Looking in the mirror, you see the face of the most well known hedgehog throughout the world. Thinking back to before the party, you struggle to remember why it was held in the first place, then it hits you. It was to celebrate the five hundreth time you'd beaten Eggman. Walking out of the room and down the stairs, you start to wonder if he'll ever realize that he can't win. Heading to the front door, you take note of the severe mess that appeared to once have been a kitchen. You also notice a few familiar faces out cold on the floor. Vector, Silver, Knuckles, and even Tails are just a few people that you notice but, of course, Shadow was nowhere to be found. Stepping outside, you're not surprised to find the ruins of Eggman's latest scheme not far from the cabin. After a while, you decide to look around the remains of the huge airship to see if Eggman had finally been killed in the wreckage while you wait for your headache to stop. It's a fairly cloudy day, so you don't get too hot, but it's not cold enough to give you chills either. Only a couple minutes after you've been searching, you see someone running towards you, calling out to you.