Romverse Origins of Life: an Anthropology Video A Screen flickers to life, showing a desk in front of a black board. Behind the desk, a Mature, grey-haired Rabbit male with classes checks some papers, adjusting his glasses as he looks at the camera. “Ah, hello. Today, in this video, we'll be going into the basics on the evolution of Anthro-kind, and our relationship with the rest of the animal kingdom.” The Rabbit gets up and spins the blackboard around, showing pre-made chalk drawings showing a hominid skeleton alongside skeletons of a primitive anthro felinoid. “Now, as you may already know, the earliest fossil records discovered by anthropologists of sapient beings have revealed that our earliest ancestors all descended from proto-simian mammals, before an event now known as 'the great mutation', where it is believed external environmental stresses triggered dormant metagenetic traits hidden within the hominid genome.” He points to the proto-felinoid with a laser pointer. “These led to mutations within new generations of hominids, who developped physical traits based on the wildlife within their environments. The rabbit turns the board again, and this time the formerly blank side now shows a map of the world, with migration lines on it. “As the hominids and their mutant brethren spread across the Earth's surface, they came into contact with new animal species, and acquired further mutations. “ The camera follows the pointer to another board, one showing a rendition of a hominid hunting a deer with a spear, alongside an early wolf anthro hunting with a knife and his teeth. Another picture shows another hominid picking berries, while a stag anthro is eating the leaves alongside the berries. “While both anthros and hominids could use intelligence and tool-creation for survival and influencing their environments, the anthros also had their atavistic traits giving them more options for survival, either in advantages for hunting, or for greater foraging options. As both subspecies were still genetically compatible, it didn't take long for the mutants to outpace their cousins, and slowly absorb the last few hominids into their numbers. It is now believed Anthro Simians are the last people most closely resembling our earliest hominid ancestors.” The scene cuts to show the rabbit in front of another chalkboard, this one showing two Earths. “But we've also discovered that there are many alternate Earths where the Great Mutation never occured, or simply occured differently then on ours.“ The rabbit pulls up a of picture showing a statue of liberty shaped like a human woman rather then a female cow, followed by a picture of a crowd of humans. “Interestingly, in most of the ones we've found, Anthros are a rarety, and Hominids make up the sole sapient species. ...You'd assume this would prevent inter-species violence, but it seems that hominid-on-hominid violence is plentiful on its own despite the lack of great physical differences.” We shall pause the video here, as I intend to rework some old illustrations for the next part.