Kaida's Date Chapter 3: Competition For the Girl It is now the day. Dojo has agreed to take Kaida on a date in the local town. How will it end? Let's find out now! Kaida: Wow! This place is so cool! Dojo: Yeah. It's alright. I've been here thousands of times. Kaida: -sniffs- Mmm! Something smells delicious! Dojo: Yeah. There's a little café nearby that makes some dumplings. Kaida: I'm gonna try some! -follows the smell, it leads her to the café- I'll take a dish of your dumplings, please. Cook: A wise choice, female dragon. -serves Kaida a dish of fresh dumplings and a pair of chopsticks- Kaida: -pays the cook, then returns to Dojo with the dumplings- Dojo: How'd you get that money? Kaida: Currency exchange. -starts eating the dumplings- Mmm, mmm, mmm! This is SO good! Want one? Dojo: Nah, I'm good. Kaida: Alright. More for me. -eats the rest of the dumplings- Dojo: You sure have quite an appetite. No offense. Kaida: Yeah. I just love Chinese food as much as I love Japanese food. -finishes her food, burps a bit- Excuse me. -later in the day- Kaida: It's been really nice, Dojo. Dojo: Yeah. Hmm...you know what? I'm gonna go somewhere. Kaida: Where? Dojo: Oh, just a little shop. Kaida: Why? Dojo: You'll see. Be right back. -goes off- Kaida: OK. -takes out her smartphone and starts playing a game in it- Chucky Choo: -appears suddenly- Hey, there, baby. Kaida: Whoa! What do you want? Chucky Choo: Just thought I'd give you a couple nice things. -offers Kaida a bouquet of roses- For you, a dozen roses for a lovely flower. Kaida: -looks at the roses, sees they're not real- They're plastic aren't they? Chucky Choo: Ummm….-throws the bouquet away, takes out a pearl necklace- Then how about this pearl necklace for a pretty little gem like yourself? Kaida: -yawns- Glass beads. Chucky Choo: -throws away the necklace- Alright, alright. How about this? -searches his pockets- Dojo: -comes back, sees Chucky Choo with Kaida- Hey! What do you think you're doing? Chucky Choo: Uhh..well, you see...uhh… Kaida: He's offering me some phony stuff so I'd dump you and go with him. It didn't work. Dojo: Well, speaking of stuff, I...uh...well...-takes a flower barrette out of the bag- This isn't a real flower or a dozen roses, but when I saw it, I thought of you. Kaida: -gasps- Oh, my gosh. It's so cute! -takes the barrette, puts it in her hair- Chucky Choo: -growls- Dojo: And...-takes out a simple jade pendant- This isn't real jade, but I figured it would bring out your eyes. Kaida: Oh, it's beautiful! -lets Dojo put the pendant over her neck- Chucky Choo: That does it! -grabs Kaida- She's mine, you hear? Dojo: Hey! Let her go! Chucky Choo: Stay back, bub! Kaida: Seriously, dude? -changes her size to slip out of Chucky Choo's grip, then goes back to normal- You think you can win my affections like that? -snaps her fingers- Chucky Choo: Uhhh…. Kaida: I didn't think so. Chuck, you don't even know me. Chucky Choo: Well, no...but... Kaida: Dojo took the time to get to know me by reading my letters. Dojo: She's right, you know. Kaida: Besides, there's plenty of fish in the sea. Dojo: So, why don'tcha go off and let us alone, huh? Chucky Choo: …..No! -grabs Kaida, takes off with her- Dojo: Hey! -rushes after them- Get your claws off...huh? Kaida: -has Chucky Choo pinned down, ties him up- I've got this, dude. Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't take care of myself. Dojo: Wow! -hearts float above him- Kaida: One thing's for sure, this ain't ancient times anymore. Dojo: -snaps out of his trance- You're right about that. End of Chapter 3. Looks like Chucky Choo has underestimated Kaida. What will happen next? Find out in the final chapter!