Sonic GeneX - The Series: Zodiac in Time Mini Episode - What I did During Wartime Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and Sonic Team. You knew that, right? GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author. "So, you're wondering where I've been... What I was doing during that war with Eggman?" Violet the echidna had caught up with her sister, Rainbow. They were relaxing at the Neon Tavern, where Violet could talk about things. "Well, sis... I was in a bad place last year. I'd broken up with Copter...who would probably be at your wedding. At least, I would have figured when you announced it. If I was gonna show up, too, I needed to work some things out for myself..." she explained. Rainbow sipped some soda out of a bottle, listening intently. "So... when Eggman took over... I was vacationing in Soleanna. That vacation turned into me running a safe house for anyone who needed to hide from Eggman's forces... And who should turn up but one of my old bosses from Despair, Mitch the weasal..." she murmured. "Just start the flashback already!" said Gator, sitting on Violet's other side with a milkshake. "Uhhh... Ooookaaay..." Violet said, waving her hands around, "Commence flashback..." she said, rolling her eyes. As if a flashback would just happen. What is this, TV? Well, this is writing. Let's go into flashback mode anyway. "My foot hurts! I need ice! And a pillow!" Mitch, or Infin as he preferred to be called, was a lousy guest. He claimed to be injured, and was quite demanding as a patient. "...Here ya go." Violet said grouchily, pouring ice into a pillowcase and tossing it at him. "Very funny! If you hadn't deserted us, traitor, maybe Eggman wouldn't have destroyed the Covenant of Despair!" Infin griped, lighting a cigarette. "I highly doubt one of me would make much difference. And put that out! Wanna burn down the safest building in Soleanna!?" she snapped. Suddenly, explosions were heard outside, and the lights went out, leaving the room pitch black. "Eggman's found us! Every one-footed weasal for hisself!!" Mitch cried, stumbling out of his bed and knocking things over as he tried to flee. Violet grabbed him and covered his mouth. "Shush! It's just a random bombing!" she whispered. The room fell silent for a moment until the explosions stopped and Violet released Mitch. "I thought you couldn't walk." she smirked. Mitch sat down and held his foot. "Ohhh, the pain!" he wailed. "That's your robo-foot. It may be dark but I can see that." she muttered. Mitch pouted. "Fine. Whaddya want? I lost my gun, my contacts are back in Troblusk City. I got nothin' here." he grumbled. Violet crossed her arms. "You can run that ice to someone who needs it before it melts, for starters." she insisted. "I don't take orders from..." Mitch quited when he heard the sound of dark energy coming from Violet's direction. "Okay, fine, fine! I'll play doc for a while! Yer worse than Fera!" he complained, grabbing the ice-filled pillowcase. "And put out that cigarette! Yeesh!" Violet groaned. Violet sighed as she told her stories to Rainbow. "I guess I realized after a while... if I can handle Mitch and random bombings and running a safe house... How bad could seeing Copter at the wedding be?" she chuckled. "I spent the war in a big closet!" Gator remarked. "I was locked in a tower!" Rainbow giggled, imitating Gator's silly tone. "I was being serious, sis..." Violet sighed. Rainbow shrugged. "Well, you don't have to worry, Viola... Two's probably not gonna be there. Not since he went all evil..." she said sadly. Violet patted her sister on the shoulder. "I'm sure he'll come back to his senses soon enough... But if he thinks I'll take him back at that point, he's sadly mistaken!" she chuckled. Gator shrugged. "He can always rejoin my pirate crew!" he murmured. "Who even invited you to sit with us?" Violet grumbled. "No one! ... Aaaand now I think I'll sit with Vector. Hey! Croc boy!!" Gator said, leaving the sisters alone. Rainbow smiled at her sister as she sipped her soda. "Well... Wanda's missing too, so... wanna be my maid of honor, Vy?" she asked. Violet smiled and hugged her sister. "Glad to, Rainy... Now let's get out of this depressing bar and find something fun to do!" she smiled. "Hey! My bar's not depressing!" Bill protested. The sisters shrugged and went on their way, giggling together. Everything might not be perfect, but at least they had each other again! End!