Chapter 2: The Starshade Bros. "This is one small start for a plumber," stated Luigi taking his first steps onto Beanbean Kingdom soil. "And one giant step for Luigi!" "Enough fooling around," called Mario, several steps ahead of Luigi. "We've got a long way to go." He unrolled the map and traced his finger on it from the location of the border building to Beanbean Castle. "Looks like we're a bit of a way off from the castle. In order to get there, we have to get from Stardust Field to Hoohoo Mountain. Once we climb down there we'll be in Beanbean Fields and the Castle is located in the center of it. Looks to be no more than a day and a half away if we go straight there." "If those border brothers were any indication," commented Luigi. "It won't be as simple as that." "Well, no sense in worrying about it then," pointed out Mario. "We'll just focus on each obstacle as they come at us." "Didn't Bowser end up somewhere on the other side of the border?" recalled Luigi. "You think he's still somewhere around here?" "Knowing Bowser," commented Mario. "He is never far away and more than likely causing trouble." As they continued on, they came upon a couple of interesting things. The first was a metallic, star-shaped door on the ground. The other, was a large, black double-sided cannon pointed up and a all too familiar reptilian tail and feet sticking out of the top half. There was muffled sounds coming from inside it and the feet flailed about as much as they could, but succeeded in doing nothing. "Looks like we found him." "He looked stuck," replied Luigi. "How are we going to get him out?" "One idea comes to mind," answered Mario jumping at the top of the cannon on the feet and tail, stomping it down with all his might. After a few attempts, he finally managed to force the feet and tail into the cannon and jumped off as the cannon flipped around to the other side. Out popped Bowser's head, the top half of his shell, and his shoulders. "He's still stuck," said Luigi. "All you managed was to get the top half of his body out." "Hey! Mario!!!" called Bowser, sounding glad to see the plumber in red for once. "Great timing! I could use a hand here! I'm kind of... stuck." "Have you thought of cutting back on the McKoopas?" suggested Mario, unable to resist. "Look," grumbled Bowser keeping his temper in check despite Luigi's snickering. "Keep your diet jokes to yourself! They're not funny! Just get me out of here!!!" "Nyeck nyeck nyeck!!!" bellowed a voice. A rotund green reptilian guy with a smooth dark green shell pinkish red hair fluttered over on a pair of tiny wings that barely lifted him off the ground. He had a white bandana around his neck and a red star painted on his tan belly. There was also a tiny star-shaped hairclip attached to the front of his head. With a big gap-toothed smile he continued to laugh angering Bowser enough to grind his teeth. "I thought it was hilarious!" "Nobody asked you," snapped Bowser. "You round, uh, whatever your are!" "Why, could it be that Bowser, the great Koopa King, has fallen into my cannon?!?" he asked in a freely mocking tone. "Nyeck! How amusing!" Growling fiercely, Bowser flailed around in the cannon attempted to break free, but all he managed to do was cause it to wobble slightly. "Wh-who are you that dares speak to me so?" he roared. "Nyeck nyeck nyeeeck!" cackled the taunter. He continued to berate Bowser like a bratty child teasing caged animals in a zoo. "I am Tolstar, the great and famed king of Stardust Fields! I've heard tales of you, but you aren't very impressive in person! Nyeeck nyeck nyeck!" "Well, I haven't heard of you," spat Bowser. "But you're quickly making it up my list of people I hate. Keep it up and you might just bump Mario off of number one!" "Nyeck nyeck! How flattering," he continued to tease. "That's enough!" shouted Mario getting Tolstar's attention. "Yeah!" added Luigi swinging his fists in the air. "Bowser is bad and usually deserves some comeuppance, but he hasn't done anything bad... this time. And we owe him for saving us earlier!" "If this is your cannon, then you have to know how to get him out," stated Mario. "Help us out so we can be on our way." "So, you are Mario and uh, the President of the Mario Fanclub?" asked Tolstar with as much mockery as he had for Bowser. "So you want to help your archenemy out of a confining situation, how noble, but what's in it for me?" he questioned. "If you want me to get him out of there, little people, you must pay in coins!" "Fine," replied Mario opening the suitcase and grabbing the bag of coins he got from Toadsworth. "How much?" Grinning greedily at this all too favorable situation, he gave his answer. "I will set him free... for ALL of your coins!!!" "All of them?!?" cried Luigi. "We have to save the princess. We can't blow our funds just after crossing the border." "That's my terms," laughed Tolstar. "No negotiations, now pay me and I'll even keep this most embarrassing incident a secret!" "Wh-what?!?" cried Bowser growing exhausted from his struggled. He sobbed helplessly in the cannon. "THAT'S NOT FAIR!!! There is no way that Mario would pay you all his coins to help me. Not when Princess Peach is in peril." "You've got a deal!" stated Mario holding up the bag of coins to everyone's astonishment. "Mario?" sniffled Bowser. "You'd do that for me?" "We're allies till Peach is rescued," said Mario. "You showed that when you saved the two of us. Now it is our chance to return the favor." "But what'll we do without coins?" asked Luigi. "We'll will figure something out," answered Mario. "Pardon me?" spoke Tolstar trying to clean the wax from his ears. "I'm not sure I heard you correctly just now! You'll give me all of your coins?" "Yeah!" acknowledged Mario tossing the bag over to the plump fiend. Taking it in hand, the greedy blackmailer examined his newly gained wealth, but after a few seconds his devious expression came back stronger than ever. "Nyeck nyeck nyeeeck!" he laughed giving Mario and Luigi an unsettling feeling. "Why, these are Mushroom Kingdom coins, aren't they?" "So what?" asked Luigi. "We are from the Mushroom Kingdom." "This is the BEANBEAN Kingdom!" he explained. "...I suppose I'll have to calculate their value in the local currency!" Grabbing a calculator from his tiny shell, he began to make the conversion. "Let's see... At today's exchange rate... 100 Mushroom Kingdom coins... are worth 10 Beanbean coins! Well, sorry, but for only 10 coins I can't guarantee this secret won't slip out! Nyeck! Nyeck!" "O-only 10?" cried Luigi. "Why is it so low?" "I assume the Mushroom Kingdom coin isn't very strong when its princess is constantly being kidnapped on a regular basis," commented Mario. "That and the constant costs for repairs caused by said kidnapper." "So, this is my fault?" asked Bowser sadly. "What are we going to do then?" "It means I'll need an additional 100 Beanbean coins!!!" he stated. "Go find them in Stardust Fields and bring them back to me! Then I'll help your Koopa King!" "Looks like we've got our work cut out for us," said Mario. "But just as you said," commented Luigi. "We'll deal with each obstacle that comes our way." "We will," agreed Mario glancing back at Tolstar smirking and laughing with great self-satisfaction. "I just wish said obstacle wasn't this obnoxious. And I doubt we can trust him to keep his word just because we do as he says." "And if he breaks his end of the deal?" asked Luigi. "Then we wipe that smirk off his face," explained Mario. "Good thing they have blocks around here too," commented Mario jumping up at the yellow ? Blocks that were floating in the area just over his head. He punched the bottom of it and coins came out the top of it and landed on the ground around him. Picking them up, Mario took a look at them. They were similar in size and shape to Mushroom Kingdom Coins. The only noticeable difference was that instead of a mushroom on the them, there was a picture of a bean. "That's twenty coins so far." Mario put the coins into the money pouch and then turned to Luigi. "How are you doing?" "Not as good," he admitted looking under a rock. "I don't see any monsters around here. Why would monsters carry coins with them in the first place?" "The same could be said about random floating blocks containing coins," commented Mario. "Best to not question why and just be glad they do." "What kind of creatures are around here anyway?" asked Luigi curiously. "I found this Beastiary in the suitcase," said Mario. "It has information on all the dangerous creatures in the Beanbean Kingdom and how dangerous the area is. Looks like it's a fairly low danger level around here. The only thing here are large winged bugs called Fighter Flies." "I haven't seen anything like that around here," replied Luigi. "Maybe they are afraid of us." "It is possible," stated Mario. "But it doesn't help us out." "Maybe there is something over here," thought Luigi approaching a bush and looking behind it. "Are you sure that's the only thing around here?!?" "That's what the book says," Mario informed him. "Then what about this?" cried Luigi staring into the barrel of a Bill Blaster. As he saw it arm itself with a Bullet Bill he quickly turned to run. It fired the Bullet Bill that quickly closed the gap between it and Luigi. With a well timed jump, Luigi stomped down on it and forced it into the ground. "The book doesn't say anything about those things," replied Mario. "But Bowser's ship was armed with them. I guess some of them must have crashed around here when the Koopa Cruiser exploded." "You think there could be more?" wondered Luigi. "I think there's a very good possibility of that," said Mario as he looked around and saw they were suddenly saw they were surrounded by them. "We better run for it!" "Sounds like a good idea to me," cried Luigi running as the Bill Blasters fired a barrage of Bullet Bills at them. Mario and Luigi jumped to attack and dodge the Bullet Bills, but the Bill Blasters continued to fire more and more out at them. "We'll never get out of here at this rate," shouted Luigi. "We have to try beating the Bill Blasters." Leaping at one, Luigi attacked it with all his might, but it didn't have much effect. He tried again and again, but it yielded the same negligible results. Growing more desperate, Luigi punched and kicked at its base, but that only resulted in sore hands and feet. "Yeow! These things are hard as steel!" "That's why I told you to run," stated Mario grabbing Luigi's arm and leading him away. "Those things have too high defense. We aren't strong enough to fight them." "Then all we can do is run," panted Luigi. "This is going to make things a lot more difficult." "I'm more worried about how they ended up like that," commented Mario. "It was too much of a coincidence that they ended up surrounding us like that. I'm even more worried over the fact that this was the only opening in the attack. It was like we were being lured over to here." "Lured here?" asked Luigi. "By who?" His question was answered as dozens upon dozens of Fighter Flies burst out from beneath the powdery ground. They had on big-toothed grins that as they fluttered at the Mario Bros. "Uh, nevermind. Since we found the Fighter Flies, should we fight them?" "Not when it's this many!" explained Mario. "Choose your fights carefully. It's the only way to survive." "But how are we going to get away?" asked Luigi. "We're surrounded!" "We just need to bait them," continued Mario taking out the coin pouch. "You're going to use the coins?" said Luigi surprised. "But we need them to save Bowser." "We'll just have to start over," admitted Mario tossing the coins in the air. As the Fighter Flies caught sight of them they immediately changed their focus to them and fluttered to them as Mario and Luigi escaped in the confusion. "And I think I see why monsters carry money around with them." "But what are we going to do?" asked Luigi sounding defeated. "We're back to zero coins and we're not strong enough. I guess Mushroom Kingdom coins aren't the only thing that have no value here. So much for being Superstars." "Don't say that," said Mario putting a hand on his brother's shoulder. "We'll find a way to get stronger. Something will come to us." As they continued to walk, they stepped on another star-shaped door on the ground. "I saw one of these nearby where Bowser was. I wonder what they are for?" Tapping a foot on it, the door suddenly began to shake and then begin to slide open. Backing up in surprise, Mario bumped into Luigi who steadied his brother. They watched as the star-shaped door became a star-shaped hole and a Toad with red star-shaped spots emerged with a well-maintained, white mustache and a pair of shades. He was dressed in black pants that had blue suspender straps on them and red wrist bands. As he rose to ground level he continued to rise and reveal he was standing atop another Toad that closely resembled him wearing the same shades and an equally fine mustache. However, his stars were greed and he wore a green, full-body jumpsuit. When he finished emerging out of the hole he was standing on a platform. Mario jumped atop Luigi's head and imitated how the two Toads were stacked. "Why'd you do that?" asked Luigi trying to maintain his balance. "I don't know," admitted Mario. "They were doing it and they were wearing red and green... uh, not the most logical reason I know." "I'm more surprised it's actually working," pointed out Luigi. "Sergeant Starshade!" said the Toad in red. "The shooting stars we just witnessed were an alien bombardment! ...Perhaps! In the name of the Starshade Bros., we will find the alien scum! They will rue the day!" "Shooting stars?" asked Luigi. "Is he talking about when the Koopa Cruiser exploded?" "Probably," replied Mario as Sergeant Starshade pulled out a telescoped and gazed into it and started directly at Luigi. "What are they doing now?" "General Starshade!" the green Toad announced. "Sir! I have confirmed the presence of a suspicious, unknown entity! It is a vivid green color that pierces the eye!" "Getting a close up of my awesome greeness, I suppose," blushed Luigi. General Starshade then took out a telescope and looked out at Mario. "Hmm! Yes!" he exclaimed excitedly. "Sighting confirmed! However, I see not green, but red!" "Do you think they even realize we're a few feet in front of them?" asked Mario. "Urgent!" added the red Toad. "Pursue additional visual contact immediately!" "Doesn't look that way," answered Luigi. The two military Toads put away their telescopes and looked ahead at Mario and Luigi. "We still don't know if they are friends or enemies," whispered Mario. "Let's try and confuse them with the old mirror bit." "Heheh," chuckled Luigi. "Never thought I'd get to do that." Spotting Mario and Luigi, the Starshade Bros. moved to get a closer look and Mario and Luigi imitated their movements. Confused, the Starshade Bros. attempted to act faster, but Mario and Luigi reacted almost instantaneously no matter how random they gestured. "Something strange is going on," pondered General Starshade. "I'll have to do something I know can't be copied." Holding his hand out as Sergeant Starshade held onto his feet he began to spin around in midair. As Mario attempted to imitate it, he spun in the air, but Luigi he slipped out of Luigi's grip and spun into the Starshade Bros. "Oh, sorry, Mario!" apologized Luigi. "I didn't know anything like that was possible." "I didn't either," replied Mario. "But it was rather impressive." "Oh! Incredible!" exclaimed General Starshade excitedly. "It is none other than Mario from the Mushroom Kingdom!" "Luigi sighting confirmed!" added Sergeant Starshade just as excited. "Sergeant Starshade!" ordered General Starshade. "Change of mission objective! Obtain autographs, STAT!" Ready with paper and pencil, the Starshade Bros. hurried over to the Mario Bros. who signed their names down. "So, you two are fans of ours?" asked Mario. "Of course!" answered General Starshade. "Who isn't a fan of the legendary Superstars of the Mushroom Kingdom?" "We even dress in red and green as a tribute to you two," Sergeant Starshade commented as he admired Luigi's green ink signature. "So, what are you two doing all the way out here? Surely you two are on another adventure." Mario and Luigi recounted all the events leading up to now and the Starshade Bros. hung onto every word. "Hmm... I see..." replied General Starshade when they finished and gave them a salute. "Incredible! To think... Princess Peach's lovely voice in the hands of some vile enemy!" He turned to his friend and green and continued. "Her voice must be recovered, no matter what it takes! Priority one, Sergeant Starshade! We must provide as much field support as we can!" "Very well!" agreed Sergeant Starshade. "We Starshade Bros. will teach you the secrets of Bros. Action!" "Bros. Action?" asked Mario. "What's that?" "It is techniques that can only be utilized by a duo of individuals who are able to perfectly be in sync with one another to be as close as brothers hence the name is this powerful ability," explained General Starshade. "There is no doubt in my mind that you two will be able to do it." "Master Mario! Master Luigi!" announced Sergeant Starshade. "Special Bros. Action training shall commence immediately! Are you ready to begin?" "We needed to get stronger," Mario told Luigi. "Learning Bros. Action might be just what we need." "I'm all for it," agreed Luigi. "Uh, provided it all doesn't involve you standing on my head." "I think we're ready then," answered Mario to the Starshade Bros. "Then we shall begin right away!" General Starshade stated. "We will demonstrate the moves first and then you two will copy it. First up, we will use show you how to perform a High Jump to reach high ledges." He pointed to a tall ledge nearby. "We'll use that ledge over there to practice on." "That's huge!" commented Luigi. "It must be at least ten meters tall." "Seems impossible, but watch us," replied Sergeant Starshade as he leapt onto of his brother's head and caused General Starshade to scrunch down like spring before quickly sproinging back up with surprising force. The Starshade Bros. leapt up surprisingly high and General Starshade landed safely on the ledge with Sergeant Starshade hopping off in front of him. "Wow, they did it!" exclaimed Luigi. "They made it all the way to the top!" "By using this Bros. Action you can accomplish feats that are normally impossible to do on one's own," explained General Starshade. "Now it's time to let you two give it a try." "Ready, Mario?" asked Luigi standing behind him. "Ready as I'll ever be," replied Mario. Luigi jumped atop Mario and just as with the Starshade Bros. Mario scrunched down before springing back up. He leapt high in the air and lifted up Luigi with him. They reached the ledge that the Starshade Bros. had and Luigi hopped off Mario's head. "Excellent work, men!" congratulated Sergeant Starshade with a salute. "You've picked up the High Jump quite easily." "Jumping is our specialty," bragged Luigi. "So what's next?" "Next is the Spin Jump," explained General Starshade. "For this one, Mario will Jump on Luigi. After that, Mario will spin his body and keep his arms half out like helicopter blades. Luigi must hold on to spin as well and control the direction you will move in. We'll demonstrate like before." General Starshade jumped onto Sergeant Starshade and held his arms out. General Starshade began to spin and Sergeant Starshade held on and twirled around too. They then hovered forward from the ledge they were at over a vast gap towards another ledge. "With this jump," explained Sergeant Starshade. "You can cross long distances just as if you were walking on the ground. Now you two give it a try." Mario jumped onto Luigi and just as they had been instructed they spun and hovered over the ground. Luigi then directed them towards the other ledge, their flight a bit shakier than the one the Starshade Bros. took, but they arrived there just the same. "Excellent!" saluted General Starshade. "You seem to have an understanding of the Bros. Actions. Now for a little practice." He pointed to the highest point in Stardust Valley. Mario and Luigi peered up there and noticed a flag was placed up there. "To reach that point, you must work together using both High Jumps and Spin Jumps. Reach the flag and you will have officially mastered the moves." "It's a long way up," said Mario tracing a path towards the top. "But nothing we can't handle." "I'm ready to go when you are," Luigi said confidently. "I was a bit sloppy with the Spin Bros. and I want to get it perfect." "That's the spirit!" praised Sergeant Starshade. "Always strive to improve." "Let's get started, Luigi," commented Mario. "We've still got to get the coins to rescue Bowser. He must be getting cramped being wedged in that cannon for so long." "Then go with haste," said General Starshade. "We will see you at the top." "Won't you have to go up the same way as us?" Luigi pointed out. "Not when we have our tunnels," explained Sergeant Starshade as General Starshade jumped on his head and they returned to the star-shaped door. They began to descend and the door sealed shut once they were once more underground. Mario and Luigi exchanged glances then returned their focus to their task at hand. "Now where do we get started?" asked Luigi looking all all the possible areas they could begin at. "I think it'd be best to start from over there," pointed Mario. "We'll High Jump to that ledge and then Spin Jump all the way to there for starters. For now, let's get started and we'll work out how we continue from there." Nodding, Luigi followed Mario's lead and they began their trial to reach the flag. "O' Great Cackletta," announced Fawful as he descended down from Hoohoo Mountain. "I have done my deed of evilness." "Excellent," she replied with a cackle. "The Beanbean Castle Soldiers have already arrived in search of Prince Peasley." "Attention!" called one of the soldiers to all the gathered villagers. All the soldiers were dressed in white fabric covering a chainmail. They had on maskless helmets and a sword at their side. In one of their gloved hands they held a shield with a big grinned smile design on it. "We have come here in search of Prince Peasley. We know he made his way over to Hoohoo Mountain. Now who knows where he is right now?" The green, bean-shaped people turned to one another and mumbled in discussion. They then looked back at the soldiers with "I don't know" expressions on their faces. "Maybe we should try a different approach to this," suggested another soldier. "Uh, raise your hand if you saw the prince today?" After a brief pause, several villagers raised their hands. "Ok, we're getting somewhere now. Now, raise your hand if you saw him last?" Everyone dropped their hands. "Hmm, it was worth a shot." "Perhaps we aren't asking them the right questions," said a third soldier. "Ahem, I'm thinking of a number between one and ten. What is the number?" "Five," answered one of the villagers. "Three," spoke another. "Uh, seven?" asked a third. "It was seven," he answered. "Alright you! Spill the beans! How did you know that was the number I was thinking of?" "It was just a guess," he answered nervously. "Hmm," he replied with skepticism in his voice. "You check out for now, but don't leave town." "Looks like we have no choice but to search the area for suspicious characters," commented one of the soldiers. "Let's start from the west side of the village. I remember there were a couple of odd-looking hammer-headed guys. I think we should start with them." "Agree!" said one of the soldiers. "Let's get going right away!" "Those fools are at a complete loss without the prince to guide them," cackled Cackletta watching them continue their search. "They run around like a bunch of turkeys that put their shoes on backwards," chortled Fawful. "Shall we away, now, to Beanbean Castle while their shirts are being burned by the iron that is hot?" "I shall go on ahead first," she told him. "I want you to keep an eye on things over here for a while longer. Delay anyone from coming into Beanbean Field." "Do you mean these soldiers of incompetence?" asked Fawful. "They couldn't find the nose on at the end of their faces if they had a nose to find." "It is not them and their noses that I am concerned about," explained Cackletta. "Those two Superstars that you fought against. If they are still in pursuit of us, they could prove problematic. We need merely delay them until our goals are achieved." "As you wish, O' Great Cackletta," he replied. "Excellent!" she cackled and lifted off in her rocket chair and flew straight towards Beanbean Castle. "We've made it," panted Mario as he placed a hand on the flagpole. "It was a long way up," breathed Luigi exhausted from all the effort it took. He laid on his back trying to rest. Out another star-shaped door the Starshade Bros. emerged once again. "Congratulations you two!" announced General Starshade. "I'd say you two are possibly even more proficient at these Bros. Actions than we are now." "You two truly are worthy of being Superstars," added Sergeant Starshade. "We salute you both and wish you luck on your travels. You can go back down now." "Thanks," replied Mario. "Uh, can we use your tunnels this time?" "Unfortunately, these tunnels are for authorized personnel only," answered General Starshade. "We cannot allow civilians to use them, Superstars though you may be." "Then we've got to climb all the way back down?" groaned Luigi not wanting to get up. "We knew this wasn't going to be an easy adventure," pointed out Mario as he began to climb back down. "I know," sighed Luigi rolling over to get to his feet and then began to climb down after Mario. "I just hope we don't have to deal with anymore mountains anytime soon." The Starshade Bros. watched as Mario and Luigi make their way down. "Uh, is it just me or did we forget to tell them something important?" asked Sergeant Starshade. "Oh, fungus!" cried General Starshade. "We did! Should we call them to come back up here?" "Um, maybe it would be better if we met them somewhere else to tell them," suggested Sergeant Starshade seeing them nearly halfway down their descent already.