Samuel, had just woken up to his roommate watching some "Animaniacs" on the telly. Randy, Samuel's roommate had the telly turned up pretty loud. It was, loud enough to make Samuel's morning starting out dreadful. He always, hated "Animaniacs" and hated when Randy would watch them, but he hated "Rita and Runt" the most. Samuel, stood in front of Randy looking down at him angrily asking him while yelling, "Randy' you are, waisting your time watching this garbage!" Randy replied with a smile on his face, "You know, you remind me so much of Rita. That's it we're Rita and Runt. You're Rita and I'm Runt." Samuel just, stormed off yelling out, "Don't ever compare me to a stupid cat Randy! You're such, a child for watching that crap!" Randy, wish that Samuel could just get over the fact that Randy liked watching "Animaniacs" and his favorite characters are Rita and Runt. Samuel, just grabbed his black leather jacket off the coat rack that was by the door and said he needed some fresh air. As Samuel, was walking down the street when he bumped into a strange looking old lady that. Samuel, got back up and offer to help her back up. When she, got a good look at Samuel's face after grabbing his hand to get back up. She could, tell that he was ticked off about something. She looked at him with a smile and said, "You don't look too happy my young friend. Tell me, the problem." Samuel let out a sigh replying, "Well, my stupid roommate watches this show called "Animaniacs" and I think it's just so childish for him to be watching such things." Once more, the old lady replied to Samuel telling him that maybe he could just accepted Randy for what he liked. Sadly, Samuel didn't like that answer and called the old lady "crazy" for supporting Randy's strange addiction to a childish show. She laid, a curse on Samuel promising him that he would soon learn his lesson. As Samuel, stormed off home he began feeling rather strange as he began picking up some feline behaviors like the cat from "Animaniacs" Rita. Samuel, spotted a man selling a cart of fresh salmon and tuna fish. Quickly, he ran over to the cart, handed the man all of his hard earned cash, and got a pile of fresh fish. Quickly, Samuel began eating the fish raw some people look at him with disgust on their faces. As he, began eating the fish Samuel could feel a tickle in his throat. Finally, he found out that he was purring like a cat. Quickly, Samuel rushed home where the changes would get much worst. As he, got into his front yard. Samuel, fell hard to the ground as a sharp pain shot down his spine to his tailbone. His tailbone, began pushing out a cat tail. Samuel turned around and screamed, "Ah! I have a c-c-cat tail. Wait maybe, this tail is a fake." when have he yanked it he let out a feline cry of pain. Samuel, quickly covered his mouth when he heard the feline cry coming from his mouth. When, he removed his hands he opened his mouth once and his voice was beginning to sound more feminine like. Randy, could hear the cries of Samuel quickly he rushed to see that Samuel he grown cat whiskers and asked, "Samuel, are you feeling okay?" Samuel replied, "Does it look like I'm okay? Ah, I sound like the filthy feline from that cartoon you love to watch." Randy, pointed out that Samuel could be turning into Rita, but Samuel just told Randy that he was full of himself, but his teeth each began turning into cat like teeth. Suddenly, Samuel had the biggest craving for wet cat food and haddock. Quickly, Randy went to the store to buy wet cat food and haddock. As he, left Samuel rushed over to their fridge to look for some milk, but he could feel his tongue becoming rough like a cat's tongue. Once more, Samuel screamed out, "Why am I turning into a stupid cat? That old lady must of put a curse on me and I'm turning into that cat Rita! I think that is her name?" Suddenly, his new retractable claws tore through his finger nails and his fingers and hands began turning into paws. Soon, as his feet began turning into paws his legs began taking on a double-kneed shape. Now, he was unable to stand on his two feet, but now on he was only able to stand on all fours like the animal he was turning into. Then, his ear grew to the top of his head as they grew "pointy" and his nose became pink like and turned into a cat's nose. Finally, his body began growing gray fur all over, but his chest, paws, cheeks, his belly, and the tip of his tail was covered with white fur. He hopped, onto the kitchen counter and walked over to the mirror. When, he was now he was certain that the old lady turned him into Rita, but he notice he still had some human parts left. Soon, his penis and balls began sucking back into him leaving him with nothing, but vagina. Now, it was official his gender and species both were changed to a female and a cat. Screaming once more before his mind began to change, "I can't believe I'm that female cat from that cartoon. Ah, why am I having these strong headaches." The headaches, was her mind starting to change. The first, memory to be gone was her hatred she had towards the feline family and she was now attracted to male cats. As Samuel, was fighting to stay control soon she began to remember that she was a cat named Rita. Finally, Samuel no longer existed, but she was now Rita. Soon, Randy opened the door and had seen Rita was on the counter. When, he spotted Rita he screamed with excitement that Rita was in his home, but he wonder where Runt could be. He looked, at Rita and asked, Where's, Runt at?" Quickly, the old lady's magic turned Randy into Runt. Runt ran over to Rita giving her a big lick on her cheek. She replied to Runt's licking, "Enough, with the licking Runt! Now, how about you and I go find a good meal?" Runt just shocked his head and followed Rita as she head outside after jumping off the counter. The old lady, looked at the two and was pretty proud of herself. She transported, the two to the world that they were from and where never heard from again.