Pink and Yellow Fields ================= A tribute to the exoplanets of Gliese 581, a red dwarf star system 20.5 light-years away, with four known planets, including the first known rocky worlds found in a star's habitable zone. By Dennis M. Falk 8 March 2010 ================== I stand in your pink and yellow fields Under a pinkish-blue sky Of your long midday My feet feel heavy For your bigger world And warm red sun I follow your crystalline river Shade under black and brown trees Taste your sweet fruit Far away but nearby First habitable worlds So close! Colours! Red, pink, orange, yellow, brown and black But no green The air I breathe Thick, warm, heavy But not uncomfortable Sounds! Many animals Flying, running, swimming Home Bright, furry creatures Big eyes I stand in your pink and yellow fields And I call your worlds Earth's sisters