. I have been ask more than once by everyone to keep a secrete from everyone. Most are simple white lies. Some are hurtful and I wish I never knew. But I still keep them. Why cant you... or anyone in that matter keep a secret for me now.” said Wash. Again, Applejack was taken aback from what Wash said. “Please just accept Washington. Don't make this harder than it already is.” Applejack asked. “I cant say yes to that.. I'm sorry.” Wash said with his head low, defeated. Everyone in the room only had a looks of sadness on their faces. Washington walked out. He started to hook himself up to his cart when Applejack came out. “What is the danger of me coming along with you?” she asked. “You have no idea... and neither do I.” Washington replied. He took a step and made sure everything was hooked correctly. Then he started to walk. “I accept your offer.” Applejack then blurted out. “What?” Wash asked. He stopped in mid stride and turned his head around. “I accept your offer. If you decide that you need help, I can come along. Please don't go. This family needs you and I am not just talking about us. Our whole family needs you. We have been a mess. Everyone is in disarray almost. Our generation wants to travel out and spread while the older wants us to stay and help. We need you to stay close. You have always been independent from almost everyone except us for whatever reason. We just wanted to help you to stay safe.” Applejack finally admitted. Wash smiled gently and said “Applejack. I am always close. You know that. The earth doesn't even separate the family and I. And it will take more than that to even start a crack. No one leaves the family. Everyone just needs to be part the of family in their own way, like I have been. Where can I put my cart and things.”. Applejack smiled “You can put your things in the barn for now. You can stay in the guest room.”. She then turned to walk away when Wash spoke. She stopped and turned. “Oh and Applejack. The reason I'm independent form everyone because they are independent from me. And the reason I'm close to you guys is cause your close to me.”. He then walked into the barn dropped off his cart and then walked back into the house with a few of his things. Mac and Applebloom had already left the house to go back into the orchard. Granny was still in her rocker asleep now. “Up here.” Wash herd. He walked up the stairs and saw Applejack. “This is your room for now. Bathroom is across the hall from yours also. Make yourself at home and holler if you need anything. I'm going back to work. You can start tomorrow.” Applejack said. “Alright. I'll think ill walk around town to get my baring after I bring my things in. Is there a workshop here or in town?” Wash asked. “We kinda have one but we just call it a table with a vice. I don't think there is one in town but you can check with the mayor if you like. You probably have to go there anyway to register.” replied Applejack. “Ah, right. Registering again.” Wash said. He finally went inside his room. A very simple room. A lamp, a cot, and a rug in the center. But the door had a lock and there was a window. He heard Applejack walk downstairs. He set his things down and looked out the window. It was a view of the barn. “Well... I don't think I have to worry about the sun waking me up.” he thought. He grabbed the rest of his things and moved them into his room. He opened his folding chair and sat, looking out the window. He pulled out his journal set and set the quill and ink on the sill. He put the journal back in his bag. He hung up his cloak on the door nob and checked his prosthetic. “I should have dried it off last night. It's gonna swell.” He thought to himself. The prosthetic was his own design and was made of a red apple wood. It was roughly the same color as his fur. A dark rustic brown. It took a bit of searching to find the wood though. Apple trees don't get cut down often and they don't have the same trees in Limponeia. Once he found out what he had to sacrifice, prosthetic there. Once he got back he got the right wood and started right away. He still kept the older one. He put the prosthetic back on. It was attached though a harness. I did not like the harness much. It tangled with his mane quite often. He had to keep his mane short instead of his normal long for that reason. That was a minor set back of his leg though. He only had it for a few days but already it was starting to feel natural. He put his cloak back on. It was only 2:30 but he still like having day time to walk. He walked downstairs and though the back door. He walked though the orchard until he found his cousins. “I'm heading out. Anything I need to pick up?” he asked. They all continued working with Applejack saying “We're good. Go and see the town. It's changed a lot since you been here last.“. “Alright. See ya later then.” said Wash. He started into town. His first stop was to Rarity's shop again. “ He walked in but Rarity was helping a customer in back. “I'll help you in a minute.” She said. Wash sat down in one the chairs and waited quietly. “First Rarity's, then the town hall, then around town...maybe back to that cottage.” he though. Rarity emerged from the back with a light coffee colored mare with long silver hair. “I'll have your dress ready next week. Is there anything else I can help you with?” Rarity asked. “No, dear. Nothing else. Have a good day now.” the mare said. As she walked out she gave Wash a quizzical look. “Washington. I didn't expect you to be back here.” Rarity remarked after the mare was out of her shop. “I just came by to check up on your sewing machine. Everything still going good?” Wash asked. “It now works like the day I bought it. Hows your new coat by the way.” She asked. “Still love it. Hey, I got a question for you. Know of anyplace around that would need a fixer?” Wash then asked. “I heard that Sugercube Corner has a broken appliance or 2. You can ask them. Um... How did your talk go?” Rarity asked in a nervous tone. Wash cleared his though before speaking. “I can say that it did not go... bad.. but I cant say it went as I hoped it would.”. “How did you hoped it would?” she asked. “Everyone's complete cooperation with no questions asked.... and maybe money just falling out of the sky.... and maybe candy also.” Wash said jokingly. “Okay.” Rarity giggled. “So how did it go then?”. “Ah. Well they were shocked to say the least. But I am living there now. I gotta earn my keep, which I would have suggested if they hadn’t said so. I'm starting work there tomorrow.” Wash said in a relaxed tone. “Well that's a relief. By the way you sounded, you were going to come out there dead.” Rarity remarked. “Na, just missing a limb.” Wash joked again. “That's not funny.” Rarity said reluctantly giggling. “How about when it comes off in public and I act confused? Does that count as funny.” Wash said in a half joking way. Rarity sighed disappointed. “You should take your leg more seriously. What happen anyway? Can you talk about it now?” she then asked. “All I can and will say on the matter is it was for a good cause and don't worry about it. The last thing I want is for anyone to worry about this. There are already plenty of people on that. But on the subject of the family, we are just as close as we were before I left.” Wash explained. Rarity rolled her eyes. “Well that will have to do I suppose. You know we will all still worry though, right?”. “Of course! What are friends and family if they don't worry?” Wash said starting to stand. “I got to get going to town hall before it closes.”. “Alright then. I hope to see you soon.” she then said. “I hope to see you again also.” Wash added. He left and starting walking towards town hall. It was easy to find. The tower was very large and can be seen from most places in town. He entered inside there was a few ponies working and only 2 others inside waiting. He walked up to the central counter and the colt asked “ Hello sir, how can I help you?”. “Well I'm here to changed my address. Just moved in.” Wash replied. “That’s no problem sir. Just fill out his form, here’s a clipboard, and you can just fill it out right over there sir.” said the colt. Wash nodded his head and said “Thank you.”. He walked over and started to fill out the forms. It took him a few minutes and when he was done he walked back up to the counter and handed the colt the clipboard. “Alright. Washington Apple. Birthday: January 16th. Birthplace: Hoofstone Junction. Fur: Rusty Brown. Hair: Dark Red. Eyes: Blue Gray. Disabilities: Missing a leg?.. The colt looked up. Wash had pulled back his sleeve to show his prosthetic. “Ah, alright. And your now living at “Sweet Apple Acres”, is that right?”. “Yes sir. Family.” said Wash. “Okay. And your occupation is engineer?” He then asked. “Top of my class with honors, sir.” replied Wash. “Well Everything seems to be in order. Just take this down to the Mayor's office and shes stamp it and just bring it back here.” said the colt, handing back the papers. Wash grabbed it and walked to her office. It was the mare from Rarity's shop. The mayor looked up right away and said “Oh, its you.”. Wash set the board down on her desk and spoke “Yep. Good thing too or I might have been someone else.”. “Very funny. Lets see this here.....” She checked the form. “Every things in order.” She opened a drawer and rummaged around. “Ah. Here's the stamp.” She said, then stamping the papers. “anything else Mr. Apple?”. “Yes, is there a job board or a public workshop round town?” Wash asked. “There is a public board by the fountain but there is no workshop I'm afraid. Maybe the hardware store can lend you tools as you need them.” the Mayor said pushing the clip board across her desk. “I'll have to check those then. Thanks” Washington said, grabbing the clip board. “Welcome to Ponyville, by the way. I hope you find what your looking for.” The Mayor said with a smile. Washington stopped and turned around with a smile “I do too.” then left. He finished the process of registering and then left the hall. He walked around Ponyville a bit after. The public board had no job postings and hardware store couldn’t let him use their tools due to a shortage. He decided to try Sugarcube Corner. “I wonder if they are still run by the same owners.” he though when he walked in. As he opened the door, the bell above it rang. “We'll be right there!” Said a voice from the back. “I got it!” said another. It was Pinky Pie. “Hey Wash!” said Pinky as she walked down the stairs. “Wash? Washington?” the voices in the back said. The Cakes finally walked into the front of the shop with children riding on their father's back. “Wow! I'm meeting everyone today. Long time no see, Mr. and Mrs. Cake.” Said Wash. “Why it must be a good 5 years since you last stepped in here. What are you doing back in Ponyville?” Mrs. Cake asked. “Well I'm finally done with school, my trip, and now I live here now!” answered Wash. “You live here now? That means Party!!” cheered Pinky. “So... You 2 look like you have been busy?” Wash continued. “Ah. I see you noticed the Baby Cakes. His Pound Cake. And shes Pumpkin Cake.” said Mr. Cake. “Their adorable. She has your hair sir and he has your nose and ears mam.” said Wash. Not commenting on how they were pegasus and unicorns. “You 2 be good to your parents now. They are good people like I'm sure you will be.” he then said, getting close to the 2. “Wheres the checklist?” Pinky shouted from the back. “On the fridge.” shouted Mr. Cake back. “I'm guessing this is my replacement?” Wash asked. “You'll be surprised dear. Shes very good at baking and planing parties.” Mrs. Cake defended. “And she is almost as good as a joker as you.” Mr. Cake added. “Hm, really? Sounds perfect for the job then. I couldn't plan a party.” replied Wash. “And she lives in the cup cakes? Sounds fitting now that I say it.”. “Well I'm sure you came in other than to just talk about your replacement.” said Mr. Cake. “Right. I was talking to Rarity and she mentioned that there could be appliances that could use fixing.” mentioned Wash. The Cakes looked at each other. Then Mrs. Cake said.“While we can use your help... we are a bit short on coin since the babes came.”. “Hm.... I can do it for cheap or even store credit if the problem is big enough. Heck, I would do it for free if I had the cash but I gotta earn my keep now.”. The Cakes whispered to each other for a few seconds until Mrs. Cake said “Do you mine if we think overnight about it? Nothing important is broke and we don't have the coin. You understand, right?”. “Don't worry about it. It's not even official yet. I'm just setting up some back up plan in case I cant work at the orchard.” Wash said, trying to ease the anxiety. “Why wouldn't you be able to work at the orchard?” asked Mr. cake. “Oh, that right.” Wash said. He pulled up his sleeve and showed them his new arm. “What happened?!?” Mrs. Cake asked. “It's alright. I'm in no pain. I cant really talk about it. Just know it was for a good cause.” Wash tried to explain. “Besides, I can still work. I can still do everything as I did before.”. The Cakes stood silent for a sec until Pinky Pie burst out of the kitchen and asked “What kind of cake?”. “I'm sorry?” replied Wash. “For your party silly? What kind of cake?” she asked again. Wash looked at the cakes who shrugged. He looked back at Pinky Pie and said. “White Cake. Your throwing me a party?”. “I throw everyone a party who comes into town.” replied Pinky Pie who then ran back into the kitchen. “Your right. Perfect for the job. What time is the party and how much is it? I don't any any money myself and I don't wanna ask for money. Perhaps I can pay for the party with the fixing?” Wash asked. “Don't worry about the party. We will cover it. Just be in tonight.” said Mr. Cake. Washington sighed. “There's no getting out of that party, is there?”. The Cakes sighed back. “Nope. No one escapes a Pinky Party.”. “Okay then, see you tonight then.” said Wash. “See you soon.” The Cakes said in unison. Washington looked around once he was outside. He saw the sun and guessed it was about 4 o’clock. “What now?” he thought. He walked around town more thinking about his actions for the last few days. Most of his conclusions of his thoughts were that he was correct for him but put too much strain on others. But in all of his thoughts if he had not, then everything would have failed. It was a conclusion he disliked. He started back home early. It was a little half pass four when he entered the house again. Everyone started to clean themselves up. “Hey.” Wash said in a relaxed tone. “Hey yourself. What you do today?” Applejack said as she started to run her head under the water pump. “Registered at the town hall. Looked for jobs. Some how got a party arranged for me.” Wash replied. “That's great! Ain’t no party like a Pinky Pie Party!” Applebloom said ecclesiastically doing a small jig. “She is the one who usually throws the parties around here. Is it tonight?” Applejack asked. “Yep. At Sugarcube corner. Also said hi to the Cakes. Let them know whats going on. They need stuff fixed but cant afford even store credit. Not many ponies looking for a engineer here.” said Wash. “No, not really. The Cakes need fixing?” Applejack asked. “Guess so. Rarity gave me the tip about that.” Wash replied. “Ah. You saw Rarity today also.” Applejack said sly. “I saw her before I came here. She made the duster.” said Wash, taking off said duster to start his cleaning. “You saw her before you saw us?” Applejack said in confusion. The other 3 slowed down their action to listen in. “Yeah. I thought I said this part already. It was raining very late last night. Slept at the inn cause of the cold. Went to the cloths store down the street from there. Turns out she runs the shop but also has a freshly broken sewing machine. I fixed it in exchanged for the duster. Then saw you guys for lunch.” Wash explained. “You got a Rarity quality coat for just a sewing machine fix? I buy it.” said Applejack with a sly smile and tone. Wash rolled his eyes and dried off. “Is there a lot of food at a “Pinky Pie Party?” he then asked. “Usually sweets and the party food.” Applebloom said with a glass of water at hoof. “I better have some food here then. Got any apples?” Wash said jokingly. Mac snickered “That was a better joke than the sewing machine and the dust story.”. Everybody snicked. Wash sighed “Yeah yeah yeah. Tell the truth and get told it a cover up. Your lucky I don't say the secrete I keep of you, or did you for get it?”. He opened the fridge and grabbed a couple apples. Mac blushed heavily and all they smiled, Macintosh and Washington included. “Welcome back to the family.” Applejack said walking into the living room. Wash genuinely smiled and said “No other place I rather be.”. He then took a bite out of the apple. It was tart, and bitter, which he disliked, and sweet, and he loved it. After his light dinner. Wash retired up to his room and started on his letter to his mother and sister. “Dear family, I am back in Equestria. Limponeia was grand and I wish to go back one day. They people were kind and generous and even made me sad to leave such a lovey place. My apologies about not as I promised. I over estimated they technological lag and found they did not even have a postal system set up. They do how ever have technologies such as basic motors and even odd technologies such as low draft boats for sailing they somehow developed themselves. I'm Sorry but I wont be returning home for right now. I have found they need an engineer at one of the train yards here in Manehattan and decided to find my fortune. I will send money when I can. I have enclosed the letters I had written as well as a new design for Paula's legs also. Hopefully it will work well for her as it did with the locals of Limponeia. I hope you can understand my decisions. Sorry if you don't. Love Washington Apple. P.S. I am setting up a mailbox soon as so you can write to me.” He read the letter once when he heard clopping up the stairs. “Washington? Can I come in?” asked Applebloom. “Yeah door is unlocked.” he replied, placing the letter on his bed for the ink to dry. “Common! Your going to be late for your party!” she demanded. Wash stood up and stretched, including his wooden arm. “Alright. Lead the way.” He starting walking to the door and Applebloom soon took off down stairs. He stopped and turned around and grabbed his bag. “Cant forget this.”. He grabbed his cloak once he was downstairs and left. Granny was still sleeping when they left. “Nice night.” Wash commented. “Eyep.” Mac replied. They walked making small chit chat along the way. When they came upon the bakery, the first thing they noticed was that the light were out. “I thought you said that they were planning a party.” Applebloom questioned. “Must be a surprise party.” Wash reasoned. “Pinky is the kind to do that.” Applejack responded. They all walked up to the door. Everyone looked at Wash. He looked back at them then realizing their hint. He grabbed the handle and tried to push. It wouldn’t budged. He pulled but got the same result. “Odd. They did say come here.” He said, trying to figure out what happened. “You guys don't know anything about this do you?” he then asked. Everyone shrugged. “Lets look around town. The lights are on and ponies are out. Maybe we're early.” suggested Applebloom. Everyone shrugged again, and started to walk around town. They mainly circled around the center of town but found no signs of a party. Sugarcube Corner was still closed when they got back. “Odd.” Wash said scratching mane. “What's odd” Applejack asked. “Well the Cakes had babies. They must have left somewhere with them after they closed.” Wash said with his nose to the glass doors. “And they did closed up it looked like also. Chairs on the table, trash bins emptied. No sign of anything wrong.”. “Maybe something came up.” Applebloom suggested. “...No...Then They wouldn’t have closed up. All is right here.” said Wash. “Lets go home. It's getting chilly.” Applejack said with shiver. “Want my coat?” Wash offered. “Na, lets just start walking again.” Applejack suggested. They all started back. A bit disappointed about the lack of party. They walked inside the house when Applejack asked “Hey Wash? Could you fill Win's bowl? Foods' in the barn.”. “Sure.” said Wash as he pick up Winona's bowl and took it to the barn, with Winona in tow. He looked down at her “Hungry much?” Winona replied with a whimper. He pattered her on the head and open the barn door. He took a step inside. “SURPRISE!” screamed a crowded as they turned on the lights. It took Wash a second but then he smiled. “Brilliant strategy!” He shouted back. His cousins walked out of the house. “Like it?” Applejack asked. “Love it! Should have know you were stallin.” Wash said with a grin. “I thought you were going to figure it out.” Applebloom said walking pass to get punch. “I had a hunch but the Cakes really confused me. That's right, I see you 2 back there.” Wash said pointing at the Cakes. They waved back. “Anyway Thank you guys.” He then announced to the party. “While I don't have much, I hope you kindness is soon rewarded! Pinky? Where is she?”. Pinky Pie soon came over with a plate of cakes and punch and set them down on a near by crate. “Here I am.” she then exclaimed. “Thank you very much for the party. Very kind of ya Ms. Pie.” Wash said, bowing his head in respect. “Well your new in town and after we met I went on to talking to people for the party and some already knew ya and so I figured I better wait until you get your family things figured out but when you came to the bakery today I was like, if he's looking for work, then is living here now, which mean we can throw you a WELCOME BACK PARTY!” Pinky Pie said one breath. “Hear, let me introduce you to the other ponies. This is Twilight Sparkle and Spike. Guys this is Washington.” “Hey. Nice to finally meet ya.” said Twilight. “How ya doing.” asked Spike as he stuffed a large bite of cake in his mouth. “Doing very well. Thank you.” Wash said “And this is Rarity!” Pinky Pie said, pushing Rarity to Washington. “I know we met before.” said Wash taking a sip of the punch. “You have?” Twilight asked. “Yes. I use to spend my summers here at the orchard when I was younger. She's one of the ponies that I … befriended.” explained Wash. “Befriended an understatement.” Applejack said, chuckling, eating a slice of cake. “Befriended? Wash, I'm hurt.” Rarity said. “What I meant to say was...We used to date.. a lot.” Wash said blushing. “What?” Spike said, dropping a piece of cake from his fork. “Now Wash, that's old history. No reason to feel embarrassed.” Rarity said trying to ease Wash. “And this is Rainbow Dash.” Pinky said with Rainbow Dash struggling. “Oh good. A change of subject. Hi. Washington Apple. Nice to meet you.” Washington said. “Hi.” said Rainbow Dash. “What do you do around here?” asked Wash. “I just pretty much manage the weather around these parts.” said Rainbow Dash. “Oh. I'm guessing you arranged the rain last night that I walked though?” said Wash, trying to say it in a way that it didn't bother him. “No, that was nature. We can thank her for that. I had tickets to the concert last night.” Rainbow Dash said annoyed. “Well I'm going to get some more punch. Later.” she then said, walking off. “And you already know Fluttershy and Angle.” Pinky Pie said rushing the 2. “Hi again.” Wash said, shifting to hide his uncomfortableness. “Hello.” Fluttershy managed to say. “Uh... Nice party isn't guys?” Wash said. “Yeah. I haven’t been to a Pinky Party for a bit now. Been busy with the books.” Twilight said. “The books?” Wash asked. “I run the library and study for Princess Celestial! By the way. What do you do?” Twilight asked. “Oh, I'm an engineer by trade. Though it hard to find a job around here. If you every need fixing, send it my way and I'll make it work better than it did before it broke.” Wash said. “We'll be sure to do that.” said Spike, sarcastically. “Oh, don't mine him. He's just about to shed.” said Twilight, giving an angry look at Spike. “I just realized something. Win's still hasn’t been fed. Be right back.” said Wash, who then pick up Winona's bowl and walked to the barrel, filled it up and walked back into the house. He dropped of the bowl and sat on a chair in the kitchen. “I really need to cushion this.” Wash said, taking off his coat and slipping off his arm. He let it aired out for a few minutes until Applejack came in. “Hey cousin. Something wrong? You left the party and Pinky Pie is till trying to show ya people.” Applejack asked. “Just bringing Winona her food and letter the arm air. Been on it all day and forgot to take it off last night. I'll be there in just a sec. Just tell them I'm having some technical difficulties.” Wash said grabbing a rag to put in between the arm and shoulder. “Well alright then.” Applejack said walking out. Wash waited a minute more and put his arm and coat back on and buttoned it up. When he walked back into the barn, he noticed that his food and drink were gone. He also could not find Pinky Pie. He shrugged and went to grab some more punch. Wash took a sip and looked around, then deciding he would just sit at the table that the cakes were sitting at. They were sitting with a zebra woman, a bit older than him from what he could tell. “Hey guys. Mind if I sit?” Wash asked. “Why not at all.” Mrs. Cake said, feeding one of her children with a bottle. “Washington this is Zecora. Zecora, Washington.” said Mr. Cake, feeding the other. “Pleasure to meet you Zecora.” Wash said, sitting on a milking stool. “And I say you are nice to meet but, I must say you are not complete.” Zecora said, noticing his arm. “Ah yes the arm. Made of cherry wood and hard as nails. But before I for get, I have a present for you Mr. and Mrs. Cake.” Wash said reaching into his saddle bag, pulling out a mason jar. “Cinnamon from Limponeia. Ungrounded and tightly sealed for freshness.” Wash said handing the jar to the 2. Wow Wash. This lovely. Thank you hon.” Ms. Cake said. “Limponeia was my home my new friend. Please tell me you have cinnamon you can expend.” Zecora asked, sounding and looking almost desperate. Wash was hesitate but reached into his bag and handed her his jar saying “Sure. You can probably use it better than I could. Just be sure to send me a sample or 2 of what you make of it.”. “For an act of kindness that is so sweet. Of course I'll send you 1 or 2 treats.” Zecora said, opening the jar and sniffing the intoxicating aroma. “And I don't know what to do with theses.” Wash said pulling out a bags of fruit seeds with labels. “I don't know how to grow... jack fruit... that what I was told what it was anyway.”. “You need lots of sun and absent cold. It needs to go where heat is bold.” Zecora said reluctantly setting the jar aside. “Ah...I think I know a place where this can grow. Not here with winter and all.” said Wash, examining the seed. “Well, I need to find My family now. I have souvenirs to give them also. Enjoy the cinnamon guys.”. Wash got up and walked away. He looked around for a second but could not find his family, not Applejack, Applebloom, or even Macintosh. He thought it was odd but he decided to look around for Pinky Pie instead, which wasn't hard considering she was bouncing up in the air every few seconds. He let her introduce him to several other ponies though out the night. Some of which he reconsigned from his summers here. He talked and even played some party games. As the last of the ponies started to leave the party, he noticed that the rest his family were still not here. Pinky Pie was the last pony to leave. “Thank you. It was a great party. Let me know if you need a solid.” Wash said as she was walking out the door. “My pleasure.” She said, tired and not as preppy as before. Wash check his cart and the machine. Everything was still intact. He left the barn, locking it shut, then returned to his room. He peered in to the other rooms as he crept by. Everyone asleep, as if there was no party. He went into his room, that was shrouded in darkness, taking off his cloak and his arm and setting it in the corner. He took the letter he had written and set it on top of his journal, then going to sleep.