The Start of Animals It’s the year 2103, Earth has populated ever so much, technology has grown, and humans are learning more than ever. “I don’t remember much of what happen. Although I’ll try to explain what I can remember and what I was able to recall what I heard. I came from an egg, that was stored within a meteorite. I was put inside a science building made for extra terrestrial life, and I was watched over by one person only. I don’t recall his name, but I remember what he named me. He called me…Drew. I was the equivalent of what a baby was to them, I slowly grew, but my knowledge was…not good. About a month in, they were going to release me into the wild, where the only one in the world would go out and do whatever. Although that changed, when a kidnapper threw me into a rocket and launched me into the universe. I don’t know what happened after that on this planet called Earth. Although, I’ve been sitting in this rocket for roughly two Earth years now. That’s. What 700 days right? I don’t know and either way, I have learned enough to know basic speech, writing, eating, and other things. Some private. I don’t know where I’m going, nor if I’m going to land somewhere. But as of now, I am considered a Satomi living in a rocket. What’s my fate? Who the hell knows. Hopefully someone finds me.” About a week after the message, the rocket slowly approaches a planet, and the rocket is sucked into its orbit, going for a crash landing. The rocket turned into a fireball and crashed into a forest, with the rocket damaged, but the lone survivor intact. “Ow…w-where am I? Wait, I lived? Where’s the door?” Drew opens the door, but immediately falls on his face. To his surprise, he can breathe on the planet. But, his surprise quickly turned to tiredness, and the Satomi fainted onto the charred grass. Two hours passed on the planet, and the Satomi has regained conscious. “Ugh, my head.” It was now night, and the moon was shining onto the debris. A couple of voices came from the distance. Drew thought it would be nice to see new people, however, he was afraid that he would be shot on sight or worse. So he made a run for it in any direction other than the voices. After what seemed forever, he caught eyes on a distant glow. It would turn out to be city light, still full of people out walking around and shops still open. Hopefully Drew could find some help within the city, perhaps a hospital, or a bed. Whatever comes first. The Satomi walked into the city of lights and life, looking at anything and everything. He was stunned to see what the place is. He later came across a sign, that said “The city of Athenry, Boston.” “Well at least I know where I am now.” Although no one cared on who he is, a couple of people stared at him, mostly with horrified eyes. He didn’t know why, but he kept roaming. Everyone looked almost like Drew. Well almost, they all had their individual traits and colors. Some were green, red, blue, some with wings, some with clothes, some with ears. It was like he found his home just out of pure luck. But the luck shifted quickly, as Drew was then encountered by police and military. “This is the police, arms in the sky asshat!” The officer shouted at Drew. Scared like hell, Drew fell to his knees, bringing a tear to his eye. Before anyone reached him to put him under arrest, Drew fainted once again from his injuries. Drew was starting to awake from dealing with his injuries again, only to be brought into an interrogation room, with plenty of armed soldiers. “Wake the hell up!” a man said, then violently slapping Drew awake. “We know who you are and we want answers. And it doesn’t matter if you give us the truth or not cause you are dead either way.”, the man shouted. Drew remained silent, as he was horrified at was going on. “No answer of course…One…Last..Time….who are”- the man was interrupted by a door bursting open, and another Satomi was in custody. “What the hell! This crap again?! I already proved who I am, why the hell do you have to keep treating me like this?!” It was a grey Satomi like Drew, only he had Blue hair instead of red. “…Who’s this asshat?” The blue Satomi asked. “Wait a minute….” The man looked into Drew’s eyes and examined his body. He then did the same with the other Satomi. “..Your not a demon right?” Drew responded with “What’s a demon? I don’t know where I am, I don’t know who you are, or that guy on the ground. I came from a ship from someplace I don’t even know.” The room fell silent as Drew proved his innocence. “What about me?” Said the blue Satomi. “Get these two to the governor at once!” The man said, and doing so, bringing the two Satomis to the office of the governor. Neither one said a word, nor looked at each other until they arrived at the office. “Do you know why you are here?” The governor asked. “Because I was false arrested?” The blue Satomi provided an answer but was livid enough that he just wanted to go home. “That is part of the reason and we do apologize on that. We will make sure it won’t happen again.”, said the governor. “You said that twice to me in the past you idiot.” The blue Satomi responded. Drew must’ve thought that he was framed already in the past or an easy target. Or was abused by corrupted cops. “After what the interrogator provided me that you two are not demons” “Oh lord really?”, the blue Satomi responded in sarcasm. “Obviously you already and...” The governor stared at Drew. “You seem familiar in the past, though we aren’t sure it is not the person we are thinking of. I can’t tell you anything, but we are going to have you two do something for us to prove that you… What’s your name?” The governor asked. “It’s Drew, and no one hasn’t told me what a demon is yet”. “Well, for you Drew, to prove that you are not a demon, you must go to the top of Mount Dell and kill the demon that stalks our city. If you succeed, you will be granted citizenship on the planet, all charges will be dropped for the both of you, and the both of you will be heroes. Go now, before we shoot you for our safety.” The meeting concluded and the two were escorted to the entrance of the mountain trail. “Fan-fucking-tastic. I got stuff to do at home and now I have to babysit your ass just, so you die when we get to the top.”, the blue Satomi raged as they were walking. “Hey, I didn’t even asked to do this. I don’t even know where I am, who you are, and most importantly, why I am in this mess.” Drew responded. “One, you are on Turquoise. The only reason why you look like us is because I am a Satomi too. Your rocket had a good amount of luck to crash on what maybe your home planet. And two, you are only out here because people feared that you are a demon from too far ago. Why I am here, cause this town is stupid.” “What’s this demon stuff again?!” The two paused and that’s when it hit the blue Satomi that he really isn’t from this area. “Every Satomi knows about demons. When we begin to learn, we are taught that demons terrorize the galaxy if they begin to roam free and can take over a body with ease. If I had to guess, the reason why we are making a big deal out of you is that you look close enough to be the original Ultra-demon that enslaved the planet million of years ago. Maybe the son for all we know.” The blue Satomi responded. “Ultra-demon?” Drew asked. “If we make it out alive, I’ll tell you another time. You got to prepare for your funeral now. The name is Owen for the record.” “Well, is there a chance that you could be this person’s son Owen?”, Drew asked. “It’s impossible. They would have killed me already. Plus, the guy is red, like you. I’m blue.” “That explains that mystery then”. The two walked silently until they got closer to the top. A noise can be heard. The demon was snoring, sleeping in its cave. The snoring could be heard from miles away, and the two Satomies were right under him. “Alright, Drew, is it? You are about to see a demon for the first time. They come in all shapes and sizes, and look like us, but more devilish. You can only kill them by putting a weapon of some sort through the demon. These weapons are specifically made to kill a demon.” Owen explain to Drew, who was napping from exhaustion, didn’t hear a single word. “Wake up!” Owen said quietly, and shook Drew awake. “Wha-wha- what? I wasn’t whacking.”, Drew randomly blurts out as an excuse. “What? No. Listen, the demon is above us. It can barely hear us, so we are going to sneak up on it. Take this.” Owen finishes talking, and hands Drew a silenced pistol, designed to kill demons. “It hasn’t been used in forever, but it does the job. Just shoot at the demon”, Owen finishes explaining again. “Oh, so smart you. Giving a gun to a complete stranger a gun. That’s like having a business man as a country leader….wait”. Drew stops to think about his own reference, until Owen grabs him and move towards the entrance of the cave. The cave was shallow, the demon was easily visible. It was many shades of red and looked like a Satomi, but in a more ghoulish form. Whispering, Owen said to Drew “Just aim and pull.” As Owen was locking his gun, the demon makes a loud shriek, and with outrageous speed, grabs the two Satomies and drags them into the cave, then throwing the two into the walls and rocks scattered everywhere. The two groan, which leads to Drew being knocked out, again. Leaving Owen to handle it on his own. Though Owen couldn’t land a hit, he was able to grab his gun and begin to shoot. “Why do people give me guns when I can’t fucking shoot!”, Owen shouted, missing every shot. In the corner, Drew was waking up, but very slow to get up. Drew began to have very vivid flashbacks, getting impossible glances on his past relatives, and learning quickly about what is stored in Drew’s spirit. A small glow began to illuminate the Satomi, while Owen was still fighting the demon. Owen falls once more, but the demon holds on to him, and gets set to execute Owen. Within a flash, a beam of red lightning strikes through the demon. The demon freezes, falls, and dies into thin air with a scream echoing the cave. Owen shocked, looks behind him to see Drew in a pose as if he just shot off lightning through his hands. Realizing what he had done, Drew stands still for a moment, trying to catch his breath, and figure out what was going on. “..What the hell did I do?” Drew asked. “I..I don’t know. But the demon is killed.” Owen states. He then gets up. “I can try to answer that for ya. But we got to head home first, and state that the demon has been killed.” Owen says to the shocked Satomi. The two walk back into the city, where the governor is waiting at the town line. “The demon has been killed. The city is once again safe.” Drew says and the governor hugs the two as a sigh of relief comes to him. “Your charges are hear-by dropped, the two of you are free to go, as you are now heroes to this city.” The governor then departs into his limo, leaving the two Satomis. As they watch him leave, Owen nudges Drew on the shoulder. “You kicked ass, I’ll tell you that much. But we have to know how and why you were able to do what you did up there.” “Well where am I supposed to go then? Back to prison so they can experiment on me?” Drew asked. “Nono, I’m a scientist myself and I study ancient artifacts and ancient mysteries. I can do a bit of research on you, harmless of course, and we can get you answers on what you are.” Owen replied to Drew, who then became satisfied with what Owen has brought to his attention. “So…to your place then?” Drew asked. “No, to the fucking ocean. Yes, back to my place. When we get there, we will soon find out your past. Well some of it. You crazy animal.” The two satomis then walked back into the city, as it rose to morning with the sun rising over the city skyline. The tale has begun, but many secrets will soon be unveiled to the world. End of Episode 1