Planetside 2 Story Part 9.5 January 1st, 5143 - Rally The Army 3 months after Commander Sunstrider of the New Republic got his legs back, he immediately made plans to rebuild the army and plan a new expedition. However, the Wormhole was only planned to reopen in 96 years in 5238. That gave the NR some time to plan everything… the first order of business was to convince the New Haven government to provide the funds necessary. But that was only the start, there is still a fleet to build, volunteers to rally, and supplies to gather. Considering the magnitude of such a expedition, there is quite the inventory list required. October 20th, 5143 - The Great Race The New Republic have managed to strike a deal with the New Haven Government: they will fund 500 ships, but half of them must consist of Earthbound Military personnel. And Commander Sunstrider must provide proof of five thousand willing volunteers to man the other half. So, following in Thomas Connery’s footsteps, he promised to have five thousand signatures by Christmas. Sunstrider blew the deadline right out of the water, showing the New Haven Government the signatures by November 14. And so, construction of the fleet began. In the meantime, the New Republic combined all their available resources and took some inventory. Enough military equipment to keep two thousand soldiers supplied, and food rations to last about a year. However, the New Republic fleet followed closely behind Connery’s fleet. 50 out of the 250 ships available to the NR are to be used as military transports,100 are to be used for living quarters and the final 50 are dedicated to food and water production. Grow beds for vegetables and grain, fabricators for artificial dairy and meat. And although human technology hasn't come that far along, the New Republic implemented technology gained through the TR-NC alliance into the fleet. For example, every ship in the fleet has VTOL Tech, and resist shield tech from the NC incase of emergency. Smaller reinforced transports will act as escape pods, fully equipped with New Republic rations, weapons, and life support systems. Teleporter technology taken from Auraxis will provide instant and safe transport between ships. The Flagship of the fleet, nicknamed “Avenger”, will be the head of the expedition as where Sunstrider, along the rest of the Terran Murder Squad will reside. The Earthbound forces, lead by one Governor General Jackson “Riptide” Mills fleet is rather simple. Since most of the Earthbound fleet is military, most of their ships are army class, alongside some basic transport and defence ships. The flagship of the Earthbound forces is the “NH-E Jackdaw”. Where Riptide and his Ghostclaw division will follow closely behind the New Republic. The Earthbound fleet is rather outdated compared to the NR forces, but they have considered adopting some of the NR technology. Mainly just the Escape Transports, and the grow beds/fabricators. September 31st, 5155 12 years after construction started, and the fleet is about a third done. Still, 84 years remain until the Wormhole reopens. And the excitement behind the expedition has started to die down. The civilian populace has started to pay less and less attraction to the growing fleet , and some are even irritated. The constant sounds from the Spaceport, just barely big enough to hold such a large fleet mind you, has started to become an annoyance to the day-day routine of the civilians. Thugs have also used this to their advantage, nicking scrap parts and equipment to sell, or use themselves. Because of this, New Haven police and the New Republic have set up security around the Spaceport. Yet, the thugs have just increased in numbers over the past year. Soon, reports of dangerous crimes have developed all over the city. Gangs have been using whatever gear they could steal from the fleet construction to rise, even thrive. Earthbound Military has taken this into their own hands, sending troops into these gang ridden zones. These sudden, unwarranted searches sparked a string of violence. The Gangs took over the north side of the city, and one in particular, the Junkies, were the biggest threat. Other smaller gangs competed for the territory, but the Junkies had the most, and better stolen technology. Mainly the old, Gauss Based weapons from the New Conglomerate back in the day. Neighboring cities, like Zurvan and Keldor were getting suspicious of the crime rate, Keldor even closing trade and travel borders. However, Earthbound forces proceeded to give chance to the thugs, abandoning the construction of the fleet. Of course, this left the New Republic to see the construction though, and not without a grain of salt. December 10th, 5155 - Judgement is at Hand Ever since the Earthbound forced all but left the fleet behind to start a war with the thugs, more and more of the public were tensing up, some were even feeling symthic to the thugs… this began the almost rebel uprising of “The Hands of Judgement”, consisting of the old Junkies and newcomers from all over the city. The new Republic stayed mostly out of the conflit, only protecting the spaceport. But Commander Sunstrider knew playing neutral won't last forever, and at some point, people are gonna turn the focus on them. The only problem…. The NR had no idea what to do. General Riptide soon started to blame the NR for their apparent disregard of the impending war for the city. Sunstrider then made a bold move, in criticizing the Earthbound forces for acting so rash and hot headed, trying to shift the focus back on the slowly progressing fleet. Riptide responded in a almost offended way… Riptide: “You dare accuse us of rash behaviour?! My forces are the only people who seem to give a rat’s ass about this city!” Sunstrider: “I beg your pardon, Governor General. Starting a war in the middle of such a expassive project should not be in anyone’s best interest.” Riptide: “Ugh… typical… you're just as bad as the thugs… you're so called Heros are letting this city rot! Who’s to say they aren't planning to spread across the rest of the city??” Sunstrider: “I do not simithise with the hands of Judgement, but I also don’t approve of your aggressive approach. The New Republic is working to better humanity's presence, not destroy it.” Riptide: “You militaristic oppressive pig! My people would never reason with terrorist thugs! Listen you… you're either with us or against us in this city!” At that point, Sunstrider figured the Governor General must of gone mad… making such rash claims. Before any attempt of negotiating could take place, Riptide drew his weapon… and a loud alarm blared throughout the space port. With the words “Now, slot the bastards!” echoing thought he PA system.