'Hmm... Shadow should be the easiest to provoke, and probably the most destructive.' You think, dodging a couple rockets that were launched from Metal Knuckles' fists. Off to the side, you see Metal Shadow getting ready to launch another attack and you run over and begin to run circles around him, keeping him from being able to hit you while at the same time taunting him. Keeping an eye on him, you also notice that countless others were closing in. Before long, you hear Metal Shadow getting ready for another attack. You're certain that he can't hit you with his Chaos Spear, so he must be getting ready to use his Chaos Blast attack. The only question now is when and how you should dodge the blast. When and how should you dodge? Cut it close and try to jump over it Cut it close and run through the other metal makeshifts Try to jump over it now. Run through the crowd now.