"No, it's too dangerous! Blaze, you, Cream, and Marine just stay back! I'll handle these wannabes!" You shout, narrowly dodging a blast of fire from a Metal Blaze, only to suffer a hit to the gut from a Metal Knuckles with enough force to send you flying through the still growing crowd of metal makeshifts straight into the wall. "Ugh... Yep. just like Knuckles." You say as you regain your footing. Looking to your left, you see a Metal Shadow launching a chaos spear straight at your head just in time to dodge it. Thankfully, a rather large crowd was behind you when it happened, meaning that the wannabe Shadow had just helped you unintentionally by taking out a large number of his allies. 'Of course! Why didn't I think about it before!? I can just trick them into destroying each other! Now... Who should I take advantage of?' What should you take advantage of? Amy's temper Knuckles's temper Shadow's disregard for others