It was a dark and cold Nightmare Night and all around was the sound of fillies and colts following their parents and getting candy or heading to various parties. Fun and cheer rang through the well lit streets but in one dark area not all was fun or happy. A teen filly sat in a alleyway, shivering and clothed in only rags. The snow that fell around was cold and wet, cloaking the ground in its icey covering. The filly retreated to a abandoned warehouse and crawled inside, making her way to a cardboard box in the corner and struggling to light the single almost melted away candle in front of it for a hint of warmth. She wasted a few of the few matches she had before one finally caught and she could light up the candle, crawling into her box and pulling some old newpapers around herself to try to get a hint of warmth. The light shown on her pale green body, her brown mane and tail limp and tattered as the few clothes that she did have, messy and covered in dirt. Her bones could be seen under her skin as she was starving. She was homeless, having been abandoned by parents who either didnt werent ready for or simply just didnt want a foal. She had lived on the streets for a long time but this fall was colder then most, snow having come early to Equestria. Something moved in the warehouse but she paid it no mind, the rats didnt bother her much anymore. Like her they were just seeking warmth and whatever food they could find. another movement and the faint candlelight flickered, almost going out. She looked up with sunken blue eyes and was somewhat started to see a light purple pony standing nearby, clad in a black cloak that covered almost his whole body except for his head as the hood was pulled back. the stallions mane was indigo with a silver stripe moving through it in a shocking sort of pattern. His horn glowed with a faint purple light and a scythe rested on his shoulder. He turned to look at her and his chartreuse eyes seem to peer into her very soul, making the filly quickly lower her gaze. The stallion moved closer to her and sat down just outside of the light made by the candle. She shivered a little more, pulling her ragged clothes closer and pulling the candle a little closer. the two sat there for some time when the stallion finally spoke in a calm voice "A cold night that chills the bones" the filly shivered a little when he spoke and then lifted up her eyes and swallowed, speaking up in a raspy voice "I have nothing to steal.....unless you are planning to do things to me..." The stallion lifted one eyebrow and shoke his head "no I'm not here to rape you." the scythe glowed with the faint purple of his magic as he leaned it on a old and rusting scaffolding. She watched as he did, feeling only a hint better at the fact she wasnt going to be raped, but still wondering what the strange stallion was going to do to her. A cold gust blew through the warehouse and the candle flickered, jumping some and making the stallions skin seem to turn transparent. the filly stifled a gasp, thinking it must have just been the cold and the hunger affecting her mind. The stallion turned his head, peering into the darkness as the cold moonlight shone into the building through holes in the roof and shattered filthy windows "so what is your name little one?" the filly lowered her head to her hooves and her eyelids fluttered some "I.....I dont really have a name..i was abandoned.....i guess that makes me rubbish..." she looks at the trash around her and nods " just rubbish" The stallion turns to look at the small shivering frame "Sometimes the brightest gems are found amid the dirtiest caves. I am Espirito." the filly nods a bit "its nice to meet you..." She pulled the candle a little closer, trying to get as much warmth from it as possible. Espirito eyed the small candle "that flame will not last the night" the filly weakly shrugs "it will last as long as needed..." she coughed, a hacking wheezing cough and the flame sputtered and died. She let out a soft cry and fumbled with numb hooves to get her matches. she opened the box and saw that only three were left and in her numb fumblings she dropped two of them onto the ground, where they rolled into a small puddle. she managed to get the final match out and strike it with shaking hooves, relighting the candle stub and then looking up only to see that Espirito hadnt moved from where he was sitting. she laid back down in her box, pulling the paper and tattered rags close once more and stared into the flame as it slowly burned down the candle. Espirito watched and then looked at her "if you do not mind, i will call you Peridot." the filly shakes her head "it doesnt matter to me" her eyelids fluttered once more and she shook her head some "as i just trash." Espirito turned to watch the snowflakes dance in the moonlight "how long have you been here Peridot?" the filly blinked a little and coughed some more, turning so as not to make the flame go out "as long as i can remember....but it seems colder this fall" Espirito nods a little "yes it has been oddly cold this time around." Peridot coughs a little more and turns back to her candle, silence falling between the two with only the sound of the snow falling and the candle occasionally hissing as a snowflake fell into the hot wax. After a short silence it seemed like she wanted to say something but didnt know how. Right as she opened her mouth the candleflame flickered a little and then went out as it reached the end of its wick, only the faint remainder glowing red and a whisp of smoke rising to let any know that it had ever been lit in the first place. Peridot gasped at the sudden darkness and that set off another coughing fit. When she recovered a faint purple glow was lighting up the area and she looked up, seeing Espirito's horn glowing softly in the dark and providing the light. She moved deeper into her box and pulled the old rags and papers closer, shivering more now that the one bit of warmth was gone but still happy to have some light "thank you" Espirito nods a little and continues to watch the snow drifting down, some landing on the candle as its red wick faded to black and cold reclaimed what once was warm. Peridot felt herself slowly stop shivering and thought that maybe she was finally starting to warm up some. She looked at Espirito and then out through one of the holes in the roof "it''s pretty out there....with all the stars" Espirito nods a little "it is very pretty. Do you like the stars?" Peridot nods weakly and points a trembling hoof "i have seen them every night of my life from the my own personal night lights...." Her eyes fluttered and she felt tired, "Ive felt like they were my only....friends....." she laid her head down "I'm...pretty tired...will you be here when i wake up?" Espirito looks at her with his soul piercing eyes "yes I will be." Peridot nods a little and felt her body going limp, but before the darkness claimed her she said "you are a nice pony Espirito...thank you for keeping me company...." and then she fell silent, except for a few shuttering breaths but soon even those fell silent as she took her final breath and seemed to sigh. Espirito picked up his scythe and moved over to the still filly, tapping the tip of the balde to her head. As he pulled it away a glowing green orb followed it and swirled around the scythe and his body. It followed him as he walked out of the warehouse, but not through the door, but by simply passing through one of the walls. He made his way to the roof of the old building and the orb followed, taking the shape of a filly and sitting by him "how did we get up here?" Espirito looks over "Have you not figured it out Peridot?" Peridot looks at him and then around, pausing as she saw herself, in the warehouse in her box and a sob choked her "thats...oh no...." Espirito nods a little and looks at the moon "Im sorry. I am here to take you to the other side." Peridot let out a few soft sobs and then felt something on her back. She looked up through tear filled eyes and saw Espirito looking at her with some compassion and his hoof gently rubbed her back. the filly moved and clung to him in a hug, burying her face into his cloak and sobbing "I dont want to be dead though!" Espirito put a hoof around her and held the filly as she sobbed "such a sad life to live alone for all that time only to be taken in your youth. I am sorry Peridot." the filly sobbed for several minutes as the reaper rubbed her back. He lifted her chin with his magic "you know, we do not have to go just yet. would you like to watch the stars for one last time?" Peridot nodded through her watery eyes and wiped her nose on a glowing limb. Espirito turned and looked up at the stars with and Peridot turned her eyes skyward, but as she looked upward ithe stars seemed to be dancing just for her and if she looked close, some looked like ponies, who seemed to be waving and waiting for her to join them. The two sat there for what seemed like hours in the cold night, watching the dancing stars and as the sun began to rise and the stars disappeared Peridot looked at Espirito "Thank you for not letting me be alone in the was nice." Espirito nods a little "you are welcome Peridot." he held out a hoof and she took it with her own, the two vanishing as the suns rays washed over the land. That day workers came to the abandoned warehouse to clean it out for demolition and found the body of the young filly in her box, frozen and clothed in rags and old newpapers, with only the stub of a candle that had burned out nearby. but on her face was a look of peace, of one who had in the very end, found a friend. On her flank, which before had been blank a single peridot gem sitting in the dirt. The filly was buried with that mark on her tombstone and its said that every now and then a single white green flower, known as a soul blossom was placed on her grave by a pony clad in a dark cloak and carrying a scythe.