It was a nice, temperate day. I was... about eight years old back when everything happened. I was returning home from a long and tedious day at school, and boy was I glad to come back to my calm home. I got to the house that my mom, sister and I were living in. I opened the door and immediately placing my backpack beside the doorway, relieved to have the weight off my shoulders. "Mom! I'm home!" I call out. Although... No response. The house was empty except for me. I look around the small house, wondering just where in the world my mother, and sister for that matter, had gone to. "She said we'd spend time after school." I recall. "What a day today has been..." There was a slight tone of annoyance in my voice. I decide to play a small tune on the piano while I wait for the two. Fifteen minutes later, I spotted something at the corner of my eye. It was a piece of paper - A note. I pick it up, wondering just how I missed this. It read, "I'm sorry me and your sister couldn't be with you when you came out of school. Something urgent has come up. I urge you to go and stay with Dr. Nekko until we come for you. Love - Mom." Before I could question what was going on, I hear a sudden knocking on the front door. I walk up to the door and look through the peep hole. There was a person covered head to toe in armor. "A royal soldier? What's he doing here?" I thought to myself as I backed away. "Maybe they figured out I've been skipping classes!" My mind thought up. I quickly snuck out through the back door. "Man, skip four days and you get the government on you. Who wouldn't guessed?" I said to myself. "I should get going to the doc's place before something bad happens--" "Stop right there!" "Too late." I muttered as I began running. Yeah, my past young self wasn't the greatest kid ever. "Stop resisting and halt!" The pursuing soldier yelled. "Never!" I yelled back. It didn't take long before the class ended with me in an abandoned brick building. "Sorry kid, but this is the end of the line. Come with me." My chaser tried to persuade me into giving in. But my luck turned - for both better and worse as the sound of wood snapping could be heard beneath my feet. The floor collapsed right under me, leaving me hanging on the edge of the deep hole. "Come on. Take my hand, and I'll help you up. Everything will be fine." The soldier said. But I didn't trust him. I let go of the ledge. Now that I think about it, I don't know what I was thinking... but it led me somewhere interesting.