Romverse Entry: Pokemorphs In the Romverse, there is a particular group of Anthros who stand apart from the rest. The Pokemorphs. Notable for their often unusual appearance compared to normal Anthro species (as even the more common “Normal” Pokemorph types look slightly different from regular animals), being all oviparous, and most especially for the fact that every Pokemorph is capable of developing super-abilities of one form or another. Even in ages prior to the superbeing population boom of the gold and silver ages, Pokemorphs were known to exist in varied numbers, often mistaken for, or assumed to be the origin of, various myths, legends and folklore. Throughout history, the most powerful Pokemorphs were mistaken for gods, while the weakest of them were often hunted as witches, or persecuted as freaks. In the current age, Pokemorphs are now recognized as a parallel race of supers, and generally accepted as such, though they are still often subject to prejudice in many circles. Pokemorph power levels range from Alpha (such as Rattatas) all the way to Omega (Arceus himself). The origins of the Pokemorphs is highly debated. Among their own number, they believe they were all created by Arceus, believed to be their creator god, as well as one of the creators of the universe itself. Arceus himself could not be reached for comment. Other theories involve alien intervention, a widely divergent Anthro species that underwent radical mutations, and meddling cosmic entities. The Pokemorph species is scattered worldwide, with a large majority of them surviving in isolated enclaves far from Anthro society, or in hidden communities surviving under Anthrokind's collective noses. But in recent years, the growth of the Pokemorph community has led to more attempts for their people to open up to the outside world and seek to integrate themselves into larger Anthro society, with so far mixed results. One community of Pokemorphs seeking integration with the outside world, the Kingdom of Kanto (once hidden within the Rockies) has sent their two royal heirs, Princess Myu Royale and her adopted brother Arc, to Claremont Academy, to gain more experience with the outside world. This has unfortunately put the Academy, and Freedom City in particular, in the sights of a Pokemorph supremacy group, Team Rocket, and its current leader; an altered clone of Princess Myu, named MyuTwo.