July 31, 2010 As I invisibly neared France, I suddenly felt a strong...pull. I couldn't describe it any other way, but suddenly I felt like I just needed to go towards the pull, so I pressed on in its direction. The attraction led me to a small village just outside of Paris. It was nearly pulling me along as I entered the village, and as it led me to a small house it was pulling me so hard that I ran into the wall. I shook myself off, and instinctively tried the door. It was open. I turned off my invisibility and walked inside. The house was small, almost one room, with the kitchen connected to the living room. It the center of the silvery carpeted living room was a glass table, with a green leather couch and loveseats surrounding the table. On the couch lay Chette, a purple-furred cat, staring back at me with her green eyes, her tail flicking idly. "So. You've finally arrived," she said. "I've been expecting you." She sat up slowly. "Come, sit next to me. You must have a lot of questions." I sat down. "You're very predictable," she said. "That's my special ability. I can attract or repel people and objects. That's why the media isn't crowding me right now. I sent the paparazzi elsewhere. I discovered the ability after the media began hounding me," she continued, not letting me get a word in. "I just thought of a place they could go and they went. The police are still digging them out of the catacombs." She laughed, loudly, and as I tried to ask another question, she simply kept talking. "As you probably know, my name is Chette. I transformed about four days ago. I discovered my abilities two days ago, and began searching for you yesterday." She paused. "I'm sorry, I've been talking up a storm. What's your story? You have become rather...infamous, after all." I paused for a moment, not expecting to be able to speak in her presence. I looked at her, took a deep breath, and began.