Mice is Nice By Misterebony For Phrooglevore, as part of a trade If there is one thing every ten year old dreams of, it is the day when they finally are able to grow up. All of us remember those days. When we werelittle we wanted to be a doctor or a lawyer or whatever. Fursons are like that to. Just because they have fur does not mean they cannot have dreams like we do. A wolf boy cub may want to be a great hunter. Or a Gopher kit may want to be a architect. Or a kitten may want to work with kids. Ok, that last one may need some explaining. Oh sure, it is easy to say for the other ones that they are animals, so they are just filling the roles that comenaturally to them. Well that may be. But consider the way life is on other dimensions. Do you not think it may be different there? Well it is. In other dimensions humans are like the pets and animals are like... well... humans, to put it simply. I'm not just making a point. I am merely explaining why a ten year old girl named Candi Cat, who you will read about, would ever want to work with kids. If you knew Candi like I know her, you would know her intentions were not to harm kids in any way, but to show she WAS responsible. This is the story of her first attempt at being a responsible furson. Come and sit, and I will tell you. **************** It all began one sunny summer day when it seemed like everything was running in perfect harmony. It was early that morning, and Candi Cat was out getting a big ice cream cone. Not a typical breakfast perhaps but for the mousegirl it was her typical diet. Now this day... Hm? You are wondering what Candi looks like? Well she is a cat of course, a black and white one. Her fur on her back, arms, legs, and most of her face is black, but her tummy, cheeks, and neck were white as fresh fallen snow. Also white was a pair of pretty white gloves, which hid her power. Now others can tell of her power, for it does nto come into play in this tale. What does come into play, as you can guess, is her appetite. She was a rounded feline, or as some called her pleasantly plump. She was soft and lovable and had thick fur, all of which qualities that made her a desired kitten to hug and cuddle.The feline also wore cute white and black sneakers, and had deep blue eyes and a big red tounge, which licked at the ice cream. Overall she was a very cute kitty cat. Now like I was saying, on this day she was just walking around town. It was a great day for a walk, and she was eager to enjoy it. But she was not out long before her cell phone rang. She Eeped as she dropped her ice cream, answering her phone. "Hello?" She said. "Is this Candi Cat?" A pretty voice said on the other end. "I saw your number on the bulletin board at the market, and I wondered if you were really a babysitter." Candi giggled. She remembered putting up the poster a day before. despite being only ten years old, she was eager to prove herself as a viable and hard working furson. Besides., she just loved kids so much! "Sure am! You have a job for me?" The woman smiled. "Well I sure do! I got seven little cuties I need to watch, and I am all out of options. Can you come by about noon?" Candi giggled. "Sure can!" She said, getting the address and then hanging up. She cheered and whooped as she started off, eager to start the job. ************ Around noon, Candi arrived at the house in question, a large ranch style home. She giggled and figeted as she stood in front of the door, ringing the bell and smiling. But her smiling, eager face changed to one of suprise as she saw who it was that hired her. The woman, named Michelle, was not a feline. Nor was she a human even. No what she was was a big white mouse! Michelle was dressed in a red housedress, but her big round ears, cute nose, long tail, and big smile proved she was a mouse woman. Candi stared at her in shock, but she just smiled, her blonde hair partially over her one ear. "Oh good! Your right on time. They are watching a movie in the living room, so why don't we head in there and meet them?" She took Candi's hand and pulled her ion, the feline girl wondering what she had gotten into. She prayed that at least the mice would not look tasty. She was not to have her prayer answered. The first mouse kid to turn was a plump and cute five year old who had big green eyes, and had a big smile at seeing Candi. She waved back nervously, now very glad she ate before she came. Next to her was a pretty spotted mouse, a little younger than the first one, engrossed in the movie. By that one was two twin white mice with red eyes, albinos in other words. They were also brother and sister, and stuck together like glue. A cute mouse of six was by them, playing a little handheld game, one Candi actually liked. Last was a boy mouse of four, snoozing on the arm of the couch. "I will be gone all night." The mother said. "Everything in the house is yours to eat, and be sure to play some games with them. But no violent video games. Bedtime is ten since it is a saturday and summer vacation." He shook Candi's hand again. "Thank you so much for doing this. I hope they are good!" Candi gulped as the mother left, handing her some emergency numbers. She padded over to the couch, the kids making room. One of the little twins, sat on her lap, the others, moving to where they could all cuddle her plump form. She smiled a little and sighed, watching the movie, surrounded and pet by seven cute little mouse kids. She had a feeling she would like this job. When the movie was finally over, one of the mice spoke up to her. "That was a good movie, wasn't it?" Candi nodded. "Yeah, I like the cartoon movies best of all. Any of you wanna watch another?" They all cheered as Candi got up to select one. They all agreed on a nifty little action cartoon, and snuggled in to watch it with her. One by one they drifted to sleep around her, Even the oldest. Candi smiled and snuggled them. She had a feeling this would be a very easy job. She was wrong. ******************* By the time all the kids woke from their little nap, it was getting close to suppertime, but no one was hungry. Instead, some of the kids went to get some toys to play with, while candi sat on the floor with three of them and played a board game. It was a simple chase game, loke sorry or parchessi, and the kids loved it. Candi rolled the dice and moved her peice, getting close to the goal. "I think I am winning." Candi said. But on the next roll one of the boys landed on her peice, sending her back to start. "Or maybe not." They giggled some as the game went on. Candi smioed happily at how wellher job was going. Ut all of that was to end suddenly and in the most jnusual way. The cause was the same girl mouse from the very start, the first to speak to her. She had cpme to watch Candi play and was smiling. At last, the girl from before spoke up. "I like you Miss Candi. Cats are cute and cuddly." Candi giggled. "Well thank you! I think mice are nice!" She said, leaving out the rest of it. But even thinking it made her belly growl. She swallowed some as she knew that was not good. Her belly was crying for food, and that might put these kids in danger. See, some things do not change in other dimensions. While it is true that furs can all be friends, most dimensions follow the normal food chain. In other words, mice are food for cats. So you can see why Candi was more than a little worried. If she ate these kids, she could get in seirous trouble. Or worse, she wouldn't get paid!She had to do something about he rumbling stomach fast before she did something rash. "Excuse me a second." She told the kids. She went into the other roomand began to look at the pantries to se what there was for food to eat. The pantry had a decent stock of fruits, vegetables, sweets, and other good things to eat with even more goodies in the fridge for her to get at. Without much thought, she grabbed a hugebatch of the fruits and began to stuff them in to her mouth , eating tuem ith slobbery bits and big gulps. Little did she realize she was being watched, for when she turned around there were all the mice! Before she coud say anything all of them began to giggle and chatter. "Wow! Could you eat it all?" "Look at her go! I could never do that!" "I wanna see her eat more!" "Yeah! Eat more miss Candi!" Candidates blushed and chuckled nervously, and decided to make it a game. " OK kids, I'll eat more, but YOU got to feed me! Everyone grab some food and lets head to the dining room!" The kids giggled wildly. One of them, the oldest, spoke. "We can pretend you are like a big tribe leader and we are offering You a sacrifice!" The mouse kids began to dance and make funny sounds at That thought, Candi unable to keep from laughing as she found a seat. The mouse kids put a papaer crown on her head, and set some silly little toys all around her. With that done, they gathered up the food and carried it in, acting like a wild bunch in the presense of one of those big statues. Candi instantly thought they were pygmies, laughing. Then began the feeding. Thelittle gamer mouse was first, bringing her a watermelon. Candi giggled when she saw it was only a little one, not like This huge ones over at the market. She opened wide and took it easily in one big swallow. Then the twins brought her a chocolate cake, which they fed her messily. Little sleeper brought a gallon of milk. Then came caramel apples, potato chips, celery sticks, even bananas and several coconuts! More and more vanished into the big felines hungry maw, and it was clear she could always take more. The kids, meanwhile, were having a blast! They loved their babysitter, and how big and soft she was getting, making her so hugable. They could not help but snuggle her again and again, engrossed with the softness and wanting to make her bigger and fatter and even more soft. But then... the mice began to lookw orried at one another. Candi blinked some. By now her belly and limbs were extremely huge, like a sumo. But her body was not happy. It wanted more, growling for it.In fact, it seemed to Candi that the belly was growling more so now than when she started! She looked at the kids, now gathered in front of her. "Is there more to eat?" Candi asked, kind of out of her character, but the girl was too hungry to really care for the moment. But the little ones were shaking nervously. "T.......t......t..t...there isn't really anything left." They said, hugging candi. Candi blinked in shock at the realization that she had eaten all of the food up! Worse, she now had to use the restroom, losing some of her fullness. Which meant... Oh no. Candi ran to the bathroom, and as she sat there feeding her poo to the porcelain God, she began to imagine the kids as all kinds of foodstuffs. Mouse sandwiches, mouse pie, giggly mouse stew, all and more popped into her head. She tried to fight it, but it was a losing battle. As she flushed, she gave a defeated sigh, washing her hands. "OK tummy. You win." She said. She knew she would get in trouble, but her tummy convinced her it would he worth it. She walked back out and looked the kids over. This would he a meal to remember! "OK kiddos, time for another game." She said, leading the kids to the kitchen again. The kids followed with a smile. "What are we playing?" Asked the sleepy one. Candi giggled. "We are going to play Kitty kat kitchen!" She said, donning a chefs hat. "Now you all know I am a cat, so what do cats eat?" The kids, probably thinking it no more than a simple game, giggled. "They eat mice!" The twins said. "Correct!" Candi said with a smack of her lips. "So you all have to help me make a mouse meal. You will all b my assistants!" The kids cheered and began to get out giant pots and pans, various sauces and spices, and a rather telling cookbook. When Candi saw it, she giggled. On the cover was a picture of a cute kitten and a plump, laughing mouse on a plate. It was called "mouseling recipes: how to make your mouselings and the cats They feed happy" Candihad forgotten she had brought this with her! She just laughed as she looked at the table of contents, glancing up at the kids every now and then to see which ones were best for which recipes. With a giggle, she set to work. First was the napping mouse from before, Who was almost asleep now. He was easy. Candi just took some dough and kneaded it some, then laid it out on a pan. She motioned the mouse kid over, who walked sleepily over, yawning. Candi picked him up and laid him on the dough, and he wriggled in it to get comfortable. Candi giggled. He had no idea she was going to bake him! She layered some cheese over him like blankets, then wrapped him up tight.He set him in the cod oven, not turning it on just yet. Next came the gamer mouse. Candi smiled as she set him in a big roasting pan, coating his form with rich sauce and spicy herbs. She put an apple in his mouth as a garnish, and pants on his hands and feet made of foil, so they would not burn. She then surrounded him with the last of the fruits, mostly apples and pears, the juice from which would marinate him and make a good added flavour. Then came the spotted mouse who would be the last to go in the oven. To Candi he looked just like a cute chocolate chip cookie. So she decided he must become one! She mixed up a large batch of cookie batter, complete with chocolate morsels, to wrap the mouse in. She made that mouse laugh as it was matted on her, in the end looking like a suit of pajamas mad of mud. Candi laid her on the last cookie sheet, this one greased, and put her in. She ecrectly started the oven, the giggly mice inside all enjoying th warmth. With a big hungry gin, she turned to the twins. She plopped them in a big pot, and was about to slice vegetables into it when she saw te last mouse, the giggly girl from before, slicing them in carefully. The two pretended to beg and plead not to be cooked as Candi poured warm water into the pot, adding spices and a little bit of whiskey. (Old family recipe.) With a grin, she turned on the heat. The last mouse looked to hear in realization. "Your going to really eat all of us?" She asked, still smiling. Candi nodded and pat her head. "Your the first one to go." Candi said. The mouse girl giggled and pulled out the last sub loaf, as big as she was. She grabbed the laet two containers in the cupboard, Who h contained creamy peanut butter and gooey grape jelly. Candi began to salviate as the mouse girl opened the jars, first spreading the goop on the bread with her paws, then smearing whag was left all over herself. She giggled and laid down on th bread, Candi tying a napkin around her neck. It was Tim for the main course. The feline sat and, as she nommed the mouse sandwich, stirred the soup every once in awhile. As a result it took some time to chew the little noise all up, but she was a meal to savor. She took her time with the sandwich, chewing and cjomping, getting good and messy as she ate. And by the time she was done, the others were ready as well. Sh carried each dish into the dining room, sitting at the head f the table and admiring the banquet before her. The kids had mostly fallen o sleep from the cozy warmth they were in, though the twins were Still splashing a little. They were first. They eeped as Candi glomped them one at a time, slowly swallowing their soup soaked selves with sheer delight. She mmmmmed as she ate the kids up, swallowing some broth afterward for them to sit in. They went right to sleep, warm and cozy in the plump feline. Next was the BBQ mouse, which Candi carved and ate at.... to start with. But she was so hungry she finally began to swallow it whole as well! The gamer mouse squeaked a little as he woke to this. He was a little scared, but mostly enjoyed it as he became Candi chow. But the meal was far from over. Next came the mouse sausage roll. Candi woke the sleepy little mouse who knew right away she would eat him. He let out an deep, Who h stopped her. But way he said next made her laugh. "You can't eat me unless you got some sauce on me!" He giggled. Candi took his advice and dunked him in what was left of the spaghetti sauce, chewing on him with delight, her belly growling in satisfaction. Finally it was filling up. But it had just enough room for one more mouse. That was the mouse cookie. Candi did not waste time. She did not pick of prices or chew, nor did she even dunk the mouse cookie in milk. She just lifted, opened her mouth as wide as she could, crammed the girl in, and swallowed her up in one massive GULP. And that was it. All the remained of the mice were their clothes, some crumbs, and one Very fat feline. She eeped.as the chair she was on gave way, sending her to the floor. She hit with Such force that sh passed out fom the hit..... ************ By the time the glutton awoke, she could tell it was the next day. The mice had been turned into fat by now, and what was left was ready to come out. Candi farted with each step to the bathroom, finally getting in and letting the remains of her dinner last Night head for the sewer. It struck her Then.... (To read the non reformative ending read on. For the reformitive isinglass skip to BREAKFAST!!!) SADNESS Then it hit her. The mice were really gone. In her hunger she had digested them all away. She cried a little as she sat on the living room floor, callling their mom. When she explained what happened, Candi was relieved she was not upset. "Relax dear." She said. "I didn't have money to pay anyway, and They went happily. I bet they are all cute little angels now airing to snuggle you in heaven." "Thanks miss." She said softly, hanging up. She laid there on the floor and began to fall asleep again, imagining six angels looking her over and giggling. She managed to smile at that. The End BREAKFAST!!! Then it struck her... something else was in the house! She blinked and, on a hunch, headed for the bedroom. When she got there, she began to laugh! There the six mice were, sitting up in bed, waving and cheering as Candi entered. They ran to her and gave a big hug. "That was fun!" "Yeah! Lets do it again!" "We love you Candi! Your the best babysitter in the world!" Candi hugged the mice with a happy cry, laughing. If course! The Mice had to have had those special reformation candies! No wonder the mother said she could eat anything in the house. She KNEW the mouselings might be on the menu! She immediately knew what to do. "OK kiddies!" She said as she snuggled with them. "Lets go make some mouse waffles for breakfast! I'm STARVING!!!" With a laugh the kids followed the ten year old. She sure felt older... and hungrier. But for now she would be.a little childish. After all, what kid doesn't love a nice big stack of waffles? The End (Hope you enjoyed!)