- The Legacy Of Blackland - Introduction - Chapter 0 - Prologue, Fall of Bervera - Characters - - Extra info : An introduction to new series to come. - Location : X ****** Prologue ****** ????? : Before i became to be, there was this place called Bervera. From what i was told, this place was filled with the light that gave Bervera its peace. Hosea Olomar, The grand elder of the gods, was going into his resting place in the Hall of Aureola located in Horen, But 2 months after he rested in the Hall of Aureola, a strange figure appeared in Bervera. The gods seen this figure as it Approached the capital of Bervera, they was not sure to consider this figure a possible threat considering all the gods was present. When they let him in, with him brought the darkest of all mist that followed him into the capital of Bervera courrupting all living things that he passed turning them all into demons. Bervera was in an uproar. The gods struggled as they tried to push this figure out the walls of the Bervera stronghold. Nearly 2,300 people was lost in Bervera including 8 of the gods themselves perished, trying to stop the darkness that was taking over Bervera. The last remaining gods decided a seal Technique, that was to seal the darkness and everything with it into the plantet its self, but in return, everyone left on the planet will perish, The gods were getting desprate despite the current conditions. As said, they carried out the order to seal the darkness within the Bervera stronghold, taking all of the planets life and everything that lives within it. Even sealing him away, the planet its self became to evil and hellish for the remaining gods to withstand, so they fled Bervera. Till this day, Hosea knows nothing of this terrible tragedy, but why did they not wake him ? Why was people forced to die cause of their mistake ? And most of all why leave the planet itself to die when it could have been saved. In due time, the gods did cast Bervera aside, re-naming it Blackland the land of the fallen, Where demons roam and the sky is filled with endless darkness and shadows. As time went by, i did not belive such things could happened, but from what i seen, im starting to belive it. If that seal shall ever open up on the worlds, all as we may see it may or will be lost. My mother told me this story all the time when i was young, it was a legend that all nations spoke over the past 100 years, now from what i have seen, all nations fear that very thought. They called this story, Fall of Bervera. I hope you remember my words well, cause when the time comes, you shall pick up your sword and fight with me to save all that was lost, or die trying. Are you with me ? ************************