Imagine life in Shenmue 2... Have you ever wondered what life would be like if you were stuck, living in the virtual world of Shenmue 2? I don't mean the story of Ryo I mean more like Neo stuck in the Matrix. The whole world around you is fake but you're real and living in it! Can you just imagine though, stuck doing the same boring routines over and over, day in day out, until you go crazy! Working at the temple airing books every morning, having an 11pm curfew, every single person around you is a mindless robot, doing their daily routine without even questioning why? Your all the while sick of life and trying to get out! It must get really lonely and frustrating, feeling like your alone, trapped inside this virtual world, like your the last living man on earth and everyone else is just mindless dust in the wind... You begin to wonder, whats the point in following the rules? What can I accomplish by this, you want to outburst your aggression to see if you can spark a change in the system of rules, you begin to test out this theory, you finally decide to doing things you know you shouldn't, rebelling against the system you grab a spray can and start spraying graffiti on the walls, no one does anything... You start walking around Wan Chai in your underwear, hoping to grab peoples attention, no one says anything, no one so much as bats an eyelid your way... You start swearing and being rude to people, hoping to cause a fuss, they simply react in a controlled manner as if they have nothing but a scripted dialogue in their brain and a limited vocabulary to function with. Knowing that no matter what you do has no effect on the world around you, you start to lose sight of right and wrong in the world and lose your touch on reality, you fear you may be gradually turning insane but in a world where you can get away with practically any rule possible, from urinating on a mans jeans in public to shoplifting out in the open without a care of authority, yet nobody will even acknowledge your existence, trying to understand a reason why your sanity is so important is a difficult task. Out of loneliness and yearning to connect, you start to develop a love interest for that hot guy that hangs out at the canteen in fortunes pier. All he does is sit there all day constantly eating the same bowl of ramen, surrounded by all the strangers he doesn't know, yet spends his every waking day with. He just eats and eats 24/7, he never leaves his seat, he never gets fatter or slimmer, he probably doesn't even know what he's eating or why he does it? Yet somehow you feel a connection with this guy, like he's the only person in this fake world who possibly could understand your woes. Even though you know full well he's just a program like everyone else, you just have to wonder, what really separates me from them? You wanna take him away from all of this, you wanna show him the world and dream of breaking him free from his own blind reality. You grab his hand, you try and drag him out of the canteen, you go out the door... He's gone, vanished out of your arms like a ghost. He was never programmed to leave the cafe!... Alas you sigh, your love with this sentient program was never meant to be... You decide you've had enough of this world, you walk up to harbour edge, you think of ending it all... You try to jump!... But you can't! The water... is just a texture...!